One Last Message to Pharm Rep Republicans.

Yes, I just came back from a fun day of rioting. Thanks for asking. Met a cute hippie chick too. Back to you right wing morons. The average IQ of a Dem is higher than that of a Republican. I wonder why? Is that because you place faith about all including family. Your belief in a man made god shows your judgement to be faith based over evidence based. How old is the earth? Did early man have to hide from the dinosaurs? What if God asked you to kill your kids (Yes I watched mauer this week)? Is all "proof of god" written by men? Answer these questions idiot! There are no good answers to these questions. This blind faith leads to a rigid and inflexible political view. Your beliefs are chiseled in stone and unyielding even in changing times. Just remember we have higher IQs, dummy!

You ran out of arguements to prove your erroneous points? You have no VALID information to back your arguements on the ecomony. So now you start to attack religion? Religion has nothing to do with this. In fact , how do you know i am a repulican? I could be an indepentant who voted for Clinton??
your views are wrong and even Clinton disagreed with the policy being put forth.

You ran out of arguements to prove your erroneous points? You have no VALID information to back your arguements on the ecomony. So now you start to attack religion? Religion has nothing to do with this. In fact , how do you know i am a repulican? I could be an indepentant who voted for Clinton??
your views are wrong and even Clinton disagreed with the policy being put forth.

You stupid moron, nobody has any FACTS about what to do with the economy. That's why it's in the shitter. I'm pointing out how weak the conservative argument is and how trickle down economics only serves to line the pockets of big business and wall street. Where are your FACTS on the conservative side of the argument?

EXACTLY as last poster said, a blurb from the liberal media is NOT evidence. Try your google search the opposite way and see what turns up. Evidence? Damn fool.

Stats on IQ for Dems, Repubs and Indies:
* Lead [-]

Posts: 19242
Thu, 9-Dec-10 5:01 PM
Leave Me Alone
I'm Fishin'
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Anyone who says 'Easy as taking candy from a baby' has obviously never tried it.
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Democrats' IQ

I haven't found anyone writing about this subject and I was reluctant to write about it until I solved a problem.

What people don't write about and discuss is that the average IQ of Democrats is lower than the IQ of Independents, Non-Voters and definitely lower than Republicans. Yes, categorically.

Here is the data on education which is highly correlated with IQ:

* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Not HS Grad* ** ** ** ** College Grad & Post-grad
% of Democrats* ** ** ** *32%* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *15%
% of Independents* ** * 22%* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *18%
% of Republicans* ** ** * 19%* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *23%

Here is the data on people who earn incomes over $75,000 which is also highly correlated to IQ:

* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *Income under $75,000* ** ** over $75,000
% of Democrats* ** ** ** *74%* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 26%
% of Independents* ** ** 72%* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 28%
% of Republicans* ** ** ** 57%* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 43%

Those are the facts.* Many studies have been done on non-voters level of income and education; non-voters match independents exactly.*

To recapitulate: The Republican average IQ is higher than non-voters and independents and all three are higher than the Democratic average IQ.

I was reluctant to publish this data because I couldn't figure out a way to substantiate it by survey research since it is well nigh impossible to test adults for IQ.* I figured out how to do it.

Proposed IQ/political affiliation test: take a fairly stable city (low population turnover) with a representative population, such as Fresno, California. Go back to the Elementary Schools IQ tests of the early 1980s and then track down the students and look at their current party registration.* The whole project could be done without any one person knowing the actual connection of the IQs and the final party affiliation.* One person keeps the key to the school data secret but passes on the names and addresses to the person who leads a team to find the people and determine their party registration. A final person puts the names into categories without identifying the categories and gives the material to the first person to match the original IQ data with the categories without ever revealing the secret name/IQ data.

Such a survey could cost upwards of several hundred thousand dollars, but it can be done and I am sure it will substantiate my claim in this blog that Republicans are the political cohort that has the highest average IQ.


