Seriously, not many people are going to resign this gig. Pharmaceutical sales is a shell of its former self and there are not that many positions available while there are numerous displaced people looking.
The position is dying a slow death. Reps in the 70’s used to predict the end of the line, they were correct they just missed the timing. They didn’t account for the self preservation of a bloated middle layer of management that would squeeze what little life is left from their roles.
There are jobs available but they are not numerous. Over the next several years we will watch the continued demise of this position as health care delivery continues to evolve and the sphere of influence continues to erode. Eventually you will have a couple company representatives in each metropolitan area or state while companies rely on contract sales groups which they can easily adjust to market conditions.
The huge overpaid layers of managers and bungling marketing managers will slowly erode over the next few years while sales will continue to be displaced every 18 months or so. It’s not unique to Merck, every pharmaceutical company is doing the same thing. Talk to your friends at Pfizer, Lilly, Sanofi——-or Timney at Purdue (sorry, could not resist).
Most have continued to do this job because we don’t do much and we are very well compensated. If your being honest with yourself (this is tough for you folks with an inflated sense of importance) fully half of your activity is made up BS to allow you to meet marketing metrics. Actual activity is minimal and most of that is spent chit chatting with nursing staff. We don’t really do much and our ability to influence in a manner that impacts results is almost non existent. At best we provide a reminder of our product which does have some impact. I know someone will respond with how impactful they are and marketing will explain they have invested millions in research and providers want to hear “xyz”. It’s all garbage and Merck knows it. So do the senior managers at every other big pharma company which is why slowly the position will resemble that of a Blockbuster store manager