Managers aren't the only losers. Look at the quality of the reps all around us. They are the lowest scum possible.
We are all disposable every last one of us. Managers, reps, etc.... We are contract!
Managers aren't the only losers. Look at the quality of the reps all around us. They are the lowest scum possible.
Give nothing, get nothing. This is a good working relationship.
We are all disposable every last one of us. Managers, reps, etc.... We are contract!
Most of the reps I know working contract have had it end early or are let go. They all hate it to begin with then they only do it a year or so. So why is it really even relevant what "you make" when you only work a temporary position a year or so? In the end you make nothing it seems to me.
2 days is alot for a cso. slow down!!! 1 day max for me. I get paid a hell of alot for 1 day. That is my rational!
good way to look at it!!...your mother didn't raise no fool!!
Most of the reps I know working contract have had it end early or are let go. They all hate it to begin with then they only do it a year or so. So why is it really even relevant what "you make" when you only work a temporary position a year or so? In the end you make nothing it seems to me.
The knuckleheads that bitch about Ventiv not making a 'commitment' to them, or getting paid 1/2 or 2/3 of a full-time rep with the contracting company are truly shit-for-brains assholes. So you came to this company, REQUESTING a job, right? Even if they called you for the interview, you could still say no or not call them back...but you did, and you took the job, RIGHT??? It doesn't matter that you were laid off from your last job, or whatever fucking sob story makes you feel better about accepting an offer to come here; they offered, you accepted, AND you have an obligation to EARN THE FUCKING MONEY THEY PAY YOU. This job is easy enough, and if you don't want a 50 or 60k per year job, THEN LEAVE AND LET ONE OF THE THOUSANDS OF OTHER APPLICANTS GLADLY TAKE YOU JOB!!!!
I get the fact that you may have a shitty access territory, or your boss sucks, or your counterparts at whatever company treat you like a 2nd class citizen; I get this because I am currently working a contract position, making 23k less than my full-time slot with Wyeth last year. I GET IT!!! But you know what?? I still look for other opportunities, I still network, and I DO MY JOB, because it's why they hired me. Any idiot that thinks they can slack off here and just 'turn it on' at some other job is fooling themselves...and they're probably too naive to realize it. Plus, if you are a slacker here, and you stay contract for 2-3 one will vouch for your performance if you SUCK. Why should they??? Why risk their word on a loser that just shows up to collect a check???
There are so many people that would BEG to be where you are now---take a trip down to the local unemployment office, or go to a job fair and look at the # of MBAs, or PHDs or Execs that have been looking for work for 1, 2 or 3 years. They would kill for a job in this industry...they would kill for YOUR job.
You my friend are a pussy.
Spoken like an average rep that can't put a decent sentence together. Keep being the slacker you are, friend; just a matter of time before others catch on to your game, including your wife/girlfriend, your friends, family, everyone... no one wants to be around a loser like you.
Well said. Not to say that I don't understand (and even experience) the frustrations that were stated earlier, but this is a job and each of us needs to do it till something better comes along (which it hopefully will!!)
I feel gay when I go to work. I feel like I turn into a fag when I put on my "temp" game face.
4 days is all? I haven't put in a real days work in over a month. That is what this company deserves.