
The only thing “high” at Optinose are the people who hired that lot of idiots. Couldn’t figure out why they were no longer with J&J, huh? Trust me when I tell you, they weren’t sad to see Dracula and friends leave!! The Nose is an absolute cluster****!!!!

I believe “creep” is the operative word. Tari is as tari does. Since the stock price was supposed to be at $30 last year, I wouldn’t get too excited about the blip. Call me when quarterly earnings are released....

August can’t come soon enough..how many ways could there possibly be to spin “Optinose is nothing but a money pit that employs overpaid narcissists with a ridiculous sense of entitlement”...Sneaky Pete really missed his calling, he should have been an author of fiction books

Opti keeps and promotes bad managers/bosses/national sales director/vp sales who treat employees/people poorly. Promoting and keeping someone who lacks people skills, integrity, leadership skills, empathy and EQ is a recipe for disaster.

Look around the office at everyone who currently has a VP title. I just assumed that “lacking in integrity” was a qualification to be hired for those jobs. Someone needs to tell the “coding wizard” it’s time to move on...but since he might not understand it in English, you should probably use sign language...just saying