
“Sneaky Pete” has earned the respect of nobody in the sales force, because his word meant nothing. His market cap is will soon not be able to cover the “ penny stock” this company will be worth with it hitting $3.00 share. At least “ Little Tommy” got out and now you can reap what you sow. Your entire upper management is a joke and your SME tell customers when they puff on the device ( really, I thought it was the magic of the breath, that was the propellant). I do feel bad for medical team ( including Harry) if he is still there, but this company was a joke from inception.

Stock Below 3.5...better get some coronavirus med in that puffer. BTW...if CV starts its bodily path in the sinus cavity, is it wise to rev the virus up with a dose of steroids? Asking for a friend...

This can all be easily solved. Just get the input from the St Louis manager, he came from Vanda and was selling an anti-psychotic before coming here... Cant make this sh*t up. Kelly is as dumb as they get too.

Dumb yes, but hey, according to one "looks good in boots and a short skirt"... which I suppose in come occupations is a benefit...but that one involves a pole, not a puffer...

This can all be easily solved. Just get the input from the St Louis manager, he came from Vanda and was selling an anti-psychotic before coming here... Cant make this sh*t up. Kelly is as dumb as they get too.
Yeah, but she thinks she is by challenging upper management in front of everyone and then goes back to typing away on her laptop during meetings. So unprofessional, rude and the boots are so “ Hooker” like.

They all think they are lots of things...fantastic CEO, coding wizards, visionary leaders..but they reside in the land of make believe, and none of that is reality. What is reality is the profitability of Optinose, the stock price, and the future of this ridiculous company. Perhaps they can all drag their oversized egos back to J &J..not that they would have them!!

Lol....try this..1. Shitty, 2. No, and 3. There’s not enough money in all of Pharma to work here, so the salary range is completely irrelevant

That about sums it up. A better question is, why in the world would you want to work at Optinose?!!

The polyps product is going just swimmingly. You will have your answer regarding if this is a position or company pursuing in about two weeks. Welcome to the fairy tales of sneaky Pete and how he will spin this quarters earnings or lack thereof

Just don’t see how in today’s environment a generic steroid in an expensive delivery device is justified over generic nasonex, Flonase, Rhinocort, etc... is the day that much superior or equivalent?