These "no jeans" people are pretty funny. Here's the truth, what you are really afraid of is that you will appear dumb if your not "dressed for success". Newsflash - no amount of dressing for success is going to fix your stupidity. Take KK, she wears $10K dresses to meetings and she's still a mental midget! No amount of dressing up is going to change that. So, if "no jeans" people aren't dressing up their real fear is that will be exposed as stupid...and not looking good. We then have the double looser category. Take V. Noble in marketing, she dresses like she just rolled out of bed and she's not bright. Sorry Hippie Vickie but you loose all the way around and don't even have "dressing sharp" to fall back on. Forget eyelove, you need full body love! The moral, be smart and show up smart and no body cares if you wear jeans. The end!