Oncology division

Aaron, you need to do thorough investigation. This company is corrupt. Lawyers and OIG about to come in. Don't trust RBLs or ABLs. They are in on it from one district and one region that are corrupt. Talk to your reps. Put your seatbelt on. Everyone look for new job. We are all going down.

I heard our RBL SB has had some interviews and may be moving on soon before they let her go. That's sad. The other RBLs can't hold a candle to her but I can't blame her for leaving.

So sad. Even though she is newest, she is one of the best. She will end up in a better place. Yes, she is on the chopping block, so glad she is getting out now. Everyone loves her. She will end up in a better job.

last in, first out. No loyalty here. Everyone is looking for a job. This place is a joked. Name a new product we have coming and when? Tat's right, you can't because we are finished in oncology. Not sure it will last another year.

I heard our RBL SB has had some interviews and may be moving on soon before they let her go. That's sad. The other RBLs can't hold a candle to her but I can't blame her for leaving.
She's the best RBL we have. I wish she was my RBL. Everyone loves her. This is so sad. She's so good and will end up in a better place.