October Launch Meetings and the Delta Variant


So, I'm not all that excited to be going to a launch meeting, sitting in rooms with numerous people and having the delta variant floating around. I'm not worried about myself (I'm fully vaccinated), but I sure am worried about bringing it home to my 9 year old son who can't get vaccinated. It's a lot different than traveling alone in my car and calling on doctors in their offices. I mean, come on. Sitting in rooms full of people and break out rooms full of people. I can't believe we are being made to attend such a thing.

I completely agree with this. I think you just have to follow minimum health protocols to ensure your safety.

No meeting place has been announced and iir doesn’t matter if you are vaccinated or not….everyone will get this before it’s over. People with vaccines are not immune…..no one is. Hard to understand how you operate as business as usual and held to quota and considered a snowflake if you are concerned for your health and family….i sure as hell don’t trust anyone with my safety….cdc flip flops and every area is different. It boils down to how much risk you want to individually take against an invisible enemy

So the facts are it doesn’t matter if you’re vaccinated or unvaccinated, you can still get the virus and still spread it. So people need to think about employees that have children or family members who are unable to get the vaccine due to compromised immune systems. It is not smart, safe or prudent for us to be having face-to-face meetings in large groups for anything that can be done virtually. And pretty much everything from a training perspective can be done virtually. That goes for team meetings as well.

If you are vaccinated and contract COVID you basically have a cold. If you are not vaccinated you will have a much worse outcome up to and potentially including death. It’s a fact. If you can’t take the vaccine for other health reasons or religious beliefs that’s your choice and I respect that. But if you are one who won’t take the shot because of ignorance you deserve what you get

If you are vaccinated and contract COVID you basically have a cold. If you are not vaccinated you will have a much worse outcome up to and potentially including death. It’s a fact. If you can’t take the vaccine for other health reasons or religious beliefs that’s your choice and I respect that. But if you are one who won’t take the shot because of ignorance you deserve what you get

People can still pass who have been vaccinated and contract COVID too but usually there are also underlying health consitions.

I know of two vaccinated individuals who passed recently.

Have the meeting online! If we can have a virtual training then we can have a virtual meeting too (and we may be a little less resentful for the forced "no vacation" policy too).

A cold? I know a few people who were vaccinated and still got the delta variant.. 103 fever for several days and extremely sick. No they weren’t hospitalized but hardly close to a cold. You’re ignorant

Hey you clueless f@cks in “leadership”, if you have to be vaccinated to attend the meeting and mandate masks, maybe those are good signs YOU SHOULD NOT BE HAVING AN IN PERSON MEETING. Look, your sentiment is appreciated, people do want to get together again at some point, but folks, NOW AIN’T IT! Trusting that at least one decision maker’s head is not so far up their a$$ that they can understand this is not a good idea….

I think the launch meeting will be important and informative, but im not attending in person because my child us too young to be vaccinated. My manager an HR were fine with that and I'm looking forward to actively participating remotely.