October Launch Meetings and the Delta Variant

As a single parent with children who cannot get vaccinated and am literally sick that am having to go to this meeting. It’s so irresponsible, and lets be honest these meetings are useless.
And while their is an option to attend virtually, I know they would be hell to pay for my boss if I did that.

As a single parent with children who cannot get vaccinated and am literally sick that am having to go to this meeting. It’s so irresponsible, and lets be honest these meetings are useless.
And while their is an option to attend virtually, I know they would be hell to pay for my boss if I did that.

If someone dies from this there will be a massive lawsuit. Sell any stock you on now!

As a single parent with children who cannot get vaccinated and am literally sick that am having to go to this meeting. It’s so irresponsible, and lets be honest these meetings are useless.
And while their is an option to attend virtually, I know they would be hell to pay for my boss if I did that.
Good luck at your next job snowflake. Plenty of openings at McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s etc. where you can be with other snowflakes and talk about how bad it was working for a pharma company at full pay with bonus plus benefits while sitting at home for over a year. Leave now your a complete embarrassment.

Good luck at your next job snowflake. Plenty of openings at McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s etc. where you can be with other snowflakes and talk about how bad it was working for a pharma company at full pay with bonus plus benefits while sitting at home for over a year. Leave now your a complete embarrassment.

Field sales was off 6-8 weeks and then told to get back in the field. Only puss corporate stayed home over a year.

Poor snowflake, everyone knows that field sales spent the majority of time at home and not in the field as many offices were closed. If you and your fellow snowflakes had been alive during the revolutionary war, we would still be under British rule.

As a single parent with children who cannot get vaccinated and am literally sick that am having to go to this meeting. It’s so irresponsible, and lets be honest these meetings are useless.
And while their is an option to attend virtually, I know they would be hell to pay for my boss if I did that.

I switched from in person to the virtual option and there were no repercussions. My manager was fine with it and she told me many have switched to virtual cuz of the delta variant.

Why can’t we just do the smart, safe thing and get the big egos out of the way. In person meetings are just not smart.

Shut up. Delta is retreating. Vaccines are up. Get your shot. We realize you want to keep working from home in your PJs. Doing Zoom calls between trips to the gym and yoga classes isn’t what you get paid for. Get back to work.

Wow I’m all about doing the best you can but when you are not allowed to ask questions and threatened if you challenge the play book. Should be a fun launch. Keep drinking the Kool-aid.

I honestly don't know why people are worried about getting COVID at the meeting. Pete Norman will be there, and he has already told his staff that he went to Africa and cured people's AIDS by touching them. No sh*t, he actually told his staff that he did that. COVID should be a piece of cake for him.

Don't you just love how these fake faith healers make claims that you can't disprove? Cured someone's AIDS in Africa huh?

Hey Pete, if you can heal people by the laying on of hands how about this...go to Johns Hopkins, find a patient with a documented incurable disease, heal him, and let the doctors do tests to prove the patient is healed. Of course you won't do that, because in your heart even you know you're a fake.

And this guy is a Senior Vice President of a pharmaceutical company!?! With this kind of leadership I can't imagine why we have never turned a profit.