Opportunity with Bayer (Diabetes Care)

Go to your local endo/im doc and ask them this question, they will laugh and dig one out of the very back of the meter closet that expired three years ago because they never use it.

This place has been on a downward spiral for years now and we are just starting to see the effects.

Bayer Diabetes = No Future

ditto. the above poster is spot on!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The previous four posts (#58-#61) sound like they are from bitter and hacked off former employees who were laid off last year. Sorry for your loss, but please graciously go away....

There is an area mgr that has let her ego and rank go to her head. Tyrant military mentality who is trying to create robots who jump through hoops because that is how she works.. Didn't she go to diversity training 101? Might be time for a refresh or this company going to continue to lose good reps..

Anyone seriosly considering coming to Bayer Diabetes needs to pick up the phone and call someone here and ask them one simple question that tells it all....."How many people have left Bayer in 2011?"....the answer- A LOT. You figure the rest out....

Anyone seriosly considering coming to Bayer Diabetes needs to pick up the phone and call someone here and ask them one simple question that tells it all....."How many people have left Bayer in 2011?"....the answer- A LOT. You figure the rest out....

there have been a lot of great people that left this past year, i think it is just the amount of uncertainty in the air and the fact that we are in a stagnent last place. but the worst are the small bonuses, used to be so much better 3 yrs ago.

Lmfaooo these comments are so funny but they seem true ...I say that because everytime I call in with a certain problem no one seems to know what to do then they say they will send the issue up with management n 3 wks later I get a call back frm a rep who still seems lost ........ Quick question guys why is that everytime I call in I get the same agents it feels like they only got about 10 ppl working at that place n then certain days I think calls get outsourced to other countries

Lmfaooo these comments are so funny but they seem true ...I say that because everytime I call in with a certain problem no one seems to know what to do then they say they will send the issue up with management n 3 wks later I get a call back frm a rep who still seems lost ........ Quick question guys why is that everytime I call in I get the same agents it feels like they only got about 10 ppl working at that place n then certain days I think calls get outsourced to other countries

I can see hoe one could say that

It is truly a sad story with what has happened to BDC in the past 5 years. Just ask anyone whom has been here that long. Lots of bad changes and we are and still are stuck further in the last spot in the market.