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Novartis paid $100K to Trump's Attorney Michael Cohen

Novartis is a shit company the senior officers involved in this scandalous operation should committed suicide like the Korea airospac official did but they won't instead they will distance themselves with lies and fuck up some unimportant launch to throw the pack off

The notion that payments to his personal lawyer might implicate President Donald Trump in wrongdoing was dealt a blow Wednesday by drug giant Novartis’ admission it received nothing for the more than $1 million paid to Michael Cohen.
CNBC reports:

Novartis said it signed a one-year contract with Cohen’s shell company, Essential Consultants, for $100,000 per month in February 2017, shortly after Trump was inaugurated as president.

Novartis said it believed Cohen “could advise the company as to how the Trump administration might approach certain U.S. health-care policy matters, including the Affordable Care Act.”

But just a month after signing the deal, Novartis executives had their first meeting with Cohen, and afterward “determined that Michael Cohen and Essentials Consultants would be unable to provide the services that Novartis had anticipated.”

But Novartis kept paying Cohen.

“As the contract, unfortunately, could only be terminated for cause, payments continued to be made until the contract expired by its own terms in February 2018,” Novartis said.

As Breitbart News observed Wednesday morning, instead of being a case of a corrupt quid pro quo, this appears to be a case of quid pro no. That is, the companies alleged to have made payments to Cohen do not appear to have bought favor policies from the administration. They do not even appear to have received information about the Trump administration’s thinking on policy matters.

At worst, it appears Cohen may have held himself out as an expert on Trump’s thinking but his clients discovered his expertise was lacking–or that they were unable to use that expertise to benefit their interests.


Although it is commonplace for major multinationals to hire lobbyists close to an incoming administration to influence legislation, Mr Cohen was not a registered lobbyist and served as Mr Trump’s longtime personal attorney during his time as a New York property developer.

This is the tip of the iceberg Washington will soon be informed of the fake transfer price that is pushed on the American public for the cost of drugs, let's see the Swiss crawl away from this! F them all they are are 3rd riech escapies

A consulting agreement that cannot be terminated for cause? WTF.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit eh? The article and press release said that the contract could ONLY be terminated for cause.

""As the contract, unfortunately, could only be terminated for cause, payments continued to be made until the contract expired by its own terms in February 2018," Novartis said."

It's crazy to think that him not delivering what he said he would isn't cause, but that's besides the point...

Field reps. Do not wear your name tag until this blows over. I was approached today by a angry man because he saw I worked for Novartis. This was in a waiting room full of patients. I just turned around and left. Lord, we should of known better. This administration is slimy.

The notion that payments to his personal lawyer might implicate President Donald Trump in wrongdoing was dealt a blow Wednesday by drug giant Novartis’ admission it received nothing for the more than $1 million paid to Michael Cohen.
CNBC reports:

Novartis said it signed a one-year contract with Cohen’s shell company, Essential Consultants, for $100,000 per month in February 2017, shortly after Trump was inaugurated as president.

Novartis said it believed Cohen “could advise the company as to how the Trump administration might approach certain U.S. health-care policy matters, including the Affordable Care Act.”

But just a month after signing the deal, Novartis executives had their first meeting with Cohen, and afterward “determined that Michael Cohen and Essentials Consultants would be unable to provide the services that Novartis had anticipated.”

But Novartis kept paying Cohen.

“As the contract, unfortunately, could only be terminated for cause, payments continued to be made until the contract expired by its own terms in February 2018,” Novartis said.

As Breitbart News observed Wednesday morning, instead of being a case of a corrupt quid pro quo, this appears to be a case of quid pro no. That is, the companies alleged to have made payments to Cohen do not appear to have bought favor policies from the administration. They do not even appear to have received information about the Trump administration’s thinking on policy matters.

At worst, it appears Cohen may have held himself out as an expert on Trump’s thinking but his clients discovered his expertise was lacking–or that they were unable to use that expertise to benefit their interests.

It's another NOTHING burger illegally leaked by Mueller and the demoKKKrats.

Field reps. Do not wear your name tag until this blows over. I was approached today by a angry man because he saw I worked for Novartis. This was in a waiting room full of patients. I just turned around and left. Lord, we should of known better. This administration is slimy.
it's not going to blow over. This is kind of a big deal.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit eh? The article and press release said that the contract could ONLY be terminated for cause.

""As the contract, unfortunately, could only be terminated for cause, payments continued to be made until the contract expired by its own terms in February 2018," Novartis said."

It's crazy to think that him not delivering what he said he would isn't cause, but that's besides the point...

What if the contract was only for show? What if the payment was actually for Trump? What if the payment was actually for a favor by Trump? Time will tell. The Democrats will find out if there is an issue.

it's not going to blow over. This is kind of a big deal.

Vas - as CEO, who met with Trump - should come out and spell out truthfully what their discussion on Davos was about.

I am sure that it was not about Golf nor Palm Beach best restaurants !!!!

Corruption at its best
Welcome to a radioactive SWAMP !!!

The notion that payments to his personal lawyer might implicate President Donald Trump in wrongdoing was dealt a blow Wednesday by drug giant Novartis’ admission it received nothing for the more than $1 million paid to Michael Cohen.
CNBC reports:

Novartis said it signed a one-year contract with Cohen’s shell company, Essential Consultants, for $100,000 per month in February 2017, shortly after Trump was inaugurated as president.

Novartis said it believed Cohen “could advise the company as to how the Trump administration might approach certain U.S. health-care policy matters, including the Affordable Care Act.”

But just a month after signing the deal, Novartis executives had their first meeting with Cohen, and afterward “determined that Michael Cohen and Essentials Consultants would be unable to provide the services that Novartis had anticipated.”

But Novartis kept paying Cohen.

“As the contract, unfortunately, could only be terminated for cause, payments continued to be made until the contract expired by its own terms in February 2018,” Novartis said.

As Breitbart News observed Wednesday morning, instead of being a case of a corrupt quid pro quo, this appears to be a case of quid pro no. That is, the companies alleged to have made payments to Cohen do not appear to have bought favor policies from the administration. They do not even appear to have received information about the Trump administration’s thinking on policy matters.

At worst, it appears Cohen may have held himself out as an expert on Trump’s thinking but his clients discovered his expertise was lacking–or that they were unable to use that expertise to benefit their interests.

Of course Novartis is going to say he did nothing. What happens if Novartis actually got exactly what they paid for. Do you really believe they paid $1.2 million for nothing? Did they pay him under the guise to find out about the administration? Did they pay him for a favor that has not been uncovered yet? A favor that is worth much more than $1.2 million?

Of course Novartis is going to say he did nothing. What happens if Novartis actually got exactly what they paid for. Do you really believe they paid $1.2 million for nothing? Did they pay him under the guise to find out about the administration? Did they pay him for a favor that has not been uncovered yet? A favor that is worth much more than $1.2 million?
You're talking far too much sense, sir.

Next up some Trumpian coming in with some MAGA!!!!! screams and bald eagle GIFs.

the appearance of this is so dirty. Pay to play mentality. We need answers. Most of us do our jobs with the highest regard to compliance and integrity to never bring shame or questionable behavior to Novartis. I'm so disappointed.

I feel horrible for friends at Novartis who are exceptional reps who do the right thing every day.

I hope they leave.

Of course Novartis is going to say he did nothing. What happens if Novartis actually got exactly what they paid for. Do you really believe they paid $1.2 million for nothing? Did they pay him under the guise to find out about the administration? Did they pay him for a favor that has not been uncovered yet? A favor that is worth much more than $1.2 million?