Oncology Sales Force Launch

Thank you for saying what alot of women have been wanting to say for a long time! This industry breeds this kind of attitude towards working women and can't figure out why it just doesn't seem to kick this perception. It certainly is not like this in other industries for women.

You have got to kidding me!?! My guess is you are just stirring the pot, but I’ll play along. All I can say is Onyx is a SF Bay Area company. It is quite possibly the most liberal place in the US and Onyx(along with other bio’s in the area) are extremely liberal. We have an African-American CEO, and gay CFO, an African American VP of HR, a female CCO, just to name a few and we very proud of them and the diversity we have at Onyx! If this is your “thinking” then I’m glad you don’t work here as you would not fit. If you want right wing nut job conservatism where women should be at home in the kitchen or you view their careers as a lesser contribution than go work of a NJ based big pharma. Also our reps make very good money many of whom probably make equal to or more than their husbands. Our top reps, many of whom are women, make well over $200K a year which is the top 2% of income in the country…yeah it’s just a spending money job! I guess all the women reps at Onyx are married to dot.com billionaires, Bank CEO’s and professional athletes! Also why would you care anyway? If they do their job well and it works with their family situation who cares what their motivation is? If an employee is engaged, works hard and is a team player who cares if they do it for spending money, or to pay for child care, or to save money for college. That is between them and their partner. If it works for them who are you to say otherwise?

Cleary if you heard ‘women’ saying such things you didn’t hear it at Onyx, it was at the crappy company you work or worked at.

You quote: “It's insulting for the male breadwinner to hear his job is little more than this”. WHAT??? Why would you be insulted? It sounds like you are insecure! That’s your fault if you let the comments of why someone works or their ambivalence to being fired affects you and makes you feel “insulted”. My gosh man up big boy! Cleary you were insecure about your job, maybe because you wished you would have made the jump to a more ‘manly’ job like device or maybe working in a sales job where there is a lot of women bothers you. That’s on you, don’t project your insecurities and your situation onto other people…

They are willing to pay top $$$ for the risk. Just like Medivation was offering $130-150 base salaries for their drug that is not approved yet.

They are asking people to take a risk and are willing to pay you for it if it pays off. It doesn't sound like you a.) are willing to take those kinds of risks or b.) are bitter that you didn't get an interview or a call back.

If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
Offers already out?