Non- Existent Bonuses in CV


Thanks Dez for the new “pay for performance” bonus structure! For IC 3 if you aren’t 80% to goal you are paid ZERO bonus. That would be fine if the goals were reasonable or somewhat attainable- but most goals were an increase of 230% or more over baseline!!!! A baseline skewed by Free Trial Offers - no less. Therefore NO ONE is even close to 80% to goal which only equates to a 50% payout by the way. This is such crap bc the company is touting amazing sales to the shareholders but will not be paying their sales reps that are working harder than ever to sell this drug. This is a tough, tough sale and if Novartis isn’t going to recognize that and “make it right” with bonuses they will continue to lose their top talent in CV. No one is expecting to be paid a ton just a fair bonus that equates to the amount of work this drug requires- the company is making their $$ time to pay the people that are in the trenches. It’s bad enough that PSS colleagues are being paid more than sales reps and they generate ZERO business for the company. If it weren’t for sales PSS would have nothing to do. This whole thing is so back asswards it’s absurd. This drug has no chance if they continue down this path- new senior leadership is required immediately to save it and that’s not looking likely to happen at all.

Agree to the above post. Talked w all my district team members and people are pissed! Do they think this is going to help motivate us or increase sales of Leqvio??? The opposite! Everyone I know hates it here!

ps. Your town halls are a joke! You don’t care about the field and you continue to lie lie lie.

Thanks Dez for the new “pay for performance” bonus structure! For IC 3 if you aren’t 80% to goal you are paid ZERO bonus. That would be fine if the goals were reasonable or somewhat attainable- but most goals were an increase of 230% or more over baseline!!!! A baseline skewed by Free Trial Offers - no less. Therefore NO ONE is even close to 80% to goal which only equates to a 50% payout by the way. This is such crap bc the company is touting amazing sales to the shareholders but will not be paying their sales reps that are working harder than ever to sell this drug. This is a tough, tough sale and if Novartis isn’t going to recognize that and “make it right” with bonuses they will continue to lose their top talent in CV. No one is expecting to be paid a ton just a fair bonus that equates to the amount of work this drug requires- the company is making their $$ time to pay the people that are in the trenches. It’s bad enough that PSS colleagues are being paid more than sales reps and they generate ZERO business for the company. If it weren’t for sales PSS would have nothing to do. This whole thing is so back asswards it’s absurd. This drug has no chance if they continue down this path- new senior leadership is required immediately to save it and that’s not looking likely to happen at all.
I’ve worked very hard to launch Leqvio, and I’ve done very well. Unfortunately, because of team goals, I have never seen much reward in IC. Based on current IC, I’m just not willing to work this hard for this amount of money anymore. I’ll do enough to get by until they start paying me or hand me a severance package.

I’m filing a complaint with HR and the business unit. Enough is enough. We’ve worked too hard and have been dealing with corrupt unethical business practices and bogus payouts for too long.

Who do you complain to? No one cares. This is the worst it’s ever been. It’s time to leave this dishonest corrupt company. Do you want the leqvio disaster on your resume? I don’t.
Why should I get another office to purchase leqvio? We’re not compensated for our time or work. And even worse we’re being told to stick it to Medicare. Tell me there’s not another lawsuit in there somewhere.

If you pay attention to what they say in their communications or town halls, leqvio is actually doing better than they have us believe. They gave us outrageous goals, that most of us will still strive for even though we'll really never come close. It's a win win for them, they get us to work hard and press our offices and on the other end will likely not be paying out much in bonuses.

Who do you complain to? No one cares. This is the worst it’s ever been. It’s time to leave this dishonest corrupt company. Do you want the leqvio disaster on your resume? I don’t.
Why should I get another office to purchase leqvio? We’re not compensated for our time or work. And even worse we’re being told to stick it to Medicare. Tell me there’s not another lawsuit in there somewhere.

Exactly - HR won’t give a shit they had to sign off on the new bonus structure so they won’t care. It sounds great “pay for performance” until you really break it down and realize that many reps at the top are there because of extenuating territory circumstances (example - Boston territory. I won’t say which business unit but the person who covers this area has won P Club 3 or 4 times since she joined Novartis about 5 years ago and is in the running again). Same with Chicago. Nobody is that good! Again just proves leadership lacks awareness.