Conservatism - from the foregoing we find that this term conveys the following:

A free market and the personal acquisition of property by individuals
Individual freedoms and property rights are representative of attendant moral, religious, political, and civil rights.
In accordance with the Constitution, the federal government is limited to acting in those areas wherein the states themselves do not have that ability, in inter-state matters and in foreign relations.
There is great importance placed on separation of powers, judicial review, and states' rights as opposed to federal power.
Simplified Definition: An ideal "conservative" believes in the importance of the individual person and the family structure; that it is the responsibility for the individuals within each family to do as much as they can for themselves before asking for assistance. When assistance is needed the route taken is community, city, county, state and federal, in that order, with the federal government the avenue of last resort. A conservative believes in the least government possible.

Liberalism – from the foregoing we find that this term conveys the following:

Government should correct economic deficiencies caused by an unregulated free market economy
Government should provide social welfare
It is right for government to impose progressive income taxation
Government should impose a minimum wage
The social security system should remain a system where those working support those who are receiving social security payments
Government should only support public education. forcibly paid for by taxpayers even though some object to certain subject matter and the manner in which it is taught .
Stringent government imposed safety and health regulations.
Consumer protection and environmental preservation laws.
Simplified definition: An ideal liberal takes the completely opposite position to an ideal conservative vying for a socialistic form of government working from the top down wherein the freedom of the individual is compromised for the supposed good of the collective group.

The "religious" folks would be happy to leave religion out of a political conversation, however, when you libs lose a political argument you go right to bashing the religion that you believe to be the root of the political disagreement. The Bible verses mentioned above were not an attempt to convert you. On the contrary, they only served to display your ignorance of the religion that you bash without bothering to investigate. And Christians are the narrow-minded ones?
One last thought, you are absolutely correct that everyone has a right to an opinion. What you must realize is there is a difference in having a right to an opinion, and actually being right. Just because it feels right doesn't make it right. Your right to an opinion does not protect you from my right to disagree and to point out the logical fallacies in your argument. Your moral subjectivism will be the downfall of this country.

Not that it differs from any of the other company's threads, but it's embarrassing to Be a part of all this ignorance, ego, and righteousness. NOBODY is "right" on all these matters, there are thousands of aspects to all this. As one poster said, the whole system is screwed up, no real progress can be made under the political system as it stands. Additionally, can we leave religion out of this, PLEASE? You religious folks feel free to be a part of what you believe in, but the rest of us don't give a crap. Your words, bible verses, and condescending posts roll right off of us, please respect how we choose to live our lives, we don't want to be saved, okay?
Everyone has the right to feel how they feel. I am officially informing you that NOTHING you say is going to make someone change their viewpoint. Just like change in any area, it has to come from within.
If you have EVIDENCE and FACTS you want to share that could lead to a change feel free. Otherwise, get over are not a superior being.

The "religious" folks would be happy to leave religion out of a political conversation, however, when you libs lose a political argument you go right to bashing the religion that you believe to be the root of the political disagreement. The Bible verses mentioned above were not an attempt to convert you. On the contrary, they only served to display your ignorance of the religion that you bash without bothering to investigate. And Christians are the narrow-minded ones?
One last thought, you are absolutely correct that everyone has a right to an opinion. What you must realize is there is a difference in having a right to an opinion, and actually being right. Just because it feels right doesn't make it right. Your right to an opinion does not protect you from my right to disagree and to point out the logical fallacies in your argument. Your moral subjectivism will be the downfall of this country.

Actually, I think religion plays a big part in this political argument. Because youre a Christian, I know you're against gay marriage, pro-life, pro prayer in schools. Your candidate is probably Rick Perry but withed Huckabee would run. You probably dont like Romney because he's a Mormon. See? These are all obvious points. Whats not obvious to you is you are taught to respect all authority. Someone had to tell you how be a Christian. Sorry but this is a fact. If you blindly listened to this person on how to be a good Christian then you blindly follow your leaders like when Bush lied aboht WMDs. If you questioned Christianity then you're more evidence driven and more likely a lib.

