
I heard "no" by phone. "Relieved" is an understatement.

It isn't rocket science to see that this company's managers were in over their heads from the start. Talk about making up the plan as they go...

Some may call it sour grapes, but the truth is that DEPO management probably has a ton of their "money" in DEPO stock, and if the brand doesn't begin to soar higher right out of the blocks in early June, they're going to figure out that if this blows up, the firms they borrowed half a billion dollars from will be the Big Winners and shareholders (including employees and executives alike) will watch their nest egg crater.

Anyone doubt that the S will truly HTF for any rep or DM whose performance is 0.0001% below forecast? That it will be like getting a 24/7 colonoscopy from San Fran?

I think this circus is best watched from a safe distance. The lions' cage is unlocked and the clowns are running around with real explosives.

I heard "no" by phone. "Relieved" is an understatement.

It isn't rocket science to see that this company's managers were in over their heads from the start. Talk about making up the plan as they go...

Some may call it sour grapes, but the truth is that DEPO management probably has a ton of their "money" in DEPO stock, and if the brand doesn't begin to soar higher right out of the blocks in early June, they're going to figure out that if this blows up, the firms they borrowed half a billion dollars from will be the Big Winners and shareholders (including employees and executives alike) will watch their nest egg crater.

Anyone doubt that the S will truly HTF for any rep or DM whose performance is 0.0001% below forecast? That it will be like getting a 24/7 colonoscopy from San Fran?

I think this circus is best watched from a safe distance. The lions' cage is unlocked and the clowns are running around with real explosives.

Let me be the first to congratulate you on you not being hired. It must feel great not to be one of those unfortunate reps who said they were blown away with thier offer. Instead you get to go on interview after interview while collecting unemployment checks. No one needs health insurance or a company car anyway.

With your stellar insight on a company that you never heard of 3 months ago I find it hard to believe you aren't the CEO of your own company. It's obvious that a company that has gone from 0 reps and 1 product to 5 products and expanding to 250 reps while bringing the stock price from $5 to $25 in 3 years is way over their head. Quintiles has so much more to offer

Once again congrats on your good fortune.

I am a current employee that just accepted an offer from a real speciality pharma company. I can't tell you how good it's going to feel to turn in my resignation. I've worked for Depomed for over a year. Accepting an offer from Depomed was the worst career decision I've made. They offer you a base salary that's higher than other pharma companies, but I should have asked myself why that is considering this company isn't even heard of in the industry. Now I know why. 75% of what they told me before hiring me was not true. This is not a specialty Pharma job. Depomed expects 10 calls per day with signatures plus 2 pharmacy calls. Anyone with a clue of the pain market knows that pain specialists spend most of their day in procedures. Anyone who claims they make 10 calls per day on Depomed provided targets only, is full of it and anyone who has worked in a legit specialty sales position knows that 10 calls per day is not only impossible, it is the opposite mindset of specialty sales. Quantity over quality is a contract/primary care sales strategy only. So if the allure of the high salary and fake smiling faces from management matters more than your career, you are joining the right team. Im glad I'm leaving and wish someone had warned me before I accepted the offer back in March 2014.

