Oncology division

That’s an interesting ride along when rep is outperforming the “manager” and “manager” tries to give direction to rep. What on earth are they thinking with this model? Consultants 1….Ayzi 0

Are we really going to have a national sales meeting!!! With the spread of cover is this a good idea. We will be home for the rest of the year if we do a spreader event like a sales meeting. Why don't we just do it on-line like everything else? This is a mistake if were have a meeting.

Eisai does not think like that. It's about the patients not the employees!!! Have you seen the revolving door here? We don't care if you stay or leave.

Unless you need a job and are currently unemployed Eisai is not a place to go. I think they keep making changes yearly so people leave out of frustration.

First, do you really think Eisai is in oncology? No its a primary care company. Second, Until we make manager changes, you will always have a revolving door of people. Reps are not appreciated, paid well, trusted, etc.

Why are we spending so much time and energy on EC, it's just a full approval nothing new? We waste so much energy on things. Do we realize it wasn't even mentioned as a new approval anywhere and, the data doesn't look that impressive.