
I think Kelly is very motivating and passionate. Shes smart and savvy and wants to help the sales team because she believes in this product. So what if she’s wearing boots? Boots are in style and she looks great in them. This is not big Pharma, it’s different, and people are allowed to be themselves, with a wider tolerance of personalities, dress, etc. This is one of the great things about this company.

I’ve had lots of mgrs ask me if I’m still employed when I interviewed... things sometimes change from when the resume was first written, plus they see hundreds of resumes. I have no problem with that.
It’s up to me to make myself stand out.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion. Not surprised to know that the Nose expects less from people than the average employer. Certainly explains a lot. She looks great in boots and short skirts? Good for her, but a professional employer is not the place to be dressing like your just got off a pole. Justify away, you are in the right place. They are full of excuses with not much in the way of facts to back it all up. SMH...

For as long as said investors believe that just fifty or sixty or seventy million more will be enough to bring this cash sucking machine to profitability. I have long thought that this outlook is eerily similar to that of a compulsive gambler. Unfortunately, most don't know when to fold em, and keep pumping in cash long after it ceases to be an intelligent decision. Sadly, most don't want to call it, and admit that those smart people early on who were shaking their heads about this company were correct. Instead, keep listening to the likes of those idiots at Cantor Fitzgerald who have been espousing a stock price of near $30... to which I would ask, how is that working out for you? Oh, you need another check? This company is going to go down in flames once the cash flow stops. That will happen when people get smart, and given the likelihood of that happening, this make take awhile... but when it happens, it's going to go down quickly.

K.B. Is arrogant and argues with executive management in meetings, in a thinly veiled attempt to try to show her intelligence, but only shows that she doesn’t know what she doesn’t know. Wanted to be NDD, but brings “ no- value” to table. She is too busy sleeping with one of her managers.
The entire sleazy upper management team lead by” Sneaky Pete” himself, skirts the edges of selling off- label. Had managers tell their reps, I do not want to hear the word “ nasal polyps” on a call ( even though that is indication). Talk about symptoms (!which are consistent with sinusitis and the study that was done on it. Even though no indication, sales team were passing out sealed copies of study to HCP, but don’t talk about it ( wink- wink).
The most unethical company I have had the pleasure of quitting in a very short time. Sneaky Pete made numerous promises that EVERYONE was being rolled into parent company from Inventiv and said it at several meetings. The very next week, he allowed his henchmen to displace many colleagues that had higher market share than many others. They spew a good story, but wouldn’t know the explanation of ethical, if someone hit them smack in the middle of their forehead with a Webster dictionary.!Even “ little Tommy ( COO) got the hell out. I hope the FDA investigates them and asks HCP’s if they were being given a sales presentation based upon symptoms for Chronic Rinosinusitus, ( which they are not indicated) or nasal polyps (which is where the real market share is at). A bunch of J & J rejects.!Karna is a bitch and it will eventually night them in the butt, trying to peddle generic Flonase in a deice that blows ( literally).

K.B. Is arrogant and argues with executive management in meetings, in a thinly veiled attempt to try to show her intelligence, but only shows that she doesn’t know what she doesn’t know. Wanted to be NDD, but brings “ no- value” to table. She is too busy sleeping with one of her managers.
The entire sleazy upper management team lead by” Sneaky Pete” himself, skirts the edges of selling off- label. Had managers tell their reps, I do not want to hear the word “ nasal polyps” on a call ( even though that is indication). Talk about symptoms (!which are consistent with sinusitis and the study that was done on it. Even though no indication, sales team were passing out sealed copies of study to HCP, but don’t talk about it ( wink- wink).
The most unethical company I have had the pleasure of quitting in a very short time. Sneaky Pete made numerous promises that EVERYONE was being rolled into parent company from Inventiv and said it at several meetings. The very next week, he allowed his henchmen to displace many colleagues that had higher market share than many others. They spew a good story, but wouldn’t know the explanation of ethical, if someone hit them smack in the middle of their forehead with a Webster dictionary.!Even “ little Tommy ( COO) got the hell out. I hope the FDA investigates them and asks HCP’s if they were being given a sales presentation based upon symptoms for Chronic Rinosinusitus, ( which they are not indicated) or nasal polyps (which is where the real market share is at). A bunch of J & J rejects.!Karna is a bitch and it will eventually night them in the butt, trying to peddle generic Flonase in a deice that blows ( literally).

Doesnt the FDA appreciate anonymous tips? I think theres a hotline for that.

I was recently thinking of applying to an opening at this company until I saw this thread. Too many details to be just the usual CP bellyaching.

Go big or go home, I always says. Next benchmark the under $5.00 level... Hang tight, that's coming too. But wait, if you just give us another thirty or forty million, I'm sure we can wash away some of that red ink. Wow I bet the executive team at J & J is really jealous of all their past their prime rejects lighting it up at the Nose!!