

I just wanted to start this thread about "Nothing". One may comment here about anything that Rotech does that accomplishes Nothing, or better yet, accomplishes Nothing at maximum expense.
So please. Pull your heads out of your spread sheets and grids long enough to post any helpful info. which I will promptly forward to your area managers.

Well the demands are out this week from regionals, flowing down to AMs, pushing, pushing,meet the deadlines for these grids, give those Cpap patients supplies even though insurance may not cover because the patient is noncompliant but charge the heck out of them. Locations working so short staffed, with outdated equipment and vehicles. Again bottom line, existing patients are not and have not been seen. Some oxygen patients havent been seen in over a year. Thats an awful long time to be wearing the same oxygen cannula. Doing the overnight oximetries on patients that are already on oxygen just to make the magic number of 5 tests for the week.

These grids really bring in the business.

My location is proud of the # of POX's we're getting out there. Why, just yesterday, we got the Dr. to order one for a commode set up. Wait!.......There's someone out there getting a cane tip at the desk now. Gots to go and see about getting another. I'd even do one on a groundhog if asked.

Let's see how we can waste time and money...let me count the ways.

1)Morning meetings

2) Signing employee names to sheets to verify we have been "in-serviced" on some topic that we know nothing about

3) Holding patients equipment hostage at their house by refusing to pick it up with the justification that "your doctor ordered an oxyimetery test" just to delay delay and delay with the added bonus that the patient is still being billed.

4) Shipping unnecessary and unwanted cpap supplies every other month to patients because we know "the patients insurance says the patient qualifies for these items therefore we MUST SEND IT SO WE CAN BILL, BILL, BILL!"

5) Continuing to bill confused older patents for CPAP machines they have no interest in even using! The beauty of this is the patient has no idea we need a d/c order from their doctor and so we can continue to bill them for it. The added bonus....since the patient is non-compliant their insurance isn't even paying for it so the patient is responsible for the total payment!


Let's see how we can waste time and money...let me count the ways.

1)Morning meetings

2) Signing employee names to sheets to verify we have been "in-serviced" on some topic that we know nothing about

3) Holding patients equipment hostage at their house by refusing to pick it up with the justification that "your doctor ordered an oxyimetery test" just to delay delay and delay with the added bonus that the patient is still being billed.

4) Shipping unnecessary and unwanted cpap supplies every other month to patients because we know "the patients insurance says the patient qualifies for these items therefore we MUST SEND IT SO WE CAN BILL, BILL, BILL!"

5) Continuing to bill confused older patents for CPAP machines they have no interest in even using! The beauty of this is the patient has no idea we need a d/c order from their doctor and so we can continue to bill them for it. The added bonus....since the patient is non-compliant their insurance isn't even paying for it so the patient is responsible for the total payment!


With all the above whining, one forgets that THE PHYSICIANS ARE HAPPY WITH US. They continue to call us, and let us help them with their patients by providing valuable services such as pulse ox's.

My location is proud of the # of POX's we're getting out there. Why, just yesterday, we got the Dr. to order one for a commode set up. Wait!.......There's someone out there getting a cane tip at the desk now. Gots to go and see about getting another. I'd even do one on a groundhog if asked.

Ha,Ha It's the blotech way.

With all the above whining, one forgets that THE PHYSICIANS ARE HAPPY WITH US. They continue to call us, and let us help them with their patients by providing valuable services such as pulse ox's.

Dont know what planet you are on....But the physicians I know are tired of stuff being shoved down their throats...Yeah we do pulse oxs to, on patients that are already on oxygen, we gotta get those numbers somehow..Dont forget we still bill the patient so we can get that number so we can stay off the s--- list. Guess you can say that is good patient care, making sure someone is happy with their report at the patients expense or their insurance expense.

Maybe its you that are on a different planet. Physicians want, and demand that a dme company take care of it's patients. The last time I checked, here the U.S., a patient's health is not a matter of insurance coverage. It would seem that you just seek out reasons NOT to take care of the patient, probably out of laziness.

You are totally right!!!And I agree that the patient should be taken care of, however after the patient is setup with the equipment, the patient is not being taken care of. Hense what I said about billing the insurance. If the locations had enough personnel and did not have to spend so much time doing useless report maybe I would not feel so upset. But until this happens and the patient is being taken care of as they should be, I will continue to vent.

Right and how many Physicians really know what goes on after they institute the order...the sales rep can promise the world however in most cases the world cant be delivered. The Physician generally does not know the lack of care or supplies that the patient receives. Very few Rts out there to give good care to the very sick respiratory patient. INJUSTICE

Dont know what planet you are on....But the physicians I know are tired of stuff being shoved down their throats...Yeah we do pulse oxs to, on patients that are already on oxygen, we gotta get those numbers somehow..Dont forget we still bill the patient so we can get that number so we can stay off the s--- list. Guess you can say that is good patient care, making sure someone is happy with their report at the patients expense or their insurance expense.

There is a middle ground. Oximetry follow up protocol for new PAP patients, neb patients, and any patients with identified concerns should keep any location at or above par for oximetry tests. Requesting oximetry on every patient who comes on service is extreme and will alienate the MD's and piss off the patients. Use common sense, grow your location and quit whining. You can do a courtesy oximetry and not bill insurance if MD requests and it is not for qualification. Your Sales Rep should be able to understand and communicate clearly to his accounts that not every oximetry is a fishing expedition.

Competition is fierce if you expect to grow waiting on your fax to spit out an order for o2 you are delusional. Oximetry combined with referral sources that trust you enough to test are crucial. If YOU are not doing it ABC company down the street IS doing it and they are kicking your whiny ass.

My p.s.t. is as dumb as a rock. I insist that patients come in to my location for pox's if at all possible. I might not be a licensed health provider of any kind, but I am an lcm with at least 8 yrs on the job training. A license in not necessary, thank you.