The "religious" folks would be happy to leave religion out of a political conversation, however, when you libs lose a political argument you go right to bashing the religion that you believe to be the root of the political disagreement. The Bible verses mentioned above were not an attempt to convert you. On the contrary, they only served to display your ignorance of the religion that you bash without bothering to investigate. And Christians are the narrow-minded ones?
One last thought, you are absolutely correct that everyone has a right to an opinion. What you must realize is there is a difference in having a right to an opinion, and actually being right. Just because it feels right doesn't make it right. Your right to an opinion does not protect you from my right to disagree and to point out the logical fallacies in your argument. Your moral subjectivism will be the downfall of this country.

Actually, I think religion plays a big part in this political argument. Because youre a Christian, I know you're against gay marriage, pro-life, pro prayer in schools. Your candidate is probably Rick Perry but withed Huckabee would run. You probably dont like Romney because he's a Mormon. See? These are all obvious points. Whats not obvious to you is you are taught to respect all authority. Someone had to tell you how be a Christian. Sorry but this is a fact. If you blindly listened to this person on how to be a good Christian then you blindly follow your leaders like when Bush lied aboht WMDs. If you questioned Christianity then you're more evidence driven and more likely a lib.

The "religious" folks would be happy to leave religion out of a political conversation, however, when you libs lose a political argument you go right to bashing the religion that you believe to be the root of the political disagreement. The Bible verses mentioned above were not an attempt to convert you. On the contrary, they only served to display your ignorance of the religion that you bash without bothering to investigate. And Christians are the narrow-minded ones?
One last thought, you are absolutely correct that everyone has a right to an opinion. What you must realize is there is a difference in having a right to an opinion, and actually being right. Just because it feels right doesn't make it right. Your right to an opinion does not protect you from my right to disagree and to point out the logical fallacies in your argument. Your moral subjectivism will be the downfall of this country.

Actually, I think religion plays a big part in this political argument. Because youre a Christian, I know you're against gay marriage, pro-life, pro prayer in schools. Your candidate is probably Rick Perry but withed Huckabee would run. You probably dont like Romney because he's a Mormon. See? These are all obvious points. Whats not obvious to you is you are taught to respect all authority. Someone had to tell you how be a Christian. Sorry but this is a fact. If you blindly listened to this person on how to be a good Christian then you blindly follow your leaders like when Bush lied aboht WMDs. If you questioned Christianity then you're more evidence driven and more likely a lib.

The "religious" folks would be happy to leave religion out of a political conversation, however, when you libs lose a political argument you go right to bashing the religion that you believe to be the root of the political disagreement. The Bible verses mentioned above were not an attempt to convert you. On the contrary, they only served to display your ignorance of the religion that you bash without bothering to investigate. And Christians are the narrow-minded ones?
One last thought, you are absolutely correct that everyone has a right to an opinion. What you must realize is there is a difference in having a right to an opinion, and actually being right. Just because it feels right doesn't make it right. Your right to an opinion does not protect you from my right to disagree and to point out the logical fallacies in your argument. Your moral subjectivism will be the downfall of this country.

Are you not able to see how condescending your post is? You have a heck of an ego buddy.

I am NOT liberal nor did I "bash" any religion or say that Christians were narrow minded. Yes, bible versus annoy me in this context. Is that bashing?

Actually, I think religion plays a big part in this political argument. Because youre a Christian, I know you're against gay marriage, pro-life, pro prayer in schools. Your candidate is probably Rick Perry but withed Huckabee would run. You probably dont like Romney because he's a Mormon. See? These are all obvious points. Whats not obvious to you is you are taught to respect all authority. Someone had to tell you how be a Christian. Sorry but this is a fact. If you blindly listened to this person on how to be a good Christian then you blindly follow your leaders like when Bush lied aboht WMDs. If you questioned Christianity then you're more evidence driven and more likely a lib.

