
Bees are not flies, they buzz around flowers not shit. HB you need to get your narrative straight on what the definition of a bumblebee is as many people will agree that Monday’s example is not it.
Ps We hate the gifts, please end them. You’re phony and we all see through your wolf in sheep’s clothing act.

yes to all of this

Was being inquisitive about what happened to the obesity rep in the Binghamton area that was let go ? Was it because he ended up with Endo Rep ? I’m thinking of applying here and heard there are heavy hookups here which would put my faith in a predicament. Should I not apply ?

News Flash!!!! It’s a higher standard to be on this side of the business plain and simple. Some don’t have what it takes

What a joke are you serious? I heard one rep was placed on that side cause they were trying to get them to quit cause the territory was so bad. Hence 3 years later they have coasted and done very well. Point here being is it’s not really a tough job at all.