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Novartis paid $100K to Trump's Attorney Michael Cohen

Not fake - very real - so real that Novartis issued a press release in which they blame the prior CEO


As a former executive of Novartis - during the times of James Shannon and Dan Vasella - I was overcome with nausea at the thought of an "ethical" Pharma Company who cares for patients will be part of the Trump's Swamp.

What happened to Ethics ?

Or is this a return to the times when the Swiss conspired with the Nazis to lute my Jewsish friends and family ?

  1. There is no proof that the “company controlled by a Russian Oligarch with close ties to Mr. Putin” is indeed a “company controlled by a Russian Oligarch with close ties to Mr. Putin.” The company in question, Columbus Nova, is by all accounts an American company. One of its biggest clients is Viktor Vekselberg, a Russian oligarch with ties to Putin, which means … … … nothing. All kinds of big American corporations have ties to monied foreigners, including Russians.
  2. Here is a list of some of the other companies that paid Michael Cohen’s Essential Consultants L.L.C.: AT&T, Novartis Investments S.A.R.L. (a multinational pharmaceutical company in Switzerland), and Korea Aerospace Industries.
  3. Are we honestly supposed to believe that, through Cohen, a multi-billionaire like Trump would let a Russian oligarch pay the $130,000 for Stormy’s non-disclosure agreement just as the media was heating up its Russia hoax? And here is the biggie NBC glossed over….
  4. According to the far-left New York Times, the Russian oligarch in question, Viktor Vekselberg, is “one ofseven kremlin linked oligarchs hit with sanctions in April by the Trump administration, which also imposed the penalties on the Renova Group.”
  5. The Renova Group is Vekselberg’s company.
  6. So we are also supposed to believe that an American company is secretly controlled by a Russian oligarch who used Cohen’s consulting firm as a slush fund to make a $130,000 payment as a means to grab hold of the puppet strings of a multi-billionaire who just won the presidency. Moreover, we are supposed to believe that Trump responded to this payoff by singling his oligarch out with brutal personal and business sanctions.
  7. Andrew Intrater, the CEO of Columbus Nova, is the cousin to Vekselberg, and Trump still slapped him with sanctions.
    New emails show Clinton Foundation staff pushed Hillary Clinton’s State Department to approve a meeting between Bill Clinton and a powerful Russian oligarch as her agency lined up investors for a project under his purview.

    The Clintons’ relationship with Viktor Vekselberg, the billionaire whose name appears in the documents, has taken on new significance amid an expanding criminal investigation into his company. Last week, authorities raided the offices of Vekselberg’s firm, Renova Group, following allegations of bribery from several of Renova’s subsidiaries.

    Vekselberg had been named head of a partnership dubbed the “Russian Silicon Valley” just three months before a Clinton Foundation employee began pushing the State Department to approve Bill Clinton’s proposed meeting with Vekselberg and a handful of other Russian executives.

    The emails, obtained by conservative-leaning Citizens United and provided first to the Washington Examiner, do not reveal any illegal activity on the part of the State Department, the Clintons or their foundation.

    But the records shed light on one of many relationships that blurred the lines between the Clinton’s political, financial and philanthropic pursuits while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state.

    Vekselberg’s Renova Group has donated between $50,000 and $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation, donor records show. Another firm associated with Vekselberg, OC Oerlikon, donated $25,000 to the Clinton Foundation.

Using a porn star’s lawyer as an assignment editor might be an all-new kind of low for the American media, but watching it blow up in the media’s ridiculous faces is nothing less than glorious.


More fake news ?
Indeed. Novartis paid $1M, not $400k.

amazing how the Trumpist, when face with facts that are inches away from treason, find ways to bring in the Clintons as proof that their guy didn't do anything wrong.

But let's go back to Novartis: Utterly disgusting that an "ethical" "patient-centric" Pharmaceutical Company will engage in Pay-4-Play schemes with shaddy lawyers.

It is very clear that Novartis KNEW that the payment was not-quite Kosher.
Otherwise, it would not have send transfer of 99K - short of the 100K number that triggers higher oversight.

This is a SAD state of affairs.
Trump is nothing more than a Banana Republic President.
Just take a look at Brasil's Lula - another populist gone bad.

Drug giant Novartis paid President Donald Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen more than $1 million for health-care policy consulting work that he actually ended up being "unable" to do, the company said Wednesday.

The company also said it has been questioned by special counsel Robert Mueller's team about the payments to Cohen.

