
You would be hard pressed to find a group of people who are more entitled and self impressed than these idiots. Tell me again how smart you are. You can leave out the part about being recognized by an award confirming your genius that you got in 2008...perhaps your genius does not extend to the ability to read a calendar. The pinnacle of your career was 13 years ago! Maybe Shrek will make you feel better!! #loser

“ Sneaky Pete” lost all credibility with the entire sales force a couple years ago, when he stated emphatically that everyone would be rolled into one sales force. If he can stand in front of everyone and tell a bold faced lie to the sales force, why would they feel any loyalty to him? His off- label sales message and listening to his so- called management team who sleeps with her managers and hiring a bunch of Johnson “ has beens” that want to talk about how they did it in their day, is a good indicator to run Forrest run. Heck, even Little Tommy” got the hell out. Such a unethical company. If you want to call it that...

Heading back down towards three!! Certainly makes you wonder about those idiots at Cantor Fitzgerald who insist on rating this cluster*uck a “buy” and insist it’s heading towards $30 dollars a share.....yeah, SURE it is!

Live meeting are an unnecessary risk. Only pharma company I have heard of doing them is Optinose. So irresponsible! Awful leadership. Why do this especially if they are going to do a reorg.

Live meeting are an unnecessary risk. Only pharma company I have heard of doing them is Optinose. So irresponsible! Awful leadership. Why do this especially if they are going to do a reorg.

Because they can’t help themselves. They cannot accept the reality that healthcare sales is dying at warp speed now. So they scramble and try to justify and make it make sense to fit into the old way while ignoring the fact that the old way wasn't working for many years prior to the pandemic. I’m gonna go have a nice steak with some nice people and be nice together. I’m going to role play presumptive treatment and smile behind my mask and pretend it’s all good.