
Looking for information about Buffalo-South. Is this Southern Tier (Olean, Jamestown, Hornell, Salamanca, Dunkirk)? Scale is pretty wide, is that base with bonus? Company issued car or mileage/monthly?
Reps are issued fleet vehicles, posted salary is before bonuses. Try connected w reps on Linkedin, easy to find them as we all have profiles we use for training etc.

Agree. DBM and district laughing stock of region. RUN. FAST!
With the change in regime, I was hoping the twats of NYS would no longer feel the pressure to tear others down for praise. Hopefully this New Year brings change to each of you who feel the need to hide behind your computer and make others feel bad.

The Buffalo DBM is solid, knowledgeable, and supportive. While one person on that team is clearly not like the rest, the other five people along with the manager make that district a home.

Please grow from your previous post and realize that changing your shitty outlook may be the other half of what this region needs.

With the change in regime, I was hoping the twats of NYS would no longer feel the pressure to tear others down for praise. Hopefully this New Year brings change to each of you who feel the need to hide behind your computer and make others feel bad.

The Buffalo DBM is solid, knowledgeable, and supportive. While one person on that team is clearly not like the rest, the other five people along with the manager make that district a home.

Please grow from your previous post and realize that changing your shitty outlook may be the other half of what this region needs.
Maybe you should die already. #shutup