
Dial back my brother. This is like the evolve survey. You know the one we are forced to a. take the survey, then b. DBM makes it weird when people are honest. Yeah challenge that status quo, that is a joke, because here we are, again. Wrath you say? That is an understatement. Time for the boycotting of all surveys, boycott all requests for utter stupidity, and shut down all generalized bull. Do it. Don't fear. Be brave NYS soldiers. Pourquoi you say? Cuz ain't like yo' getting fired! Shoot Flo-jo still got a j-o-b, so you know if that hoe still here, with her purple hair and compliance rap sheet, you too will be safe my soldiers.
Gee, which jealous bitter old hag could this be?

To whoever wrote post 719:
What a tiny, small and angry little keyboard warrior you are. You must be making up for something that is severely lacking in your pathetic life. Based on my assumption you are male, I’m going to only need 1 guess as to what exactly you’re lacking.

If you have something to say, say it to that individual’s face, you .

Dial back my brother. This is like the evolve survey. You know the one we are forced to a. take the survey, then b. DBM makes it weird when people are honest. Yeah challenge that status quo, that is a joke, because here we are, again. Wrath you say? That is an understatement. Time for the boycotting of all surveys, boycott all requests for utter stupidity, and shut down all generalized bull. Do it. Don't fear. Be brave NYS soldiers. Pourquoi you say? Cuz ain't like yo' getting fired! Shoot Flo-jo still got a j-o-b, so you know if that hoe still here, with her purple hair and compliance rap sheet, you too will be safe my soldiers.
Wow - you took some time to write up this sassy lil post. Must be real proud of yourself. How many times did you read it over and smile before you clicked “post”? Loser. The ‘compliance rap sheet’ you speak of is total garage. A really good human being, and quite successful at her job to boot, I guess makes you the target of horrible and jealous jackasses like yourself. Seriously, go crawl back in your hole, you rotten piece of $hit.

Dial back my brother. This is like the evolve survey. You know the one we are forced to a. take the survey, then b. DBM makes it weird when people are honest. Yeah challenge that status quo, that is a joke, because here we are, again. Wrath you say? That is an understatement. Time for the boycotting of all surveys, boycott all requests for utter stupidity, and shut down all generalized bull. Do it. Don't fear. Be brave NYS soldiers. Pourquoi you say? Cuz ain't like yo' getting fired! Shoot Flo-jo still got a j-o-b, so you know if that hoe still here, with her purple hair and compliance rap sheet, you too will be safe my soldiers.
The sad rantings is a bitter, jealous has been. Must be so painful to see someone so well-liked, happy and successful when you are a pathetic little nobody.

Wow - you took some time to write up this sassy lil post. Must be real proud of yourself. How many times did you read it over and smile before you clicked “post”? Loser. The ‘compliance rap sheet’ you speak of is total garage. A really good human being, and quite successful at her job to boot, I guess makes you the target of horrible and jealous jackasses like yourself. Seriously, go crawl back in your hole, you rotten piece of $hit.
Apparently one Brian is jealous of other. Stinks to lose and just be a man about it

Compliance 101. She doesn’t know this is fireable?
This is where LAGW shines when it comes to the toxicity of NY. She awards and praises those who either perpetuate or condone this type of behavior. Keep your head down and do your job does not work in NYS. This individual has been doing this type of stuff for a while, let’s not forget taking a Mounjaro sample from an office and photographing it on a tombstone and posting that on Yammer. Instead of getting in trouble she wins a vision award that year, now she wins another award after posting it. Great job LaGW. This has to be the most insecure leader I am aware of. She insulates herself in the ivory tower of being an RBD. Allows the people who cause problems to thrive and steps on those trying to thrive because they pose a threat to her dictatorship. Sooner or later someone will start to look at this region and wonder what is really happening. The unfortunate reality is LAGW isn’t going anywhere while every RBD that surrounded her region has now moved on with promotions to other and better roles because they are well liked, promote the right people and recognize that it’s time to give someone the chance to shine.

Watch all the special people who suck up to LAGW rank higher than their counterparts in this new IC. This is perfect for her to really show us how she chooses.
And we all thought the most toxic region couldn’t get any more toxic. Such horrible leadership. Shes probably enjoying this a little too much