October 12 date


Oncology/Hem teams. What are we thinking about the potential number of cuts?

@Minimal impact the field”. However what was the point of this entire restructure if they weren’t going to downsize the field?
How big will territories become?


Everyone in CV thinks they are safe? Well that could explain a lot…. There is another town hall scheduled for 10/11 and the managers in ALL divisions are flying to Vegas the following week.
Yup CV formally known as CRM is safe with no changes coming to that division!

They already have about a 20% vacancy rate - how many more people do they need to lose at this point. Take away the producers so they can add more un-needed, highly overpaid senior leaders in home office marketing roles

Nobody in CV that I know thinks they are safe. All know will happen. The debate is when. 3 months, 6 months, some think a year. Who knows.

Primary care Crm rep here. Some think we’re safe others not so much. We need cuts. Big cuts. Leqvio launch is a mess. While leadership should be penalized, which we know they won’t be….they’ll come after the field. We have too many reps. Too much complexity. Too many people doing the same jobs. This is a part of making things simpler here…..downsize CRM into a more realistic and workable field force.

Primary care Crm rep here. Some think we’re safe others not so much. We need cuts. Big cuts. Leqvio launch is a mess. While leadership should be penalized, which we know they won’t be….they’ll come after the field. We have too many reps. Too much complexity. Too many people doing the same jobs. This is a part of making things simpler here…..downsize CRM into a more realistic and workable field force.
LEADERSHIP should be penalized for thinking the Pharma model of the 1990’s would work for leqvio. What don’t they understand - frequency on the same customers isn’t the answer. But sadly they just get promoted up

I know nothing of the plan, but seems like the cuts in CV should happen before the announced in person national meeting in January. Doesn’t make sense to send everyone in this bloated division to a meeting and then cut. Maybe say nothing until end of year. Try to squeeze every penny can out of Leqvio disaster in this trimester. Announce cuts January. People left will go to big rah rah meeting in January to be re programmed that all is well and now division is the right size, CV place to be, blah, blah, blah…
Those cut technically remain employed for whatever time needed to comply with certain state laws, warn act etc, but obviously don’t work. Idk… total guess.

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