One Ms really?

This was handled so poorly. No rhyme or reason to the cuts. Tenure didn’t save people. Presidents club didn’t save people. I know fantastic reps that got let go and crappy ones who got placed. If i get a GLINT survey asking me about how i feel i will snap. Yes I’m grateful i have a job but Novartis is a shell of the company it used to be. Culture is gone. This is a shit show of a reorg and the next two years will be brutal until someone says gee that didn’t work and we reorg again. Fucking hamster wheel Groundhog Day ……and Amber if you are reading…please spare us your “whoop whoop” nobody is in the mood.

This was handled so poorly. No rhyme or reason to the cuts. Tenure didn’t save people. Presidents club didn’t save people. I know fantastic reps that got let go and crappy ones who got placed. If i get a GLINT survey asking me about how i feel i will snap. Yes I’m grateful i have a job but Novartis is a shell of the company it used to be. Culture is gone. This is a shit show of a reorg and the next two years will be brutal until someone says gee that didn’t work and we reorg again. Fucking hamster wheel Groundhog Day ……and Amber if you are reading…please spare us your “whoop whoop” nobody is in the mood.

Amber is so annoying with that. The 80's are over for god sake. The territories are strange cut outs and the loss of president club winners was perplexing. This will be a total failure like coke zero,The Newton,Ford Pinto and Lifesaver Soda all in one. Sit back and enjoy this bumpy ride.

It’s very sad that we let go of some good reps and abl’s and the new maps in some instances don’t make sense than when we started. Some computer just spit out this model it seems?