No cell/internet for you!

It's gotta be bad when your company announces they will nickel and dime you on your expense report.

Hey fuckface. This is real money, not nickels and dimes. It is a long way to Roadmap 2018 so shut your pie hole and prep for worse. This ride is bumpier than hell. Declining sales and profits through 1Q18. You ain't seen nothing yet. We waste millions on shit here every day - your free lunches with your fat cow DSMs are next heifer boy.

Hey fuckface. This is real money, not nickels and dimes. It is a long way to Roadmap 2018 so shut your pie hole and prep for worse. This ride is bumpier than hell. Declining sales and profits through 1Q18. You ain't seen nothing yet. We waste millions on shit here every day - your free lunches with your fat cow DSMs are next heifer boy.

Hey , smart-ass free lunches are gone with our budgets you couldn't buy anyone a cup of coffee.

That's only if you itemize. And for a Pss $1000 a year isn't even close to being enough expenses to itemize. The real question is ...... Is it legal for AZ to push off necessary business expenses to their employees. Why would the Pss be responsible to provide to AZ communication channels. You can't pirate your internet from your neighbor. So why should AZ be allowed to pirate your personal internet service

Another indication that AZ is a sinking ship, they have cut the health benefits once again for retirees. Although typical AZ, they word it in legal double speak to make it sound like they are the most generous Pharma company in the U.S.A. but the reality is that they once again are sticking it to the people who helped build this company not the ones that are destroying it.
This is an easy place to cut costs because nobody usually knows about it.
If you are planning on making AZ a career, think twice, because how they treat their loyal retirees is an indication of how much they value you. They will cut your nuts off and never flinch to save a dollar so they can continue to make their millions.

Another indication that AZ is a sinking ship, they have cut the health benefits once again for retirees. Although typical AZ, they word it in legal double speak to make it sound like they are the most generous Pharma company in the U.S.A. but the reality is that they once again are sticking it to the people who helped build this company not the ones that are destroying it.
This is an easy place to cut costs because nobody usually knows about it.
If you are planning on making AZ a career, think twice, because how they treat their loyal retirees is an indication of how much they value you. They will cut your nuts off and never flinch to save a dollar so they can continue to make their millions.

Costs went up AND a cut in benefits for retirees.

Costs went up AND a cut in benefits for retirees.

Retirees are the easiest group to pick on because they have no recourse and it rarely causes a morale issue with current employees. But, I though Obama fixed the health care system. Weren't costs supposed to go down? This company is sinking faster than shit through a goose.
But they won't punish the people truly responsible. Those fuckers will make millions in stock options and their pay will increase regardless of their performance. Why in the world should Frenchie get a pay increase or a bonus? For what? Refusing to take the deal of a lifetime just so he could keep his job. Driving the stock valuation down from $84 to $60 while the company continues to have a steady decline in sales and profits. But remember, he will make Brillinta a blockbuster. Right!!!!!!

Retirees are the easiest group to pick on because they have no recourse and it rarely causes a morale issue with current employees. But, I though Obama fixed the health care system. Weren't costs supposed to go down? This company is sinking faster than shit through a goose.
But they won't punish the people truly responsible. Those fuckers will make millions in stock options and their pay will increase regardless of their performance. Why in the world should Frenchie get a pay increase or a bonus? For what? Refusing to take the deal of a lifetime just so he could keep his job. Driving the stock valuation down from $84 to $60 while the company continues to have a steady decline in sales and profits. But remember, he will make Brillinta a blockbuster. Right!!!!!!

You can tell the character of a person by the way they treat their mother. You can tell the character of a company by the way they treat their retirees. Need I say more? There is no future at AZ whether you are a current employee or a retiree. This ship is sinking fast.

Ignorant ass. It is the retiree benefit prior to Medicare qualification - from 55 -65. The price you pay out of pocket for the continuation of your health benefits just went up. Just like you pay out of your paycheck bimonthly, for retirees they write a check. That check will be higher. And it will happen again in 3 years.

Ignorant ass. It is the retiree benefit prior to Medicare qualification - from 55 -65. The price you pay out of pocket for the continuation of your health benefits just went up. Just like you pay out of your paycheck bimonthly, for retirees they write a check. That check will be higher. And it will happen again in 3 years.

Pascal, aka "The French Fuck", need the money saved by sticking it to the retirees, to buy up a huge supply of hair dye and make up. This guy has all but ruined AZ! Look at the stock price for God's sake, and the company's profit picture! All of it has gone down dramatically since that fool took over!!

Bet the big shareholders out wished they had that $92+ per share offer from Pfizer now!

Pascal, aka "The French Fuck", need the money saved by sticking it to the retirees, to buy up a huge supply of hair dye and make up. This guy has all but ruined AZ! Look at the stock price for God's sake, and the company's profit picture! All of it has gone down dramatically since that fool took over!!

Bet the big shareholders out wished they had that $92+ per share offer from Pfizer now!

Someone comes to you and offers you $100,000 for your 1970 Ford Pinto rusting in your garage and you turn it down because you are convinced that it will be worth a lot more if you just hold onto it for a few more years. That is the definition of insanity.

Someone comes to you and offers you $100,000 for your 1970 Ford Pinto rusting in your garage and you turn it down because you are convinced that it will be worth a lot more if you just hold onto it for a few more years. That is the definition of insanity.

Too funny, and a great comparison! The only ones that have faith in Pascal are the Board members. What does that tell you about their business acumen!

So tired of hearing about Pfizer. If ya'll think that was the answer think again. We would all be gone. And if you don't think so ask anyone with Wyeth or the other companies they purchased. Wyeth being one of the oldest US pharma companies and it was completely disseminated!

So tired of hearing about Pfizer. If ya'll think that was the answer think again. We would all be gone. And if you don't think so ask anyone with Wyeth or the other companies they purchased. Wyeth being one of the oldest US pharma companies and it was completely disseminated!

That is the whole idea dumb ass. We are talking about what is smart business sense not saving your job. What Frenchie did to the stockholders is the equivalent of committing suicide because you are afraid to die. Never in the history of business has anyone made a more stupid decision. Do you really think you are worth what you are paid in salary and benefits?

That is the whole idea dumb ass. We are talking about what is smart business sense not saving your job. What Frenchie did to the stockholders is the equivalent of committing suicide because you are afraid to die. Never in the history of business has anyone made a more stupid decision. Do you really think you are worth what you are paid in salary and benefits?

AZ stock his a new low today $63. The only records we are setting since Frenchie took over are new lows almost monthly. And this is the guy who turned down $90 per share. That would be a 33% loss vs. the Pfizer offer. How much longer can this insanity continue before we get another change at the top and this moron walks away with his millions while we will be losing our jobs.