One Last Message to Pharm Rep Republicans.

I am not the original post. You're 28 and ready to be a DM huh? You don't sound so bright. Quite frankly, your verbage actually makes you sound quite stupid. And when you get laid off you will probably be on the same soap box as the poor schlep that made the original posting.

Say what you want, i worked hard to get to where i am. I did not complain about my loans, or make excuses. I GOT IT DONE.
Something that you have not done!!!!! make fun of my verbiage but I could be your manager or hiring manager!( not really , you do not qualify to be one of my reps and from your posts you will never amount to anything)
In fact , you are probably the guy who parks my company car when i arrive to a restarunt to listen to one of my reps programs!
You are a bitter person making excuses for your failures. Like another post said, look in the mirror and stop coming to this site and attacking people who work

Honestly, the DM ego has to go! Who wants to win for someone like you? Domyou really believe you "get it done" and work hard at a level "YOUR" ahem- whatever, don't? If that's what you believe you will never get the most out of YOUR reps. A lot of us "got it done too", we actually likely carried your ass but aren't lackeys so we are going to just bust our butts in the field to make your lame ass look good.
Take it easy on your power trip Mr Got it Done, you aren't above us because you have a title. Can you possibly look waaaaay back when you were a measly rep and remember how you and your team felt about your DMs? Yep, we feel that way about you fool.

Honestly, the DM ego has to go! Who wants to win for someone like you? Domyou really believe you "get it done" and work hard at a level "YOUR" ahem- whatever, don't? If that's what you believe you will never get the most out of YOUR reps. A lot of us "got it done too", we actually likely carried your ass but aren't lackeys so we are going to just bust our butts in the field to make your lame ass look good.
Take it easy on your power trip Mr Got it Done, you aren't above us because you have a title. Can you possibly look waaaaay back when you were a measly rep and remember how you and your team felt about your DMs? Yep, we feel that way about you fool.

If you are commenting on the above post , you have a problem in reading comprehension!!!! Obviously, you wont get it done because you can barely read!!!!
And the previous post never said anything about the reps, it was responding to the imbecile who hates successful people, ie, Steven jobs, and others

I am not the original post. You're 28 and ready to be a DM huh? You don't sound so bright. Quite frankly, your verbage actually makes you sound quite stupid. And when you get laid off you will probably be on the same soap box as the poor schlep that made the original posting.

hey loser, once again , you can never say anything concrete! ALl you do is throw around puts downs. Regardless, i am more successful than you and this will be my last post because i have to get to the business of working. So long loser! Keep blaming others and not taking responsibilty , you are going go far!!!!!! LOL

I am not the original post. You're 28 and ready to be a DM huh? You don't sound so bright. Quite frankly, your verbage actually makes you sound quite stupid. And when you get laid off you will probably be on the same soap box as the poor schlep that made the original posting.

I saw this post and had to add something regarding layoffs, if you are against corporations dont you know that 28 year olds dont get laid off? Your hoping this 28 year old will get laid off? You are going to wait a long time!

It is the biggest issue this country has, AGE discrimination!! It is not income inequality or other issues. If you are in your 40 or 50s you will be laid off and never hired again.
Yet the president does not care about this!

Hey losers,Bloomberg took away your gerarators? LOL LOL losers! Your stupid comments stopped as soon as NY took away your generators!!HAAAA jerks, thanks for destroying property

I saw this post and had to add something regarding layoffs, if you are against corporations dont you know that 28 year olds dont get laid off? Your hoping this 28 year old will get laid off? You are going to wait a long time!

It is the biggest issue this country has, AGE discrimination!! It is not income inequality or other issues. If you are in your 40 or 50s you will be laid off and never hired again.
Yet the president does not care about this!

The reason age discrimination is so prevelent in pharma is because management is too stupid to even comprehend the value of a 40-50 year old. If they did, they would rely on these old farts to solve most of the problems they face every day.
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