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Oncology Pay New Positions

200 RSU=15K vested over 4 years. Thats a freaking Joke.
No options.
Big Pharma Base.
Lame 401K


Keep in mind bonus will be extremely difficult. There are not as many NHL relapse patients as you think.
Base max out 125

They are promoting many from within Gilead ranks with no onc experience.

Unless desparate for a job PASS

Keep in mind bonus will be extremely difficult. There are not as many NHL relapse patients as you think.
Base max out 125

They are promoting many from within Gilead ranks with no onc experience.

Unless desparate for a job PASS

BTW, when I asked where they max out base and got that response, they sounded shocked my base was higher...


Hey Mr. Oncology Stud I have some questions for you:

-Did you start in sales in oncology or did someone have to believe in the skill sets you brought to the table? I doubt you started in oncology and surely needed to develop "relationships" for what they're worth. But just curious if you bypassed PC or hospital sales and was hired directly into the business as an oncology sales rep?

-In your world it appears relationships = success. Do you really believe that relationships guarantees one's success?

-How is difficult access with certain cardiology clinics different from oncology's difficult access? Difficult access is difficult access, right? There are reps WITH RELATIONSHIPS that sometimes finds access to be difficult no matter the disease state they're selling.

-The initial indication looks "niche". Why would a tenured oncology rep with "relationships" be interested in this "niche" opportunity and leave a more established company (i.e. Genentech) in the oncology arena for a relative unknown and minor player in oncology (Gilead)?

-The sales force will be assembled and in the field before approval. Is it possible to gain an understanding of oncology and competitive markets prior to launch? Keep in mind, EVERYONE must attend training with OR without oncology experience.

Gilead is littered with people in leadership roles without experience in the positions they're placed. Look no further than HCV, how much HCV sales experience or how many "relationships" did the top level sales management of that business unit possess? Keep in mind, they are giving marketing/sales direction after an $11 BILLION investment. How much oncology experience or how many relationships does the VP of sales for oncology possess? What about the sales experience and relationships for the VP and all of the SRDs in HIV prior to being placed in leadership positions? These are but a few examples of folks at Gilead being placed in positions without the requisite sales/relationships experience you deem to be mandatory. Do you believe that a VP of sales or an RD or SRD should have sales experience in the disease state they're managing folks? Some of these folks that have been placed in LEADERSHIP positions didn't even have sales experience not to mention disease state-specific sales experience.

They haven't started interviewing for the rep positions just yet there Dr. Oncology! If you are so great and making so much money Gild will not pay to acquire your arrogant ass. Look at HepC which might be biggest drug in the world, we barely hired anyone with prior experience. Good look captain douchebag!

They haven't started interviewing for the rep positions just yet there Dr. Oncology! If you are so great and making so much money Gild will not pay to acquire your arrogant ass. Look at HepC which might be biggest drug in the world, we barely hired anyone with prior experience. Good look captain douchebag!

They have done phone screens and face to face with HR douchebag. I will see you at the next Natl meeting.

Just what we need another assclown at the meeting! You will be a perfect fit here, bragging About how much better oncology "reps" are than the rest of us! Meanwhile Hepc brings in more money in one week than you drug will in 2014.

Its definitely not. Ibrutinib is a great drug. They a very tenured sales force. Bases in excess of 150K
2,000 stock options

You are wrong. I was offered a position there and the increase in pay was pennies. Package wasn't very good. Didn't accept the position. Definitely not $150k. Option were high value. Only indication so far MCL, woohoo!

Clearly you didn't get an offer cause everyone knows Gild doesn't offer a lot of options they have to be earned! Go back to thinking your a physician and smart because you know one drug in oncology that a monkey could sell.