From Elon Musk to Steve Jobs and Mark Cuban, every great business leader realize meetings are a complete waste of time and resources, COVID or not….they are a simply a waste.
You just listed 3 leaders who are highly successful and visionaries. Not sure you are going to use adjectives to describe anyone in the world of pharma sales from top to bottom.

You’re one pathetic bastard. For your sake I hope you are a new rep and you’re excuse is just plan ignorance. Otherwise you are a total embarrassment.
Spot on…I agree that the person trying to say HR will put you on a PIP for choosing a virtual and trying to not get their family ill is a pathetic bastard!!!

I can’t wait to go and role play so my manager can see just how really good I am! I have a blockbuster question that they will love! Here goes, “Doctor do you treat bi-polar disorder?” Well, what do you think? If that doesn’t get a doctor’s attention I don’t know what will!

I can’t wait to go and role play so my manager can see just how really good I am! I have a blockbuster question that they will love! Here goes, “Doctor do you treat bi-polar disorder?” Well, what do you think? If that doesn’t get a doctor’s attention I don’t know what will!

Sunovion did not invent mindless POAs. You can leave here and go work for any other pharma company and will get more of the same. It’s a pharma thing. Sad that you try to use covid as an excuse to not attend. Grow up.

Sunovion did not invent mindless POAs. You can leave here and go work for any other pharma company and will get more of the same. It’s a pharma thing. Sad that you try to use covid as an excuse to not attend. Grow up.
I’m sure you were the corporate stooge who was saying in March 2020 “just suck it up and go to NSM in Vegas”….Covid is just an excuse to get out of the meeting.

This is a very easy job. All it’s takes is just a little of bit of work ethic and character. Hell covid has basically given you a free pass for past 1.5 years. Step up now and do something other than complain and try to drain the system by skipping out on a meeting.
Why did you get a free pass for 1.5 years. You are a slacker. We have all been working.