Novartis said it signed a one-year contract with Cohen's shell company, Essential Consultants, for $100,000 per month in February 2017, shortly after Trump was inaugurated as president.

Novartis said it believed Cohen "could advise the company as to how the Trump administration might approach certain U.S. health-care policy matters, including the Affordable Care Act."

But just a month after signing the deal, Novartis executives had their first meeting with Cohen, and afterward "determined that Michael Cohen and Essentials Consultants would be unable to provide the services that Novartis had anticipated."

"As the contract, unfortunately, could only be terminated for cause, payments continued to be made until the contract expired by its own terms in February 2018," Novartis said.


That means that Cohen was paid up to $1.2 million for work he was unable to do by Novartis.

Swamp? What swamp? MAGA?! LOL.

amazing how the Trumpist, when face with facts that are inches away from treason, find ways to bring in the Clintons as proof that their guy didn't do anything wrong.

But let's go back to Novartis: Utterly disgusting that an "ethical" "patient-centric" Pharmaceutical Company will engage in Pay-4-Play schemes with shaddy lawyers.

It is very clear that Novartis KNEW that the payment was not-quite Kosher.
Otherwise, it would not have send transfer of 99K - short of the 100K number that triggers higher oversight.

This is a SAD state of affairs.
Trump is nothing more than a Banana Republic President.
Just take a look at Brasil's Lula - another populist gone bad.

Go stand in line to get your free cheese libtard snowflake. Trump is winning and it makes libtards heads explode. Economy booming and he should get nobel peace prize for solving North Korea, oh yea...did you see he got the prisoners released today from N. Korea..continued winning and keep pissing off libtard media and snowflakes who want handouts.

Go stand in line to get your free cheese libtard snowflake. Trump is winning and it makes libtards heads explode. Economy booming and he should get nobel peace prize for solving North Korea, oh yea...did you see he got the prisoners released today from N. Korea..continued winning and keep pissing off libtard media and snowflakes who want handouts.
You're laughable and/or a Russian bot. Enjoy your crow. You're going to be eating a LOT of it. This story is just getting started, snowflake.

Drug giant Novartis paid President Donald Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen more than $1 million for health-care policy consulting work that he actually ended up being "unable" to do, the company said Wednesday.

The company also said it has been questioned by special counsel Robert Mueller's team about the payments to Cohen.

Novartis said it signed a one-year contract with Cohen's shell company, Essential Consultants, for $100,000 per month in February 2017, shortly after Trump was inaugurated as president.

Novartis said it believed Cohen "could advise the company as to how the Trump administration might approach certain U.S. health-care policy matters, including the Affordable Care Act."

But just a month after signing the deal, Novartis executives had their first meeting with Cohen, and afterward "determined that Michael Cohen and Essentials Consultants would be unable to provide the services that Novartis had anticipated."

I wonder who these executives were - NVS should be completely transparent on this hook-up

Go stand in line to get your free cheese libtard snowflake. Trump is winning and it makes libtards heads explode. Economy booming and he should get nobel peace prize for solving North Korea, oh yea...did you see he got the prisoners released today from N. Korea..continued winning and keep pissing off libtard media and snowflakes who want handouts.

That's a fact Jack !

  1. There is no proof that the “company controlled by a Russian Oligarch with close ties to Mr. Putin” is indeed a “company controlled by a Russian Oligarch with close ties to Mr. Putin.” The company in question, Columbus Nova, is by all accounts an American company. One of its biggest clients is Viktor Vekselberg, a Russian oligarch with ties to Putin, which means … … … nothing. All kinds of big American corporations have ties to monied foreigners, including Russians.
  2. Here is a list of some of the other companies that paid Michael Cohen’s Essential Consultants L.L.C.: AT&T, Novartis Investments S.A.R.L. (a multinational pharmaceutical company in Switzerland), and Korea Aerospace Industries.
  3. Are we honestly supposed to believe that, through Cohen, a multi-billionaire like Trump would let a Russian oligarch pay the $130,000 for Stormy’s non-disclosure agreement just as the media was heating up its Russia hoax? And here is the biggie NBC glossed over….
  4. According to the far-left New York Times, the Russian oligarch in question, Viktor Vekselberg, is “one ofseven kremlin linked oligarchs hit with sanctions in April by the Trump administration, which also imposed the penalties on the Renova Group.”
  5. The Renova Group is Vekselberg’s company.
  6. So we are also supposed to believe that an American company is secretly controlled by a Russian oligarch who used Cohen’s consulting firm as a slush fund to make a $130,000 payment as a means to grab hold of the puppet strings of a multi-billionaire who just won the presidency. Moreover, we are supposed to believe that Trump responded to this payoff by singling his oligarch out with brutal personal and business sanctions.
  7. Andrew Intrater, the CEO of Columbus Nova, is the cousin to Vekselberg, and Trump still slapped him with sanctions.
    New emails show Clinton Foundation staff pushed Hillary Clinton’s State Department to approve a meeting between Bill Clinton and a powerful Russian oligarch as her agency lined up investors for a project under his purview.

