Novartis Layoffs when?


Who’s knows but generic Entresto is coming whether we like it or not!

Don’t fear getting out of this cesspool. There are opportunities out there if you take the initiative to pursue them. CV has been dead in the water now for 2 years. Get someplace where you will be respected and compensated for your efforts.

already happening
I left Novartis last year. Thought I was going to something better. There is no such thing in this industry! Every big pharma company is a huge crud show! Too much middle management, no guidance, too many metrics and people pulling strings who have never been in front of a doctor. And even though the C-Suite guys are getting huge bonuses, they continue to cut people. This used to be the best job around. Not anymore

I left Novartis last year. Thought I was going to something better. There is no such thing in this industry! Every big pharma company is a huge crud show! Too much middle management, no guidance, too many metrics and people pulling strings who have never been in front of a doctor. And even though the C-Suite guys are getting huge bonuses, they continue to cut people. This used to be the best job around. Not anymore

True. But of all the big pharma companies, Novartis has among the worst reputations for how they treat their reps.

True. But of all the big pharma companies, Novartis has among the worst reputations for how they treat their reps.
Every last one of these Pharma companies SUCK! Greed for the higher ups, and using reps for bigger bonuses, then turning them loose right before Christmas every year, has to be the worst business model ever created. I’ve watched it crater for the last three decades, shame on these companies for treating us like dirt!

True. But of all the big pharma companies, Novartis has among the worst reputations for how they treat their reps.
Every last one of these Pharma companies SUCK! Greed for the higher ups, and using reps for bigger bonuses, then turning them loose right before Christmas every year, has to be the worst business model ever created. I’ve watched it crater for the last three decades, shame on these companies for treating us like dirt!