
Since home office doesn’t get it:

Evaluating Risk Levels

  • Events with the lowest-risk are virtual-only gatherings.
  • Those with a moderate risk include smaller, outdoor and in-person gatherings in which individuals remain six feet apart, wear face masks, do not share objects and come from the same local area.
  • Medium-sized in-person gatherings where guests stay six feet apart and come from outside the local area pose a higher risk.
  • Events with the highest risk are large in-person meetings where attendees travel from outside the local area and it is hard to maintain social distancing.

Stop being a coward and get back to work.
We can't grow the product with your fake phone and video office calls.
Do your job or become a realtor!
Have a nice day,

That’s kinda the point Pete. Going to a useless meeting isn’t exactly getting back to work. It’s a waste of time and money and just plain unnecessary. No amount of role play is gonna fix the core issue. If you don’t know what that issue is, well dang!

Most of you reps already gave BS stories that you were "essential healthcare workers" and have gotten the vaccine. I think its time to get back to work, if we don't double sales you are all done.

Most of you reps already gave BS stories that you were "essential healthcare workers" and have gotten the vaccine. I think its time to get back to work, if we don't double sales you are all done.

No doubt due to the very “helpful” essential worker letter sent to sales reps for use. Are home office ride alongs essential? Is a national POA essential, especially considering portions are being done virtually (in our hotel)? If part is virtual then the entire meeting should be. Actually, national POAs should die! Put the cost savings to improving managed care access.

Ride alongs and meetings both serve to get chilled and bored home office people to nearby vacation spots. That’s about it.

And yes, it’s time to sell this shitshow.

Young man,
If any company would offer us even $5 per share we would have already sold. Sadly (and don't tell our investors) no one in their right mind would do so.
Go sell,

QUOTE="anonymous, post: 6534309"]No doubt due to the very “helpful” essential worker letter sent to sales reps for use. Are home office ride alongs essential? Is a national POA essential, especially considering portions are being done virtually (in our hotel)? If part is virtual then the entire meeting should be. Actually, national POAs should die! Put the cost savings to improving managed care access.

Ride alongs and meetings both serve to get chilled and bored home office people to nearby vacation spots. That’s about it.

And yes, it’s time to sell this shitshow.[/QUOTE]

They can't sell it for even five dollars a share, but there are more than a few idiots walking around claiming that it is headed to $30 a share in the very near future... sure, and Covid is a hoax, too!