OBU October Zone POA

What a bunch of BS... "Genentechers" That's why the retina docs "love" genentech so much charging double for Lucentis when they could have used Avastin for half the cost.
This comment is showing your ignorance...you've obviously never worked there and know morning about Gene or Lucentis. So shut up and sit your ass down. There's a reason Genentech is a top rated Co and people love it there.

Both are twits who had good timing with Lucentis. Monkeys would've been successful with Lucentis at that time. They try too hard to act younger and hang with the field. Awkward.

Both are twits who had good timing with Lucentis. Monkeys would've been successful with Lucentis at that time. They try too hard to act younger and hang with the field. Awkward.

You're an idiot. It's about time Sr leadership tried to connect with the field. I welcome it! The only thing "awkward" is that our former leaders never did.

Genentech'er here. Heard that Mike C and John S. were at Shire and wanted to check out the cafepharma noise. You have no idea the talent that just landed in your lap. I know Mike C better than John S but they both built a hell of a Ophth/Retina business unit before Genentech was taken over by the Swiss. Seriously you're in great shape and you don't even know it yet.
Thanks Mike's and John's moms! They are legends in the pharma industry, right mom? Blow some more smoke up our butts!

Or thanks, Mike and John themselves on this post. Like any real person who used to work for them would go onto cafepharma and say how great they are. Why didn't they take you with them? why don't you recommend them on linkedin?

Genentech'er here. Heard that Mike C and John S. were at Shire and wanted to check out the cafepharma noise. You have no idea the talent that just landed in your lap. I know Mike C better than John S but they both built a hell of a Ophth/Retina business unit before Genentech was taken over by the Swiss. Seriously you're in great shape and you don't even know it yet.

John admitted it was Mikes idea to post this on here... John told Mike that it was too obvious but I guess Mike thinks that if we have stuck around with all this crap going on we must be idiots and he can pull fast ones over on us... what kind of person would start a post "gentecher here"?? You aren't going to impress us by posting dumb comments on websites. you are going to impress us when you show us the money$$$

Genentech'er here... Mr. Rogers is my hero. I have tape holding together my thick framed glasses. The 40 year old virgin was "loosely" based on my life. I have no friends to watch my star trek and lord of the rings marathons with. Before I go to bed each night I grab my lotion and look at the dreamy pictures of John and Mike taped on the ceiling above my bed...

Genentech'er here... Mr. Rogers is my hero. I have tape holding together my thick framed glasses. The 40 year old virgin was "loosely" based on my life. I have no friends to watch my star trek and lord of the rings marathons with. Before I go to bed each night I grab my lotion and look at the dreamy pictures of John and Mike taped on the ceiling above my bed...[/QUOTE/]

Hahaha!!!! Just spit out my beer all over my iPad.... lol... Genentech'er here. What a loser. Had to be john or Mike or their spouse

Genentech'er here... Mr. Rogers is my hero. I have tape holding together my thick framed glasses. The 40 year old virgin was "loosely" based on my life. I have no friends to watch my star trek and lord of the rings marathons with. Before I go to bed each night I grab my lotion and look at the dreamy pictures of John and Mike taped on the ceiling above my bed...

Hahaha!!!! Just spit out my beer all over my iPad.... lol... Genentech'er here. What a loser. Had to be john or Mike or their spouse

All I know is that this meeting needs to be fun and lighthearted. No forced role plays, we have NO NEW MATERIAL. Or success stories bc let's be honest everyone's market is different and sucess stories are usually 90% BS. Let's just get to have done fun, try to form some semblance of a culture and get re-energized. Most people are tired, beat down, worn out, and burnt out. Now that Kathy isn't here, let's hope that happens.

Most people are tired, beat down, worn out, and burnt out.

I agree with this statement. As I talk to my fellow OBU colleagues, this is exactly the sentiment. Amazing that this could have happened in the first year of a launch. Shire management, do you really know what the sales force really is feeling? Is this how you'll anticipate moving Xii to even higher Trx marketshare?

Most people are tired, beat down, worn out, and burnt out.

I agree with this statement. As I talk to my fellow OBU colleagues, this is exactly the sentiment. Amazing that this could have happened in the first year of a launch. Shire management, do you really know what the sales force really is feeling? Is this how you'll anticipate moving Xii to even higher Trx marketshare?
So much so I dread Sunday nights...bc Monday starts the madness all over again.