Face it - Roche is a company killer. Eurotrash loosers.
Couldn't agree more. Surprised 20/20 or 60 Minutes hasn't had undercover cameras capturing the waste of $ that is NSM - Club DNA, Thursday "free day" and "the concert". I can only imagine what accounting must see for total bar bills submitted by CS's, DM's, RBD's, NSD's and marketing when they think liquor costs were already factored into the week. There are not many outside of our company that are "jealous" of this extravagance.
Crawl back under your rock, Troll.Oh it's coming! You can only cover up the Evan Morris shit show so long. Toxic culture and the media is on it. Could not be a better time to expose the Pharma EGO of Genentech. Culture of sexual harassment, hiring practices, etc. CIA is coming.........
There is a reason why there are several openings across the company. Kevzara is not moving market share and Sanofi and Degeneron are horrible to work for. Trust me on this one.BioOnc severed or hanging on, Regeneron has several sales positions posted across the country and so does SanofiGenzyme.
There is a reason why there are several openings across the company. Kevzara is not moving market share and Sanofi and Degeneron are horrible to work for. Trust me on this one.
Permanently...Is it over yet???
There is a reason why there are several openings across the company. Kevzara is not moving market share and Sanofi and Degeneron are horrible to work for. Trust me on this one.
Christy Oliger, uuuuuuuuugh!
Talking HeadsWho's the band- Molly Hatchet?
Talking Heads