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Oncology Pay New Positions

Untrue again - Oncology bonus will mirror the rest of the company divisions. The difference is that we need to hire the majority of people with alot of experience. That will dictate higher base pay naturally.

Just my 2 cents, I interviewed this week in Chicago and if you are looking for sharp biotech management and reps, this is not the place. Half of these people have no idea about oncology and are a bunch of primary care tools with puffed up chests. You will be in a sales team with several folks brought over from Gilead and possibly a mgr that has never sold in Oncology. I buried these guys and they have no clue. I was actually embarrassed for them. This launch will be embarrassing and reminded me of big pharma all over again. The CLL drug needs to be taken with an IV, so patients will have to take an oral 2x a day and and IV vs. the competition oral once a day with better data. If you need a job, take it, if you are anywhere happy where you are at and are looking for the next great biotech, hold on for a little bit. Good luck out there, this place is doomed.

Um doctor, oh I forgot you're not a doctor just a pos rep.
Let me see, so your saying Gilaed is not a good company, and CLL & iNHL is curable and these guys have no idea what they are doing.....Right. You're the idiot.

I doubt you " buried" these guys in your bullshit. With that attitude I wouldn't hire you either. You're just a rep, not Einstein.

Interviewed with 4 people. What a bunch of clueless clowns. Washed up rejects from Seattle Genetics and HIV side. Clueless and made everyone my bit@h in that interview. No idea how to launch a drug. This will be primary care all over again and I would rather work for big pharma than these clowns. Pharmcyclics will be eating this drug for lunch and no one with any experience or smarts would take this job if they are in a good position currently. At least I got some airline miles out of this carnival.

Interviewed with 4 people. What a bunch of clueless clowns. Washed up rejects from Seattle Genetics and HIV side. Clueless and made everyone my bit@h in that interview. No idea how to launch a drug. This will be primary care all over again and I would rather work for big pharma than these clowns. Pharmcyclics will be eating this drug for lunch and no one with any experience or smarts would take this job if they are in a good position currently. At least I got some airline miles out of this carnival.

Specifics please! I'm interviewing also.

Interviewed with 4 people. What a bunch of clueless clowns. Washed up rejects from Seattle Genetics and HIV side. Clueless and made everyone my bit@h in that interview. No idea how to launch a drug. This will be primary care all over again and I would rather work for big pharma than these clowns. Pharmcyclics will be eating this drug for lunch and no one with any experience or smarts would take this job if they are in a good position currently. At least I got some airline miles out of this carnival.

Specifics? I am interviewing too.

I've heard mixed things about MH...anyone have any interview tips related to this guy and what he looks for or questions he asks? Other Oncology reps I've talked to won't touch this with a ten foot pole. Need more insight!!

Man, this is wrapping up to be a fascinating journey in incompetency.
No word from manager, hr or anyone else after what seemed like a week in Philly. Helllo..anyone home??

Anyone receive an offer yet? Radio silence from manager on follow up or expected offer time frame. I am starting to second guess if I even want to work for this style of management?

I heard all Internal candidates put on hold while they look for external oncology experience! Guess what everyone interviewing use to be your top reps! We all got called from a competitor! So go have a circle jerk with your new Oncology experienced rep that works 2 days a week! While we take our talent elsewhere.

I heard all Internal candidates put on hold while they look for external oncology experience! Guess what everyone interviewing use to be your top reps! We all got called from a competitor! So go have a circle jerk with your new Oncology experienced rep that works 2 days a week! While we take our talent elsewhere.

No good oncology company would start up an oncology division without putting in experienced oncology reps. It would be a disaster to hire people with no oncology or hematology experience. The business in oncology/hematology is entirely different then HIV, HEP C, CF, Cardiology. So that tells me that you must have some experience in oncology leadership if they recognize you can't hire a bunch of people with no hematology experience.

Managers are real world about needing oncology experience! Guy in west was from cystic fibrosis and clueless so if he doesn't hire oncology he is screwed! Question is can he afford me!