Who do you complain to? No one cares. This is the worst it’s ever been. It’s time to leave this dishonest corrupt company. Do you want the leqvio disaster on your resume? I don’t.
Why should I get another office to purchase leqvio? We’re not compensated for our time or work. And even worse we’re being told to stick it to Medicare. Tell me there’s not another lawsuit in there somewhere.

Actually, you do want Leqvio on your resume. The acquisition pathways and the technology will open doors for you. You'll see when you start interviewing.
Nobody outside of Novartis knows (or cares) about what a tragic shitshow this has become, and its very easy to make it sound like a great experience.
FWIW, there were a lot of complaints about the FTO debacle, and the only ones gone are reps and ABL's. Don't get your hopes up, because its clear senior management gets a pass with this company.

Exactly - HR won’t give a shit they had to sign off on the new bonus structure so they won’t care. It sounds great “pay for performance” until you really break it down and realize that many reps at the top are there because of extenuating territory circumstances (example - Boston territory. I won’t say which business unit but the person who covers this area has won P Club 3 or 4 times since she joined Novartis about 5 years ago and is in the running again). Same with Chicago. Nobody is that good! Again just proves leadership lacks awareness.
The PCP rep Winning P Club due to misaligned HCPs and sending emails about herself to leadership = joke.

I’ve worked very hard to launch Leqvio, and I’ve done very well. Unfortunately, because of team goals, I have never seen much reward in IC. Based on current IC, I’m just not willing to work this hard for this amount of money anymore. I’ll do enough to get by until they start paying me or hand me a severance package.

Me too. My territory has successfully generated almost half that contributed to the district goal. The other territories brought next to nothing.

It’s defeating and demotivating. And then the increase the price. I can only laugh at how Novartis is going to tank.

And perhaps we need to start a Union? Or a class action lawsuit? Or, like UPS workers, a strike?

SOMETHING has to change for the better where our CV IC metrics and payout is concerned. ENOUGH.

We need to report misconduct from whoever is creating and signing off on comp plans- Looking at you - ryan rizzo. Also looking at the signees on the playbooks. There are some interesting trends in performance reports when you dig in. There are ethical ramifications to providing false data. That is the only thing that catches the attention of anyone who can call for change. We all know Retalition is the silent additional core pillar here so no one says anything.
this business unit has been disfunctional and chaotic for more than 3 years.
A couple things to consider:
Entresto - there’s a lot of celebrating but bonuses are more dismal than ever.why are leqvio reps tasked with providing samples and resources and not compensated. Former cv reps have been screwed since 2020 while former pcp reps got bonused on hospitalists and cardiology mid levels. This has happened company wide and reported many times.but there is never any action. Why? CV leaders have made the decision to screw the the remaining reps who launched and built the brand that is bringing the lions share of US revenue.

Leqvio - this has to be the shadiest reporting in pharma. Why can’t the injections be tracked. Fu & your teamwork approach. All hands on deck endures no gets paid. Why is the data top secret? Sell sell sell- well we are, but we sharing compensation with multiple reps in multiple areas. We may be 1CV but this approach isn’t cutting it. I know of at least 4 people resigning after this weeks non bonus. I can’t wait to see the overall resignation number.

kpi’s - it’s widely discussed and reported that the last reorganization has been detrimental to business. But where are the leaders. How long do we wait to say, yup- we messed up. The company treats reps as disposable entities and yes, we are replaceable at any time. But it’s a mistake to bench experienced performing reps because a drunk uncle vp gets a wild hair. It’s a mistake to listen to strategy from inexperienced new reps.
I don’t know Diane and Kristen but someone should tell them copay cards and resources to help us sell aka make more money for Novartis does not fix culture. Clearly you were not listening and you didn’t hear us.

The PCP rep Winning P Club due to misaligned HCPs and sending emails about herself to leadership = joke.
She would be the first person to tell you how amazing she is. Reps and managers at Novartis and other companies know how self-serving and toxic she is. She will have a tough time finding a new job!

She would be the first person to tell you how amazing she is. Reps and managers at Novartis and other companies know how self-serving and toxic she is. She will have a tough time finding a new job!

Sucking yourself off and self promotion is the name of the game here at Novartis. She fits in perfectly.