    The Clintons’ relationship with Viktor Vekselberg, the billionaire whose name appears in the documents, has taken on new significance amid an expanding criminal investigation into his company. Last week, authorities raided the offices of Vekselberg’s firm, Renova Group, following allegations of bribery from several of Renova’s subsidiaries.

    Vekselberg had been named head of a partnership dubbed the “Russian Silicon Valley” just three months before a Clinton Foundation employee began pushing the State Department to approve Bill Clinton’s proposed meeting with Vekselberg and a handful of other Russian executives.

    The emails, obtained by conservative-leaning Citizens United and provided first to the Washington Examiner, do not reveal any illegal activity on the part of the State Department, the Clintons or their foundation.

    But the records shed light on one of many relationships that blurred the lines between the Clinton’s political, financial and philanthropic pursuits while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state.

    Vekselberg’s Renova Group has donated between $50,000 and $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation, donor records show. Another firm associated with Vekselberg, OC Oerlikon, donated $25,000 to the Clinton Foundation.

God Bless America And Trump !

Does anyone know the contact person and phone number to use to apply for the position of US Healthcare Policy Insight Provider? With over 20 years in the industry, I am certain that I can provide significantly more insight than Michael Cohen. As a show of good faith, I am willing to provide my superior services in exchange for a one year contract paying only $75,000 per month.

If Novartis would prefer to contact me directly, my email is crazygoodhealthcareinsights@gmail.com.

Go stand in line to get your free cheese libtard snowflake. Trump is winning and it makes libtards heads explode. Economy booming and he should get nobel peace prize for solving North Korea, oh yea...did you see he got the prisoners released today from N. Korea..continued winning and keep pissing off libtard media and snowflakes who want handouts.

Uh, Jethro, HE did not get prisoners released. HE did not broker deal with N and S Korea. If Benghazi was real then so is Niger - how bout that Jethro? Which red state you from? the one that will no longer sell soybeans because of the tariff or the one that will no longer sell pork because of the tariff.

Novartis just released a new statement regarding the Michael Cohen controversy. It simply said, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain".

A consulting agreement that cannot be terminated for cause? WTF.

So let me get this straight...$1.2M signed when they realize after one meeting that Cohen might not be able to deliver & don't terminate because it may upset Trump?

Why would Trump be angry if NVS cancelled a short-term agreement?

As shocking as this is, it’s clearly not the whole truth.

The notion that payments to his personal lawyer might implicate President Donald Trump in wrongdoing was dealt a blow Wednesday by drug giant Novartis’ admission it received nothing for the more than $1 million paid to Michael Cohen.
CNBC reports:

Novartis said it signed a one-year contract with Cohen’s shell company, Essential Consultants, for $100,000 per month in February 2017, shortly after Trump was inaugurated as president.

Novartis said it believed Cohen “could advise the company as to how the Trump administration might approach certain U.S. health-care policy matters, including the Affordable Care Act.”

But just a month after signing the deal, Novartis executives had their first meeting with Cohen, and afterward “determined that Michael Cohen and Essentials Consultants would be unable to provide the services that Novartis had anticipated.”

But Novartis kept paying Cohen.

“As the contract, unfortunately, could only be terminated for cause, payments continued to be made until the contract expired by its own terms in February 2018,” Novartis said.

As Breitbart News observed Wednesday morning, instead of being a case of a corrupt quid pro quo, this appears to be a case of quid pro no. That is, the companies alleged to have made payments to Cohen do not appear to have bought favor policies from the administration. They do not even appear to have received information about the Trump administration’s thinking on policy matters.

At worst, it appears Cohen may have held himself out as an expert on Trump’s thinking but his clients discovered his expertise was lacking–or that they were unable to use that expertise to benefit their interests.