Wow, there are an awful lot of generalizations and assumptions here. It is not true that all Christians are against gay marriage, pro life, pro prayer , and like Rick Perry. Very few members of any religious sect agree with 100% of its foundation.

Realistically, it is a very small percent of the population that is 100% liberal or conservative. Do you think most people Of any faith, party, group, or belief "blindly follow" any leader in any area and don't question any aspect of it? Really?

Just a quick question for an evolutionist, how does homosexuality propagate species? How does that fit in with natural selection? You obviously aren't pro-life because you don't believe that humans have any more intrinsic value than animals. Actually if you are like most libs you probably believe animals have more rights than humans (because they are innocent and can't protect themselves). The problem with any argument where any life is given any worth, man or animal, from an evolutionary standpoint is that it is contradictory to your beliefs. If we are descended from a common ancestor than we are mere accidents and your cognitive thought processes don't really matter because they based on nothing more than random chance and random mutations over millions of years. So for libs who think they are so enlightened, and scientific, and humane - you have no consistent beliefs. You are all over the place. This is why absolutes are necessary.

And I'm actually pro-prayer everywhere. Freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion. Any person should have the right to practice their religious beliefs. If the teacher or principal wishes to say a prayer as an exercise of their religious right they should be able to. And on top of that I don't think their religious preference should matter. I would extend the same courtesy to any Jew or Muslim, etc who may wish to exercise their right - I would just choose not to participate.

The problem with you telling me I need to do more investigation and have more evidence is that you don't know me, or anything about me. I have multiple degrees, including one in biology with a microbiology concentration. I have forgotten more information about the statistical impossibilities of random mutations causing your limited cognitive processes than you have ever bothered to investigate. The corroborated evidence for the historicity and accuracy of biblical accounts is readily available. However, evidence on intelligent design is not "based on the Bible" or learned in a seminary, but is the result of legitimate scientific inquiry. Try reading a book once in a while instead of spewing talking points you know nothing about. Here would be a good place for you to start, "Signature in the Cell: DNA and Evidence for Intelligent Design." For someone as learned as you this should be an easy read.

The true difference between you and I is the that I am the one who has done the research, and you have CNN, MSNBC, Rachel Maddow or some other ignorant lib do your research for you.

And by the way, I'm a Herman Cain fan - want to call me a racist now and talk about how he's a self-loathing black man and an Uncle Tom?

Actually, I think religion plays a big part in this political argument. Because youre a Christian, I know you're against gay marriage, pro-life, pro prayer in schools. Your candidate is probably Rick Perry but withed Huckabee would run. You probably dont like Romney because he's a Mormon. See? These are all obvious points. Whats not obvious to you is you are taught to respect all authority. Someone had to tell you how be a Christian. Sorry but this is a fact. If you blindly listened to this person on how to be a good Christian then you blindly follow your leaders like when Bush lied aboht WMDs. If you questioned Christianity then you're more evidence driven and more likely a lib.

Are you not able to see how condescending your post is? You have a heck of an ego buddy.

I am NOT liberal nor did I "bash" any religion or say that Christians were narrow minded. Yes, bible versus annoy me in this context. Is that bashing?

It's not ego, it's holier than thou. Christians are incredibly obnoxious.

Using big words and cloudy science to prove faith makes you look like a jackass. Try using science to explain how old the earth is, how did our ancestors hide from the dinosaurs. Didn't think so. I don't consider Josh McDowell books evidence for Christianity. Reading your posts proves how illogical you are. How does homosexuality disprove evolution? Aren't there examples of homosexual acts in other animal species? What does intelligent design have to do with proof of god. Doesn't it just as much proves Zeus, or Ra? Why is having a belief system that is flexible and tolerant a bad thing? The folks that we are fighting against believe in absolutes and are also unyielding in their beliefs. Is that an example of a good society? Your logical is seriously flawed and it's unyielding people like yourself that keep us from evolving with the times. Also people like you turn others off to religion. Food for thought, asshole.

