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Nubu- Senior Leadership seems?

Unfair to blame just a few like CB, TN plus others. The whole unit is broke, all we do is send out presentations and have endless Webex's. My customers know every C suite bloke at my competitors but customers come last here. How can we succeed if I, the sales rep, am the only soul that connects my MD's to the brand. TO is so full of themselves patting one another on the back and jockeying for promos. All we do is push paper, zero connection with the customers and patients we supposedly serve. To be fair, a few RD's, managers and the TO dude help but they alone cannot possibly do it all. I love all my nubu peeps and our drug but I'm submitting my notice soon. I'm going to the dark side, aka the oral. For the rest who remain, I wish you the best.

Unfair to blame just a few like CB, TN plus others. The whole unit is broke, all we do is send out presentations and have endless Webex's. My customers know every C suite bloke at my competitors but customers come last here. How can we succeed if I, the sales rep, am the only soul that connects my MD's to the brand. TO is so full of themselves patting one another on the back and jockeying for promos. All we do is push paper, zero connection with the customers and patients we supposedly serve. To be fair, a few RD's, managers and the TO dude help but they alone cannot possibly do it all. I love all my nubu peeps and our drug but I'm submitting my notice soon. I'm going to the dark side, aka the oral. For the rest who remain, I wish you the best.[/

If a unit is broken who do you coach out?

Unfair to blame just a few like CB, TN plus others. The whole unit is broke, all we do is send out presentations and have endless Webex's. My customers know every C suite bloke at my competitors but customers come last here. How can we succeed if I, the sales rep, am the only soul that connects my MD's to the brand. TO is so full of themselves patting one another on the back and jockeying for promos. All we do is push paper, zero connection with the customers and patients we supposedly serve. To be fair, a few RD's, managers and the TO dude help but they alone cannot possibly do it all. I love all my nubu peeps and our drug but I'm submitting my notice soon. I'm going to the dark side, aka the oral. For the rest who remain, I wish you the best.

It's not just CB. It's TN and the other RD's. And marketing, etc. All of them.

TN and CB calling reps they haven’t talked to in two years and asking what’s wrong lololololololololololol

After our last few key personnel losses they should be calling. To your point it’s a little too late. I’ve enjoyed what we do and I’m disappointed to see how this is falling apart right in front of us.
CB & TN skipping multiple levels down?! What does that say about your RD hires?as you don’t have confidence in them we don’t either. But you created the mess so it’s on you to clean it up.

After our last few key personnel losses they should be calling. To your point it’s a little too late. I’ve enjoyed what we do and I’m disappointed to see how this is falling apart right in front of us.
CB & TN skipping multiple levels down?! What does that say about your RD hires?as you don’t have confidence in them we don’t either. But you created the mess so it’s on you to clean it up.

they are not skipping multiple levels down. let me assure you of that.
they don't care

After our last few key personnel losses they should be calling. To your point it’s a little too late. I’ve enjoyed what we do and I’m disappointed to see how this is falling apart right in front of us.
CB & TN skipping multiple levels down?! What does that say about your RD hires?as you don’t have confidence in them we don’t either. But you created the mess so it’s on you to clean it up.

And who the eff in marketing decided the herpes trial would be our saving grace? Competition doing head to heads with current meds and we are in the stone age, what a travesty. This proves mktg has absolutely no knowledge of what my targets want. What next, a preference study against OTC Excedrin migraine pills? Well whoopty do.

And who the eff in marketing decided the herpes trial would be our saving grace? Competition doing head to heads with current meds and we are in the stone age, what a travesty. This proves mktg has absolutely no knowledge of what my targets want. What next, a preference study against OTC Excedrin migraine pills? Well whoopty do.

hermes will not save us

they are delusional thinking it will and the trackers are a whole different matter

Well-a well-a well-a huh
Tell me more, tell me more
But you don't gotta brag
Tell me more, tell me more
'Cause he sounds like a drag

LMAO. Definitely written by a TO flunkie late into the night. All alone, wine jug in hand, exchanging thoughts with keyboard warrior virtual friends. I do like the poem but can you provide us direction on our strategy, even if in poem form?

NUBU was doomed the day CB was hired. She has thrown countless souls under the bus blaming them for her incompetence. Aimovig sales trajectory has been a joke.

I definitely feel the tension that exists between CB and TN. They do not see eye to eye. While CB hires all her beauty consultants and TN hires all the INBU loyalists it’s pretty depressing to watch the effects it has on the sales force…they are just using their position as a platform to their next move and we are the rubble left behind.

From Nick, DM, then HV, then CB and TN they could never fix the other predecessors messes. Then from the HUB, our marketing, PI label updates, and now CVS it’s been a fucking failure. Then to top it off our partnership with Novartis and ISS who for the most part contributed very little and then having no commitment to expanding our neuro portfolio….this franchise is doomed. There is this gaping hole in the hull of the NUBU titanic but everyone in leadership is pretending that nothing is going on and everything is going to be just fine or they blame the person above them or below them but never themselves. All the while let’s let the NN Band play on and distract them. But wait here comes the rescue boat of “new data” oh wait it’s delayed again …what a fucking Her-Mess. If you need proof just look at all the people that have left the West. I can’t wait to get the fuck out of Amgen before the ship goes down. So take your fucking trackers and shove them up your ass.

I definitely feel the tension that exists between CB and TN. They do not see eye to eye. While CB hires all her beauty consultants and TN hires all the INBU loyalists it’s pretty depressing to watch the effects it has on the sales force…they are just using their position as a platform to their next move and we are the rubble left behind.

From Nick, DM, then HV, then CB and TN they could never fix the other predecessors messes. Then from the HUB, our marketing, PI label updates, and now CVS it’s been a fucking failure. Then to top it off our partnership with Novartis and ISS who for the most part contributed very little and then having no commitment to expanding our neuro portfolio….this franchise is doomed. There is this gaping hole in the hull of the NUBU titanic but everyone in leadership is pretending that nothing is going on and everything is going to be just fine or they blame the person above them or below them but never themselves. All the while let’s let the NN Band play on and distract them. But wait here comes the rescue boat of “new data” oh wait it’s delayed again …what a fucking Her-Mess. If you need proof just look at all the people that have left the West. I can’t wait to get the fuck out of Amgen before the ship goes down. So take your fucking trackers and shove them up your ass.
Are you sure that it's not sexual tension between them?

I definitely feel the tension that exists between CB and TN. They do not see eye to eye. While CB hires all her beauty consultants and TN hires all the INBU loyalists it’s pretty depressing to watch the effects it has on the sales force…they are just using their position as a platform to their next move and we are the rubble left behind.

From Nick, DM, then HV, then CB and TN they could never fix the other predecessors messes. Then from the HUB, our marketing, PI label updates, and now CVS it’s been a fucking failure. Then to top it off our partnership with Novartis and ISS who for the most part contributed very little and then having no commitment to expanding our neuro portfolio….this franchise is doomed. There is this gaping hole in the hull of the NUBU titanic but everyone in leadership is pretending that nothing is going on and everything is going to be just fine or they blame the person above them or below them but never themselves. All the while let’s let the NN Band play on and distract them. But wait here comes the rescue boat of “new data” oh wait it’s delayed again …what a fucking Her-Mess. If you need proof just look at all the people that have left the West. I can’t wait to get the fuck out of Amgen before the ship goes down. So take your fucking trackers and shove them up your ass.


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