We need to report misconduct from whoever is creating and signing off on comp plans- Looking at you - ryan rizzo. Also looking at the signees on the playbooks. There are some interesting trends in performance reports when you dig in. There are ethical ramifications to providing false data. That is the only thing that catches the attention of anyone who can call for change. We all know Retalition is the silent additional core pillar here so no one says anything.
this business unit has been disfunctional and chaotic for more than 3 years.
A couple things to consider:
Entresto - there’s a lot of celebrating but bonuses are more dismal than ever.why are leqvio reps tasked with providing samples and resources and not compensated. Former cv reps have been screwed since 2020 while former pcp reps got bonused on hospitalists and cardiology mid levels. This has happened company wide and reported many times.but there is never any action. Why? CV leaders have made the decision to screw the the remaining reps who launched and built the brand that is bringing the lions share of US revenue.

Leqvio - this has to be the shadiest reporting in pharma. Why can’t the injections be tracked. Fu & your teamwork approach. All hands on deck endures no gets paid. Why is the data top secret? Sell sell sell- well we are, but we sharing compensation with multiple reps in multiple areas. We may be 1CV but this approach isn’t cutting it. I know of at least 4 people resigning after this weeks non bonus. I can’t wait to see the overall resignation number.

kpi’s - it’s widely discussed and reported that the last reorganization has been detrimental to business. But where are the leaders. How long do we wait to say, yup- we messed up. The company treats reps as disposable entities and yes, we are replaceable at any time. But it’s a mistake to bench experienced performing reps because a drunk uncle vp gets a wild hair. It’s a mistake to listen to strategy from inexperienced new reps.
I don’t know Diane and Kristen but someone should tell them copay cards and resources to help us sell aka make more money for Novartis does not fix culture. Clearly you were not listening and you didn’t hear us.

All of this.

Me too. My territory has successfully generated almost half that contributed to the district goal. The other territories brought next to nothing.

It’s defeating and demotivating. And then the increase the price. I can only laugh at how Novartis is going to tank.
Did you notice the Performance Modifier on the Leqvio payout? So because the entire company didn’t hit the performance objective, those of us who did got 80% payout? In what world does it make sense to punish the achievers for the performance of the non achievers?

We need to report misconduct from whoever is creating and signing off on comp plans- Looking at you - ryan rizzo. Also looking at the signees on the playbooks. There are some interesting trends in performance reports when you dig in. There are ethical ramifications to providing false data. That is the only thing that catches the attention of anyone who can call for change. We all know Retalition is the silent additional core pillar here so no one says anything.
this business unit has been disfunctional and chaotic for more than 3 years.
A couple things to consider:
Entresto - there’s a lot of celebrating but bonuses are more dismal than ever.why are leqvio reps tasked with providing samples and resources and not compensated. Former cv reps have been screwed since 2020 while former pcp reps got bonused on hospitalists and cardiology mid levels. This has happened company wide and reported many times.but there is never any action. Why? CV leaders have made the decision to screw the the remaining reps who launched and built the brand that is bringing the lions share of US revenue.

Leqvio - this has to be the shadiest reporting in pharma. Why can’t the injections be tracked. Fu & your teamwork approach. All hands on deck endures no gets paid. Why is the data top secret? Sell sell sell- well we are, but we sharing compensation with multiple reps in multiple areas. We may be 1CV but this approach isn’t cutting it. I know of at least 4 people resigning after this weeks non bonus. I can’t wait to see the overall resignation number.

kpi’s - it’s widely discussed and reported that the last reorganization has been detrimental to business. But where are the leaders. How long do we wait to say, yup- we messed up. The company treats reps as disposable entities and yes, we are replaceable at any time. But it’s a mistake to bench experienced performing reps because a drunk uncle vp gets a wild hair. It’s a mistake to listen to strategy from inexperienced new reps.
I don’t know Diane and Kristen but someone should tell them copay cards and resources to help us sell aka make more money for Novartis does not fix culture. Clearly you were not listening and you didn’t hear us.
Did you hear Duane’s comments on the reorganization? He said that everyone was happy with the new territory alignments and that business was immediately impacted in a positive way…

This dude doesn’t have a clue or he does and chooses to lie to our faces. Amazing how out of touch he is either way.

Did you notice the Performance Modifier on the Leqvio payout? So because the entire company didn’t hit the performance objective, those of us who did got 80% payout? In what world does it make sense to punish the achievers for the performance of the non achievers?

That cost a lot of reps who have carried this brand thousands of dollars.
I guess they need to finance Victor's new cameras somehow . . .