• Use this experience as a valuable learning experience and stepping stone only. This is not the start of a career. Unless you are a magician, you won't meet expectations.
• Do not trust anyone! The people that seem the most helpful and the nicest, are the ones that you can thank for throwing you under the bus. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.
• Don't expect to move up in a leadership position unless you are giving side favors to the powers that be. Otherwise, you will be passed over time after time for someone outside the company. You were hired to make 10 calls per day and that's the only role they ever planned on you performing. They will throw you a bone here and there by appointing you to district "leadership" roles to make you believe you serve a higher purpose. Don't be fooled, you are just doing your managers busy work and your call average still better be above expectations. You manager will delegate all responsibilities other than the one they were hired to perform...follow you all day long on the gps mapping app that you can't disable on your helix.
• If you are one of the rah rah cheerleader's that loves to post, "just do your job and you don't have anything to worry about" or my personal favorite "if your numbers are there, your call activity won't matter". You are either not a rep or you are performing side favors. Make no mistake about it, your job is to make 10 legitimate face-to-face multi-product detail calls with signatures on the targets they put in your call plan...period. Don't do that, and come back here and post how that worked out for you. If you can pull off this 10 legit calls per day magic trick, you have earned that high salary they offered you. If you are like most reps you can't pull that rabbit out of the hat, so expect to be put on an informal performance plan while they work out the details of your goodbye. If you are smart, you use that time to find a real career.
• Don't be fooled by this "amazing managed care solution" called simple scripts either. The pharmacies rarely fill any script, so don't believe the hyped up high fill percent rate they send out on those weekly reports or announce during meetings. They don't ever record the script because no one ever contacts the patient to get the ball rolling, so you end up spending your 10 calls a day trying to beg for forgiveness in your offices. Credibility doesn't matter. Only that you logged 10 legitimate face-to-face calls on targets.
• DO NOT SPEND DME! I REPEAT, DO NOT SPEND DME. Unless you enjoy spending after hours and weekends on expense reports, do not do a meal with a customer. You will spend more hours on 1 expense report that gets sent back to you every week, than you will running down targets begging for a signature. They will send back the report because "Lacey Jones" is spelled "Lacy Jones" in Concur. They like to wait a week or so and then send it back for you to change that important mistake and then wait another week to reimburse you.....but wait, now you forgot to add yourself on the sign-in sheet, but you added yourself in concur. Fix this and resubmit. Week later, denied again ....we are unable to read the name on one of the sign-in sheets. Please go back and print the attendees name and resubmit. This will happen over and over because just as you were hired for the 10 calls a day purpose, the T&E people were hired to make sure you don't get reimbursed for business expenses incurred while trying to get those 10 calls a day.

These are facts and anyone that says any different is one of the many snakes in the grass at Depomed that smiles to your face, while planning your demise. Enjoy that large salary they offer you. Just make sure to allow for out-of-pocket expenses to do your job, and don't expect to make your projected bonus payout. If you aren't able to make 10 calls per day on targets, you won't make it long enough to ever get the small amount of bonus you earned anyway.

Truth about this company. Hope this helps. Good luck and goodbye. I'm finally free!

Above Poster... Good luck on your new venture. Sounds like you had it rough with your DM. WE ALL KNOW YOUR DM makes or breaks any job. Don't matter what company you go to, if your ranked below top half of nation, be ready for some sort of plan.

Sorry to say for those hoping and praying. Most districts are at 100% and their home study starts next week.

Don't matter what company you go to, if your ranked below top half of nation, be ready for some sort of plan.

SO TRUE. Which is why I'm soooooooooo happy to be out of this industry. Talk about an industry in terminal decline.......

I do miss the halcyon days of the late 1990's, back when being a pharma rep was so great that people stopped you in hallways to ask how to join the ranks.

If you think you are interviewing for a specialty position with a specialty Pharma company, you are in for a rude awakening. It's primary care, 10 calls per day with signatures to targets only, 2 pharmacy calls per day, every second of every day has to be accounted for with full 3 product details on every call and entered at the time of the call. You can't put in a call an hour later when you get back in your car. Has to be recorded in realtime always. Someone sits on their computer all day long watching every move you make. This is 100% truth. Be prepared. And be prepared to come out of your own pocket to pay for expenses because your expense report will be rejected at least 5 times before its approved. That's if it ever gets approved. Sales come second to call activity. Doesn't matter if you are on your way to create great. If you aren't making 10 calls per day to targets with signatures, you won't be around to win an award. Just some things to consider before accepting a job with us. I'm looking outside the company, every day. I think a lot of people are.
This is a cluster f and would not go here. A witch oversees one division. Rude unethical. This is a primary care job micromgmt all the way!

Well, it has been weeks since being flown to an interview. It is very obvious I did not get hired and after the interview experience, I doubt I would leave my current for Depomed anyhow. But, it would be nice if the Quintiles contact would have at least had the courtesy to let me know. Or, at the very least, respond to emails or calls. Totally unprofessional!! 7-10 days huh??