Liar Liar, pants on fire. it is not the fact that Peter, Little Tommy, Lying Fab & "Know-it All" Kelly all lied, but it is the fact they did it in concert and for past six months.(think that is called a conspiracy in the criminal arena) Peter, you don't have to worry about those who were lied too and let go, your problem is that you have no credibility with those retained. You have zero credibility. Remember that fearless conversation., you coined early on? Your April 1st meeting will go something like this;
"We had some hard decisions to make as a company and we know those let go were your colleagues, friends and we too will miss them, however we had to do what was best for Optinose if we were going to stay viable as a company. We will remember all the hard work they did and build upon that. We have to move forward now and look at the future to secure our company and your future is sustainable." It will be some type of a B.S. line like that, or similar. That would all be fine and good except for one little detail. Peter said time and time again, when asked on teleconferences, scavenger hunt at Museum at home office, his apology tour by Tom Gibs at "Fast Start " meetings across the Country, etc.., (the specialty pharmacy debacle is on me). where he said that the specialty pharmacy (Foundation Care) was something they were trying to rectify. Peter even said at our meeting in February that he met with CEO of Foundation Care Specialty Pharmacy and there were approximately 17k scripts that were still waiting to be adjudicated. What would that do to individual territory market shares and IC payout? Bottom line is CEO lied to entire Sales Force (everyone would be rolled-into Optinose April 1st). No conditions or caveats mentioned. Then the bombshell that some folks would have to re-interview for their jobs. RBL's said it was objective criteria, but they didn't know what that was and went as far as saying they had no input (recommendation).
It was entirely up to sales department and as any attorney will tell you, "It doesn't pass the smell test." Couple that with David's past history of skirting the limits of compliance (who ever heard of circulating a study for a product that does not have the indication and Ad Board recalling the main message of Nasal Polyps. They pushed the agenda of talking about symptoms and not indication. Maybe that is because that is what the FDA approved this medication for, not the symptoms. I see not only fraud suits (look up definition) and failure to hire based upon promise that was relied upon by sales force (to stop everyone from jumping ship) for retention, professional & personal decisions, it will not look very good for Optinose when they have depos from present and past employees that will testify to that fact. Add in the scrupulous sales messaging (notice old Julia CVA that says she may have nasal polyps) Think the ICD 10 code doesn't have any definition for "may.' in it. The call with Steve, they did a pretty good job of trying to keep everyone in the dark, but don't they realize that these folks all have at least a B>A., some a MBA and others some legal background. After they see the lawsuit with the numerous plaintiffs' and the fact Optinose will have no credibility with the Court, they will have done more harm to their company and the undercurrent of all those left behind that are not going to wait for the other shoe to drop.Your RBL's are a completely different story and a book could be written about a good majority of them. They are very good at drinking the koolaide, but didn't bring one iota of value in the field. Never followed-up on anything they promised and were so self-promoting it was sickening.Their passive-aggressive attitude would never be tolerated by top notch companies and missing meetings the next morning at POA's because they were still drunk in bed, says a lot about the nepotism that is extended to your "so-called" management team. They (not all of them) are good managers and mean well, but do not have the ability to make a decision without stepping out of the car and calling someone, that nobody has any respect for. My personal belief is that the Medical Team is the only segment that has some somnolence of integrity and professionalism within this group. I wish them all the best.
Ask yourself, "If the company was so good, why did your top Rep's leave, within a week after riding with the CEO in the Field?" Answer= no credibility.I am sure Syneos will be happy to have this contract sunset. Good luck to all those left behind, time to start getting your resume circulated and I believe that you will see lawsuits (hopefully class-action for failure to hire) and others for a variety of legal causes that will keep their legal counsel issuing opinions on a weekly basis. When she sees who she is up against, it will be "We should probably settle this with confidentiality and non-disclosure because we can't afford the "roll of dice" and it becoming public knowledge. That is "Ovaltine" code for, I don't want to go up against these firms and if we did, I don't think we would prevail." By the way, being paid through March has nothing to do with Optinose and everything with Syneos. They will distance themselves from Optinose ike the plague. My RBL had the audacity to say Optinose would pay a severance through March. Has nothing to do with Optinose, that is when our K ends with Syneos. Hasn't a clue what she is talking about. Any severance would be past April 1st (30 days, etc..) paid by Optinose for "failure to hire as promised." If you are ok with that, then sign and go on your merry way. If you, like many others plan on taking legal action, then DO NOT sign any type of severance offered by Optinose, because there will be language embedded in the text, that you give up your legal recourse by signing. I wish everyone the best and hope this information helps. You can call your local Bar Referral Service for an attorney that specializes in the Federal Statute of "Department of Fair Employment and Housing (includes hostile, retaliation, etc..) in your area. There s no fee for initial consultation and most firms take a case on a contingent basis (33%) and only get paid if they prevail in your case. If it goes to trial, their fee goes up (somewhere near 40% to offset their costs, (e.g. depo's flying witnesses' out to where case was filed, expert witnesses, etc). You only pay this if they win. Most companies do not want this as public record and will usually settle before it gets to this point. They don't want publicity and Pete certainly does not want the exposure it would give his company. By the way, they have to travel to where your attorney files the case, or whatever henchmen they send in their stead.will have to travel. Nothing out of your pocket. They can be hit with punitive punishment for such outrageous behavior by employer) damages awarded by court. Also, look up "The Bright Light Rule." Integrity is everything in any business and this Company (Syneos excluded) has none.Let's see how well they can defend themselves in the legal arena. Gonna be hard to un-ring a bell, "If you like your insurance , you can keep it," "Everyone is being rolled in, without exception" I think with the utter disdain that the general public has towards the Pharmaceutical Industry, this company is going to be on the defensive no matter what they try to use as justification., because they have none.I hope you listen to your legal counsel and get your checkbook out for this one...