Just a quick question for an evolutionist, how does homosexuality propagate species? How does that fit in with natural selection? You obviously aren't pro-life because you don't believe that humans have any more intrinsic value than animals. Actually if you are like most libs you probably believe animals have more rights than humans (because they are innocent and can't protect themselves). The problem with any argument where any life is given any worth, man or animal, from an evolutionary standpoint is that it is contradictory to your beliefs. If we are descended from a common ancestor than we are mere accidents and your cognitive thought processes don't really matter because they based on nothing more than random chance and random mutations over millions of years. So for libs who think they are so enlightened, and scientific, and humane - you have no consistent beliefs. You are all over the place. This is why absolutes are necessary.

And I'm actually pro-prayer everywhere. Freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion. Any person should have the right to practice their religious beliefs. If the teacher or principal wishes to say a prayer as an exercise of their religious right they should be able to. And on top of that I don't think their religious preference should matter. I would extend the same courtesy to any Jew or Muslim, etc who may wish to exercise their right - I would just choose not to participate.

The problem with you telling me I need to do more investigation and have more evidence is that you don't know me, or anything about me. I have multiple degrees, including one in biology with a microbiology concentration. I have forgotten more information about the statistical impossibilities of random mutations causing your limited cognitive processes than you have ever bothered to investigate. The corroborated evidence for the historicity and accuracy of biblical accounts is readily available. However, evidence on intelligent design is not "based on the Bible" or learned in a seminary, but is the result of legitimate scientific inquiry. Try reading a book once in a while instead of spewing talking points you know nothing about. Here would be a good place for you to start, "Signature in the Cell: DNA and Evidence for Intelligent Design." For someone as learned as you this should be an easy read.

The true difference between you and I is the that I am the one who has done the research, and you have CNN, MSNBC, Rachel Maddow or some other ignorant lib do your research for you.

And by the way, I'm a Herman Cain fan - want to call me a racist now and talk about how he's a self-loathing black man and an Uncle Tom?

Just a quick question for an evolutionist, how does homosexuality propagate species? How does that fit in with natural selection? You obviously aren't pro-life because you don't believe that humans have any more intrinsic value than animals. Actually if you are like most libs you probably believe animals have more rights than humans (because they are innocent and can't protect themselves). The problem with any argument where any life is given any worth, man or animal, from an evolutionary standpoint is that it is contradictory to your beliefs. If we are descended from a common ancestor than we are mere accidents and your cognitive thought processes don't really matter because they based on nothing more than random chance and random mutations over millions of years. So for libs who think they are so enlightened, and scientific, and humane - you have no consistent beliefs. You are all over the place. This is why absolutes are necessary.

And I'm actually pro-prayer everywhere. Freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion. Any person should have the right to practice their religious beliefs. If the teacher or. principal wishes to say a prayer as an exercise of their religious right they should be able to. And on top of that I don't think their religious preference should matter. I would extend the same courtesy to any Jew or Muslim, etc who may wish to exercise their right - I would just choose not to participate.

The problem with you telling me I need to do more investigation and have more evidence is that you don't know me, or anything about me. I have multiple degrees, including one in biology with a microbiology concentration. I have forgotten more information about the statistical impossibilities of random mutations causing your limited cognitive processes than you have ever bothered to investigate. The corroborated evidence for the historicity and accuracy of biblical accounts is readily available. However, evidence on intelligent design is not "based on the Bible" or learned in a seminary, but is the result of legitimate scientific inquiry. Try reading a book once in a while instead of spewing talking points you know nothing about. Here would be a good place for you to start, "Signature in the Cell: DNA and Evidence for Intelligent Design." For someone as learned as you this should be an easy read.

The true difference between you and I is the that I am the one who has done the research, and you have CNN, MSNBC, Rachel Maddow or some other ignorant lib do your research for you.

And by the way, I'm a Herman Cain fan - want to call me a racist now and talk about how he's a self-loathing black man and an Uncle Tom?

Arrogant, condescending, closed minded, narcissistic. Wow you must be a lot of fun at a party.