Novartis oncology re-org


This was starting to happen with many ONC units in big pharma prior to the pandemic anyways. Wont be any different here with us by the end of the year / start of 2022. Just isn't sustainable anymore with more and more of our clinics getting their clinical information in "non face to face" environment. Time to start looking.

I’ve never understood the pharma oncology model. Way too many overpaid reps with zero to little access. It was only a matter of time until someone figured this out. Good work if you can get it, until it’s gone.

I’ve never understood the pharma oncology model. Way too many overpaid reps with zero to little access. It was only a matter of time until someone figured this out. Good work if you can get it, until it’s gone.

Good luck if your territory isn't part of a major metropolitan area. I'm hearing a lot of consolidation is coming with larger ONC footprints. I hope you like several overnights a week!

Cost containment is the way of Pharma moving forward and with all these higher paid Oncology reps out there, especially with decreased or tougher access, these types of roles will be drastically diminished over the next several months.

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