Looks like about 50% of Q reps were hired. If you haven't heard yet, your chances of joining the DEPO team look slim.
Who will be happier in 6 months or a year, those who joined DEPO or those who didn't? I think that's a valid question, given how everything looked these last couple weeks. SNAFU is a reasonable description (look up what that acronym actually means....)
So, in all, was what people were told by Fred T., JP B., and other managers these past three months true? I'd say no. Depomed's managers did not appear to value prior Nucynta experience much. In fact, it might be accurate to say that prior history on the brand was a negative to be overcome. Outsiders looked more attractive, on the whole.
It will be interesting to see how all this goes, the rest of the year and beyond. The company's common stock price was in an exponential 3.5 year rally that seems to be over. If it is, it's going to be rough sledding in coming months.