Non- Existent Bonuses in CV

Lets not forget this fact, you have scripts that are “stuck” for various reasons and no FRM to pull through and its a compliance issue if you as the rep who knows the situation tries to help smart move novartis to decide to restructure, rename and redefine what “experience you need to have to be in the role in the middle of a launch

Did you hear Duane’s comments on the reorganization? He said that everyone was happy with the new territory alignments and that business was immediately impacted in a positive way…

This dude doesn’t have a clue or he does and chooses to lie to our faces. Amazing how out of touch he is either way.

top 3 most offensive moments of the the town hall-
1. Duane stating that customers all agree that the reorg was the best move for business. Really, Duane? You received that feedback from a customer? REALLY!!! (Please send him back to time out) the guy openly lies and everyone chuckles and sticks him back in the closet with all the other dusty old VPs.
2. Kristen or Diane… I cant tell them apart stating “this team” over and over to applaud entresto success. Really, ladies? This team? Half of whom were hired in 2022?
3. the act of pretending to care about culture. Where’s our Survey? I have not received communication from a culture lead, have you?

what I did receive was an offensively low IC scorecard. My time is more valuable than this. I’ve heard a lot of motivational speeches through the years, I’ve heard our own leaders call for personal excellence and it’s up to you to do better… so now, I have done my job, your move Novartis. I will very happily take a severance and I would very happily sign on to a class action law suit for data manipulation. I used to be one of the reps that said, yes- this sucks but Novartis always does the right thing. These leaders have absolutely no moral fiber or honestly left.

I filed a speak up.
Really more of us should. Do we put everything in one Speak Up report or do a separate one for the HR violations my manager makes, the questionable data, the shenanigans with IC, not allowing us to even interview for open positions, refusing to pay us within the posted range for our job title, etc?

How about the Metro debacle. Was told today the Ops folks ‘accidentally’ double counted most of the Metro orders so they had to adjust but apologized. A true embarrassment…and no accountability. Somehow it will get twisted and it will be the Reps’ mistake.

Our Area came in actually pretty good….until we saw the IC Scorecard and now are set to get almost nothing. Thanks; everyone knows the Metro data is actually UNDER reported. This latest stunt is true gaslighting

How about the Metro debacle. Was told today the Ops folks ‘accidentally’ double counted most of the Metro orders so they had to adjust but apologized. A true embarrassment…and no accountability. Somehow it will get twisted and it will be the Reps’ mistake.

Our Area came in actually pretty good….until we saw the IC Scorecard and now are set to get almost nothing. Thanks; everyone knows the Metro data is actually UNDER reported. This latest stunt is true gaslighting

So they only doubled them this trimester? How do you know your goals weren’t inflated by a double count last trimester. If you don’t file a report asking questions these antics continue. A flood of speak up reports cannot be ignored. You are protected by retaliation clause.

Excellent point! Amazing how just this time around orders were double counted ‘accidentally’. R.R. has always been the laughing stock throughout corporate; everyone should be emailing him as well for explanations. Again…no accountability here at all

What kind of organization do we work in if we can’t ask legitimate questions? Right now we work in an organizition where “seeking to understand” is seen as a breach of conduct and a problem. I wonder if saies ops miscounted anything before Vas briefed the investors?
But what do I know? I’m just a liwly replaceable rep who has been sniper level trained in positive tension.

I filed a speak up.

I hope you're being honest.
There's only one problem, there were a ton of speak-up complaints about the FTO lunacy, but Duane is still here.
I love that you did it, but the next moves need to be to the FDA.
They'll just keep running roughshod over customers (sending backdated useless syringes), the reps (slapping those virtually worthless syringes on our goals) and everyone else in order to artificially keep the stock afloat.
One day someone will legitimately blow the whistle & the CV division will be burnt to the ground.

I hope you're being honest.
There's only one problem, there were a ton of speak-up complaints about the FTO lunacy, but Duane is still here.
I love that you did it, but the next moves need to be to the FDA.
They'll just keep running roughshod over customers (sending backdated useless syringes), the reps (slapping those virtually worthless syringes on our goals) and everyone else in order to artificially keep the stock afloat.
One day someone will legitimately blow the whistle & the CV division will be burnt to the ground.
Every day, I hope for Novartis to do something to make me feel like they value at least all the money I have made for them. Every day I’m disappointed with another negative communication or silence where we should get answers. Every day I screenshot another text or backup another email or journal another thing a manager says. I’d prefer they fix the culture and value us. My second choice would be a severance package. But if they take me to the third choice, I’m ready.

