Oncology Sales Force Launch

Going with candidates who have applied on line on their own will be more cost effective for Onyx when you consider what Leslie Gaber's fees are. LG has made some terrible placements in Oncology.

Most recruiters in biotech are totally worthless, and this one is at the top of the list when it comes to lying and bullshitting.

It is a big risk. This is why no biotech managers came over to Onyx. They hired all the militants from Sanofi-Aventis. Good luck with that one.
No celgene, Gtech, etc

What does that say? Why hire big pharma DM's/RBD's?

Easy, guess who will buy Onyx. Yep big pharma because they have the money and they also have oncology pipeline issues.

1+1=2 my friend. I'd stay away. Many companies gonna be hiring in late year that are quality Biotech co's

It is a big risk. This is why no biotech managers came over to Onyx. They hired all the militants from Sanofi-Aventis. Good luck with that one.
No celgene, Gtech, etc

What does that say? Why hire big pharma DM's/RBD's?

Easy, guess who will buy Onyx. Yep big pharma because they have the money and they also have oncology pipeline issues.

1+1=2 my friend. I'd stay away. Many companies gonna be hiring in late year that are quality Biotech co's

You are correct on this one. ....why hire a bunch of S-A flunkees and the guy they hired in N. Calif. is a total tool from Celgene. No due diligence here. If no approval this summer all reps will be immediately cut loose with no severance at all. The managers will get a severance package though. Only consider if you don't currently have a job because you have nothing to lose.

It is a big risk. This is why no biotech managers came over to Onyx. They hired all the militants from Sanofi-Aventis. Good luck with that one.
No celgene, Gtech, etc

What does that say? Why hire big pharma DM's/RBD's?

Easy, guess who will buy Onyx. Yep big pharma because they have the money and they also have oncology pipeline issues.

1+1=2 my friend. I'd stay away. Many companies gonna be hiring in late year that are quality Biotech co's

Really? Wow thanks for your insight! So let me get this straight Big Pharma will buy Onyx. And to think all this time I thought some little cash poor biotech company with a market cap of $250M would come along and buy them out! You are a genius! So let me get this straight it’s not the potential revenues from Carfilzomib, Rego, or Nex that is attractive to suitors it’s the big pharma managers who are going to make a buyout happen?

No biotech managers? Well we now know that you have no idea what you are talking about! The head of the MM franchise is from Genentech, the National is from Millennium and one of the two Areas is form Biogen. Decent biotech representation if you ask me. For the Regionals you have 1 Celgene, 1 Millennium, 1 Dendreon, 1 Spectrum. Again half not from “Big Pharma”. Also it’s not like Onyx didn’t get hundreds of resumes from “biotech” managers…

Think before you post next time.

What about the 10 Sanofi Aventis, 8 Novartis, 6 BMS, etc...
Ohhhh you forgot about them right? Look within my friend, look within

What are you talking about? The other RMs are 2 SA, 1 Novartis, 1 Otsuka, and the other AD is from SA. Did you not read the emails? Where are you getting 10, 8, 6 from? That doesn’t even add up! Not sure what your beef is with who they hired and their background, but all I was stating, in response to the “no biotech managers” was that in half of the Carfilzomib sales team is in fact from biotechs. Not sure what is blurry for you on this one…

The Sanofi people are really from Aventis. They hated the way oncology at Sanofi changed into big pharma. Calibration, call average, budgets never existed before the merger. The people brought into Onyx from Sanofi get it.

What are you talking about? The other RMs are 2 SA, 1 Novartis, 1 Otsuka, and the other AD is from SA. Did you not read the emails? Where are you getting 10, 8, 6 from? That doesn’t even add up! Not sure what your beef is with who they hired and their background, but all I was stating, in response to the “no biotech managers” was that in half of the Carfilzomib sales team is in fact from biotechs. Not sure what is blurry for you on this one…

Regardless of who the leadership team is, the newly hired reps have ZERO protection in the event that the drug does not get approved or if the company is sold and either event results in them not being needed. No severance plan with so many unknowns does not make sense unless the person is totally out of work.

Regardless of who the leadership team is, the newly hired reps have ZERO protection in the event that the drug does not get approved or if the company is sold and either event results in them not being needed. No severance plan with so many unknowns does not make sense unless the person is totally out of work.

Great sounds like you made up your mind. Why are you still trolling the Onyx board?

The Sanofi people are really from Aventis. They hated the way oncology at Sanofi changed into big pharma. Calibration, call average, budgets never existed before the merger. The people brought into Onyx from Sanofi get it.

Well Aventis had some crazy ass people too and was the good ole boys club, they bring that culture with them. Onyx seems alot that way too. Take a look at the management team in the field and you will notice they all look the same.