It's getting harder and harder to find anybody who will admit to voting for Obama in both 2008 and 2012. Whenever I find myself in a political discussion and the question is asked it's amazing how many people clam up. They know they screwed up and refuse to own it. That's a big problem in America. False pride. And I think it's a primary reason we are losing our status as a trusted global leader.
trusted global leader - lost that when baby Bush went into Iraq resulting in the global carnage of today with the emergence of the extremists. Any fool know that previous regimes (as unappealing as they were) had that under control.
Not so much false pride, more ignorance dear boy.
Next stop Clinton given that you guys will likely put up another Bush. That'll make your political discussions interesting
You lib-tards have one play in your playbook.
So you think extremists were non-existent before Bush and Congress went to war in Iraq?
Perhaps you are not familiar with the events of 9/11?
Two points and a question:
1. They existed but where under some control cf Iraq
2.9/11 was an atrocity carried out by Saudi nationals and we seem quite keen to do business with them
3. What is a lib-tard? it appears to be some made up toss, a feature quite common with your type
Like a common lib-tard, you change your argument. You implied that the war in Iraq caused the "emergence of extremists", then I correctly pointed you to one obvious example of how you were wrong (many other examples too) and like a severe Tourette's patient, you start blurting out "Bush, Iraq". Now you want to talk about Saudi Arabia. What an absolute drone!
If you don't know what a lib-tard is, it's most likely because you are one.
That's what we like - sharp, clear thinking. Impressive. Oh well, you can take the man out of the trailer park but not the trailer park out of the man
I laugh at you Dems and Pubs who spend your time fighting with one another. You don't have the brains to figure out that your political parties are flip sides of the same coin and use you like little concubines. Obama behaves like a Republican by starting wars and greasing palms on Wall Street. John Boner behaves like a Dem by raising debt ceilings and pumping amnesty. And you're too stupid to notice. Hence, the nation is getting flushed.
You stand for what exactly?
So you must support a true reform party, like The Tea Party... Right?
Tea Party? HA! The Tea Party was a willful creation of the Republican establishment. This was done as a result of all the criticism fomented against the neo-cons after Bush dismantled the economy. They fooled you into believing that you had another choice when it was just another arm of the GOP. Most of the Tea Party electeds are taking campaign bribes from the Too Big To Fail banks!!! And they've done NOTHING to stop all the corruption and cronyism that we see going on over on Capital Hill. The Dems and the Pubs work hard to make it impossible for a third party to gain any traction and threaten their political monopoly in government. Count the number of third party electeds in the 535 on Capital Hill if you question me. We don't have an adversial political system. It is a ONE PARTY SYSTEM called the Demublicans. Once again - look what Obama has done and how John Boner (the GOP House leader) has bent over backwards to help him. And even though the Pubs have a majority in both the House and the Senate - watch their limp wristed futile fight to stop ObamaCare or Amnesty. It's a ONE PARTY system, man. Grow up and accept reality!
So you oppose Obamacare and amnesty... is that correct?
There are still some, who stand for Liberty. I agree, not enough. However, you won't find any of them on the Dems side of the aisle. They have gone full-on socialist/communist.