Oncology division

Beat you to it, I got an offer today. This is going to be a mess in March. They are going to have to make a change.

Well done! I'm out too. What a breath of fresh air it is to get out of this big pharma, wannabe oncology company. Arguably the dumbest, least experienced commercial leadership team in the industry. From training to marketing to sales this place is the land of misfits.

I have learned quickly while working here that it is embarrassing when tell you people in the industry that you work in oncology at Eisai. You can readily see the sympathy on their faces, with the common reply, "Oh, how's that going"?...to which they already knew the answer.

This place sucks.

You see the people that have been here a long time? They are afraid to leave because they will be exposed. Look at the leader "T". where could he go, he doesn't really know how to manage. He is just a puppet for the Japanese. I left 2 months ago and it is crazy to see how real companies are working and growing.

I really like my RBD but, she can not protect us from a failing company with a failing product. Not anyones fault, there isn't a career here anymore. Unless you can retire, it's time to say goodbye.

Because D players are terrified of hiring anyone more capable than they are.

And that is the root cause of all that is wrong with the oncology division. Simple, big pharma hacks, who don't know what they don't know, yet think they have it all figured out.

They actually have convinced themselves this is good place to work with a competitive compensation package. I know DM's at startups that make more money than our VP's. Facts.

However, when you are a VP here and no good start ups or biotechs are calling you since they typically call the Bay Area and Boston biotech leaders to head up sales and marketing, you have to rationalize and develop a reason why you are here.

Let me save you the trouble...you are at Eisai because no one else wants you. You have no options. This is it. You, and your experience and your background of Big Pharma stops are not respected - and Eisai is the death knell on your resume.

I heard we are going to let a contract company handle oncology and let the company take our oncology people where needed. Just like we did with Halaven.
I heard we are going to cut 30% first and then let a contract company take oncology. So i guess that is being discussed because more than one of us has heard that.

I heard we are going to cut 30% first and then let a contract company take oncology. So i guess that is being discussed because more than one of us has heard that.

Yes, this is happening. Len has hit peak sales. It continues to lose ground in HCC and never got going in RCC. THY and Endo are not enough revenue to justify the commercial spend on personal promotion. Can't keep throwing good money after bad.

First, there will be a pull back on backfilling vacant territories, then we will evaluate which territories can be cut first with the least impact...think small volume, rural, no KOL's/Academic Centers, low index, smaller metros with multiple representatives, etc.. Those will account for a good portion of the 30% reduction. From there, just as we did with other divisions, we will proceed with a RIF and move to a contract sales organization.

Good luck to those affected. Never fun laying people off, and no one takes any joy in this. It is a business decision not a people decision. Consider this a gift of time to figure out your next move.

I'm an ABL, I told most of my people to keep their eyes open for opportunities moving forward. Couldn't tell everyone because some talk too much.

They want people to talk…they hope folks voluntarily resign so they can save on severance. That’s why all these secrets always get out. If even 10% of reps, who believe there are layoffs coming, leave for other jobs this will save the company a lot of money in WARN Act requirements and thus severance.

First play in the HR RIF playbook. Leak the info, get severance free attrition.