October Launch Meetings and the Delta Variant

Here is link to another treasure trove of bizarre recordings featuring Revered Pete, and some of the other preachers from his church.


Once at the home page click on the tab for podcasts to listen to the audio portion of these broadcasts. This is a series of roundtable discussions, often led by Pete, where these guys put their own right wing fundamentalist spin on current events. As a typical example listen to the 11/24/20 recording entitled "The Great Reset". As you listen ask yourself this question..."If members of the Biden administration listened to the Alkermes Senior Vice President for Government Affairs spin this right-wing claptrap how likely are they to want to cooperate with us on any policy initiatives?"

Here is link to another treasure trove of bizarre recordings featuring Revered Pete, and some of the other preachers from his church.


Once at the home page click on the tab for podcasts to listen to the audio portion of these broadcasts. This is a series of roundtable discussions, often led by Pete, where these guys put their own right wing fundamentalist spin on current events. As a typical example listen to the 11/24/20 recording entitled "The Great Reset". As you listen ask yourself this question..."If members of the Biden administration listened to the Alkermes Senior Vice President for Government Affairs spin this right-wing claptrap how likely are they to want to cooperate with us on any policy initiatives?"

There was a broadcast from last year where this gang of "Christians" really blasted Pope Francis for saying "who am I to judge" in reference to gay Catholics. There anti-Catholic and anti-gay bias was on full display. How interesting that that particular podcast can no longer be played.

There was a broadcast from last year where this gang of "Christians" really blasted Pope Francis for saying "who am I to judge" in reference to gay Catholics. There anti-Catholic and anti-gay bias was on full display. How interesting that that particular podcast can no longer be played.

Pete's "church" has started to take down some of the "Behind The Veil" broadcasts made by Pete and his fellow preachers. That was predictable! But here is another link where you can still find most of them. I'd look fast however. I think these self-righteous, right-wing, bigots are trying to cover their digital tracks.


You are correct about the broadcast they made defaming the Pope. That one, when you try to play it says "error".

Wow! I just listened to the "Behind The Veil" broadcast from 3/24/21 entitled "Work is Worship". Richard Pops...have you listened to this?!?

This explains so much of Pete's behavior...where he directs money from our PAC, who he hires, who he promotes, who he fires or otherwise drives from the company. If he stays in the company with this stuff on the record I think our legal department is going to need to be expanded!

Wow! I just listened to the "Behind The Veil" broadcast from 3/24/21 entitled "Work is Worship". Richard Pops...have you listened to this?!?

This explains so much of Pete's behavior...where he directs money from our PAC, who he hires, who he promotes, who he fires or otherwise drives from the company. If he stays in the company with this stuff on the record I think our legal department is going to need to be expanded!

The whole PAC thing is a very good point. I have always felt strong-armed into donating tot the PAC. Sure, they call it voluntary, but it to me it feels about as voluntary as paying protection to the mafia. After you reach a certain level in the company just see what happens if you don't pay.

That's bad enough, but a major arbiter of where the PAC money goes is Pete Norman, a neo-con Neanderthal who thinks the Holy Spirit is whispering prophesy into his ear! This really has to stop.

Thanks to this thread I have taken some time to watch Pete in some of the Kingdom Life Ministries services, and to listen to him in some of the Behind the Veil podcasts. Yes, he says lots of things that should make folks in the Alkermes C-suite cringe. And yes, he says lots of things that would alienate Alkermes from many federal and state policy makes. These are all reasons he should leave the company, pronto. But that's only part of it.

What struck me most is what a terrible and inept communicator he is. He rambles and blathers and is is utterly incapable of expressing a cogent point. It has been my experience that the sloppy use of language is usually the result of sloppy thinking. This fits perfectly with what I hear about Pete from many corners of the company, including his own staff. Can't we do better than this at the level of Senior Vice President?

You are completely right, but I don't expect our C-suite to do anything about Pete. They are a kleptocracy, and I'm sure you've heard the expression "thick as thieves"! The folks in leadership here care about one thing, their own compensation. Staff, patients, shareholders, are all just a means to an end. Lining their pockets is their raison d'etre. As long as Pete doesn't interfere with that, they are more than happy to tolerate his insanity.

If this gets fixed it will be by people like Alex Denner from Sarissa, and the other activist members of the board. Let's see just how much they are willing to intervene.

For some reason the following post was taken down. Here it is again!

I honestly don't know why people are worried about getting COVID at the meeting. Pete Norman will be there, and he has already told his staff that he went to Africa and cured people's AIDS by touching them. No sh*t, he actually told his staff that he did that. COVID should be a piece of cake for him.

I was disappointed when I tuned in to the weekly Facebook broadcast from Pete's Church of the Holiday Inn. There was the usual droning and atonal musical interlude to begin the service, but when it came time for Pete to preach, he only spoke briefly, and then he announced that his sermon would not be broadcast on Facebook, and then nothing but dead air. How am I going to know what will happen to the infrastructure bill, or the world series without Pete's Holy Spirit inspired prophesy? I mean a man who can predict that the pandemic would peak and quickly wane by April of 2020, and that Trump would win reelection in a landslide...that kind of accuracy builds a following. It seems unfair that we should be deprived of that now. Pete...don't hide your light under a bushel basket!

Once again this Sunday Pete was absent from the broadcast from "The Church of the Holiday Inn"! Do you suppose Pops told him to lay low for a while? Hey Pops...do you think that will make this scandal go away? Think again.

Once again this Sunday Pete was absent from the broadcast from "The Church of the Holiday Inn"! Do you suppose Pops told him to lay low for a while? Hey Pops...do you think that will make this scandal go away? Think again.

They don’t like to broadcast the handling of serpents. Potential animal cruelty accusations, ya know.