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Nubu- Senior Leadership seems?

Spot on, when cuts happen the males will be first to go. Bet these gals already have a male RIF list, anything to protect their gal pals. If any of these so called leaders scurry to another BU, guaranteed one of their friends will claw to be the replacement.

Confirmed. Males 2b cut soon. Save this message.

I definitely feel the tension that exists between CB and TN. They do not see eye to eye. While CB hires all her beauty consultants and TN hires all the INBU loyalists it’s pretty depressing to watch the effects it has on the sales force…they are just using their position as a platform to their next move and we are the rubble left behind.

From Nick, DM, then HV, then CB and TN they could never fix the other predecessors messes. Then from the HUB, our marketing, PI label updates, and now CVS it’s been a fucking failure. Then to top it off our partnership with Novartis and ISS who for the most part contributed very little and then having no commitment to expanding our neuro portfolio….this franchise is doomed. There is this gaping hole in the hull of the NUBU titanic but everyone in leadership is pretending that nothing is going on and everything is going to be just fine or they blame the person above them or below them but never themselves. All the while let’s let the NN Band play on and distract them. But wait here comes the rescue boat of “new data” oh wait it’s delayed again …what a fucking Her-Mess. If you need proof just look at all the people that have left the West. I can’t wait to get the fuck out of Amgen before the ship goes down. So take your fucking trackers and shove them up your ass.

BEST POST YET ON MOST THREADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think TN is gunning for CB's job. Do you notice how TN is texting when CB talks? it's fun to watch the disengagement. The RSD's all INBU cronies of TN.

This division IS doomed. HERMES will NOT save the day. They knew we were losing CVS for a long time and went on and on with their crap on calls making it look like everything was so great. losing CVS is HUGE folks. Just know that.

Amgen is arrogant and anyone around 10 years or more knows it. They never do their jobs to keep these formularies as they have their heads up their arrogant assss.

BEST POST YET ON MOST THREADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think TN is gunning for CB's job. Do you notice how TN is texting when CB talks? it's fun to watch the disengagement. The RSD's all INBU cronies of TN.

This division IS doomed. HERMES will NOT save the day. They knew we were losing CVS for a long time and went on and on with their crap on calls making it look like everything was so great. losing CVS is HUGE folks. Just know that.

Amgen is arrogant and anyone around 10 years or more knows it. They never do their jobs to keep these formularies as they have their heads up their arrogant assss.

Enough of the cb and tn postings, we know exactly which DM is creating these posts and responding to HIMSELF. If you continue to post, I'll call you out on this forum. I highly suggest you spend your time in the SE coaching your reps, maybe some year you'll earn your 1st CC. Next time don't tell others you have been posting ya dummy. And please stop posting all the anti white male stuff too, you are singlehandedly ruining reputations in Neuro.

Again, if it doesn't stop, I'm posting your initials here and phoning HR.

Enough of the cb and tn postings, we know exactly which DM is creating these posts and responding to HIMSELF. If you continue to post, I'll call you out on this forum. I highly suggest you spend your time in the SE coaching your reps, maybe some year you'll earn your 1st CC. Next time don't tell others you have been posting ya dummy. And please stop posting all the anti white male stuff too, you are singlehandedly ruining reputations in Neuro.

Again, if it doesn't stop, I'm posting your initials here and phoning HR.

you get em Girl Scout! I mean I teach my kids not to be a tattle tell but hey, now you can tell your boss how you’re defending their honor anonymously on CP! Now you’ll definitely get that promotion!

Enough of the cb and tn postings, we know exactly which DM is creating these posts and responding to HIMSELF. If you continue to post, I'll call you out on this forum. I highly suggest you spend your time in the SE coaching your reps, maybe some year you'll earn your 1st CC. Next time don't tell others you have been posting ya dummy. And please stop posting all the anti white male stuff too, you are singlehandedly ruining reputations in Neuro.

Again, if it doesn't stop, I'm posting your initials here and phoning HR.

oh snap!!! This is getting spicy ! I’m sure you’ll get that promotion defending CB/TN on CP.

Yeah, there’s only one person who’s upset that’s why half the business unit has quit in the last few months

From the observation of another BU I would say there is an issue with NUBU and it’s not one person. Seems systemic in nature. Rhetorical questions would be:
1-Do the numbers support the claim a lot of key people left?
2-Are there valid reasons a team would feel isolated or left with poor leadership?
3- Is it fixable?

From the observation of another BU I would say there is an issue with NUBU and it’s not one person. Seems systemic in nature. Rhetorical questions would be:
1-Do the numbers support the claim a lot of key people left?
2-Are there valid reasons a team would feel isolated or left with poor leadership?
3- Is it fixable?

3) NOT A CHANCE IN HELL. If they can’t fix KRONOS good luck fixing a whole division.

Now go back to selling Repatha

NUBU IS DONE!! It’s happening soon. Layoffs! Consider yourself warned!

It's not DONE. It's just going to continue failing. They are not laying off. Hermes is not going to do shit. The damage is already done and losing CVS makes it all worse. They act like it means nothing and know it does. competition already telling everyone to switch. Doomed.

Enough of the cb and tn postings, we know exactly which DM is creating these posts and responding to HIMSELF. If you continue to post, I'll call you out on this forum. I highly suggest you spend your time in the SE coaching your reps, maybe some year you'll earn your 1st CC. Next time don't tell others you have been posting ya dummy. And please stop posting all the anti white male stuff too, you are singlehandedly ruining reputations in Neuro.

Again, if it doesn't stop, I'm posting your initials here and phoning HR.



I'm no fan of this SE manager but yesterday's Webex debacle went too far. He listed all internal Directors and called them out-

The field hasn't heard of them
Customers haven't heard of them
They send useless emails
Their roles should be admin
They should be let go

To be fair, I've never heard of these people either, but feel it's highly inappropriate to call out in open forum. Neuro has become the hunger games,

It's not DONE. It's just going to continue failing. They are not laying off. Hermes is not going to do shit. The damage is already done and losing CVS makes it all worse. They act like it means nothing and know it does. competition already telling everyone to switch. Doomed.

multiple physicians said it's over for us. they are tired of so many hoops to climb through

I definitely feel the tension that exists between CB and TN. They do not see eye to eye. While CB hires all her beauty consultants and TN hires all the INBU loyalists it’s pretty depressing to watch the effects it has on the sales force…they are just using their position as a platform to their next move and we are the rubble left behind.

From Nick, DM, then HV, then CB and TN they could never fix the other predecessors messes. Then from the HUB, our marketing, PI label updates, and now CVS it’s been a fucking failure. Then to top it off our partnership with Novartis and ISS who for the most part contributed very little and then having no commitment to expanding our neuro portfolio….this franchise is doomed. There is this gaping hole in the hull of the NUBU titanic but everyone in leadership is pretending that nothing is going on and everything is going to be just fine or they blame the person above them or below them but never themselves. All the while let’s let the NN Band play on and distract them. But wait here comes the rescue boat of “new data” oh wait it’s delayed again …what a fucking Her-Mess. If you need proof just look at all the people that have left the West. I can’t wait to get the fuck out of Amgen before the ship goes down. So take your fucking trackers and shove them up your ass.

KD is the problem in the west but because he is a good ole INBU boy he will always get a pass. The incompetence he has shown is deafening!

You could do better?

Are you serious? He’s in over his head. His alcoholism makes him a liability and most likely is what impacts his IQ.

You clearly don’t work in NN or you wouldn’t make such a moronic comment.

God bless the managers and AC that that have to cover for him. There is no chance he’s doesn’t have a long HR paper trail.

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