How about the Metro debacle. Was told today the Ops folks ‘accidentally’ double counted most of the Metro orders so they had to adjust but apologized. A true embarrassment…and no accountability. Somehow it will get twisted and it will be the Reps’ mistake.

Our Area came in actually pretty good….until we saw the IC Scorecard and now are set to get almost nothing. Thanks; everyone knows the Metro data is actually UNDER reported. This latest stunt is true gaslighting

Metro data is misreported! At least in other business units. It’s why Chicago rep for to presidents club nearly every year. They can’t figure out how to proportion business so most goes to where the hub offices are

I hope you're being honest.
There's only one problem, there were a ton of speak-up complaints about the FTO lunacy, but Duane is still here.
I love that you did it, but the next moves need to be to the FDA.
They'll just keep running roughshod over customers (sending backdated useless syringes), the reps (slapping those virtually worthless syringes on our goals) and everyone else in order to artificially keep the stock afloat.
One day someone will legitimately blow the whistle & the CV division will be burnt to the ground.

Someone blew the whistle on CV years ago. Ask someone who has been around for awhile. Most recent CIA and issue with speaker programs (we have to limit them, no alcohol etc) all comes from around 2005 when managers were forcing multiple programs a week and encouraging the reps to buy bottles of wine for docs and write off as meals at programs. Oh and many of those old time managers are still here go figure

Someone blew the whistle on CV years ago. Ask someone who has been around for awhile. Most recent CIA and issue with speaker programs (we have to limit them, no alcohol etc) all comes from around 2005 when managers were forcing multiple programs a week and encouraging the reps to buy bottles of wine for docs and write off as meals at programs. Oh and many of those old time managers are still here go figure

in addition to speak up office consider reporting to the inspector general at department of justice. novartis is a repeat offender. Your message to the Department of Justice

speak up office wont do much.

Woke up this morning
With a funny funny feelin'
And that feelin'
Was an unusual feelin'

Inna my bone yeah
It inna my blood
Inna my toes
Coming up to my brain

Went to the doctor
To check out what's matter
I Went to the doctor
To find out the matter

Doctor said son
You have a Reggaemylitis
I said, "What"
Doctor said son
You have a Reggaemylitis

Inna mi bones
Inna me blood
From my toes
Up to my brain

Can anyone find in the playbook for IC 2 payout anything about being force ranked with Leqvio? Our team achieved almost 70% to our goal for last trimester and then when the scorecard came out we were then forced ranked and our payout dropped to 35%!! What the hell people?? All we were told was to hit that goal - that is what mattered. Well not really- once again we are getting pats on this drug and not being recognized or or incentivized for it. Let’s not even talk about the ridiculous amount of my Leq pats on NPAF bc the Medicare Advantage coverage is abysmal!

Can anyone find in the playbook for IC 2 payout anything about being force ranked with Leqvio? Our team achieved almost 70% to our goal for last trimester and then when the scorecard came out we were then forced ranked and our payout dropped to 35%!! What the hell people?? All we were told was to hit that goal - that is what mattered. Well not really- once again we are getting pats on this drug and not being recognized or or incentivized for it. Let’s not even talk about the ridiculous amount of my Leq pats on NPAF bc the Medicare Advantage coverage is abysmal!

Other business units have been like that forever. Payout drops the lower the percent to goal is. With our IC3 plan it would be 0 payout under 80%. I predict mass exodus when people start to see IC3 payouts

Can anyone find in the playbook for IC 2 payout anything about being force ranked with Leqvio? Our team achieved almost 70% to our goal for last trimester and then when the scorecard came out we were then forced ranked and our payout dropped to 35%!! What the hell people?? All we were told was to hit that goal - that is what mattered. Well not really- once again we are getting pats on this drug and not being recognized or or incentivized for it. Let’s not even talk about the ridiculous amount of my Leq pats on NPAF bc the Medicare Advantage coverage is abysmal!

Unfortunately it is in the playbook. I don’t think it’s fair but it is in writing. You can find it in Javelin under my reports