Working from Home - Pay for our Internet

OMG, that means it is $90,000 over 100 years. That would screw with my retirement. How dare AZ not give us more stuff.

Get a freaking life
BOOOOOOOOOOOFUCKINGHOOOOOOOOOOOO....the OP won't be able to send his/her kids to college cause dear ole AZ isn't paying for their internet. How about we set up a GoFundMe site to help this poor soul out????

AZ now that the reps are working from home, don't you think that our internet is an expense you could reimburse us for? We need a better speed to accommodate being on these remote calls and Skype meetings all the time. We are giving up our lunch hour and aren't even getting to eat. The money you are saving by not feeding us could go towards paying our internet. It is a reasonable business expense! Many companies pay for the reps internet as a standard benefit all year long!

tell your husband to quit watching porn in HD. It will free up bandwidth for your work related internet use.

AZ now that the reps are working from home, don't you think that our internet is an expense you could reimburse us for? We need a better speed to accommodate being on these remote calls and Skype meetings all the time. We are giving up our lunch hour and aren't even getting to eat. The money you are saving by not feeding us could go towards paying our internet. It is a reasonable business expense! Many companies pay for the reps internet as a standard benefit all year long!

Pretty sure thos was a sarcastic comment undoubtedly posted by some pot stirrer on the home office. Went over most of your heads, though.

I've been with the company 6 months now. I was a cheerleader at nowhere state u with my communications degree!!!! I agree pay for my internet!!!!! Also I used a pencil yesterday and it needs to be sharpened. I think the company should pay for my pencil sharpener. Just saying :) Have a great day

Celeste from the mid west!!!

I've been with the company 6 months now. I was a cheerleader at nowhere state u with my communications degree!!!! I agree pay for my internet!!!!! Also I used a pencil yesterday and it needs to be sharpened. I think the company should pay for my pencil sharpener. Just saying :) Have a great day

Celeste from the mid west!!!
For goodness don’t chip a nail sharpening that pencil; you may want to hire someone to do that!

For goodness don’t chip a nail sharpening that pencil; you may want to hire someone to do that!

Hi this is Celeste from the Midwest :) :). Thanks for the advice I'd hate to chip a nail!!! I can't wait to get back in the field and be part of the medical team helping patients and all!!! My o My the girls in the office will love to see my vacation pictures to Bahamas I took with my boyfriend Kip :) :). Oh and my manager is such a dear! I was asking for help and he sat down with me and gave me a plan to help make more bonus called a PIP. Oh and don't forget soon we will have meetings and I can't wait to see all the cute boys from around the country! Be safe all and wash those hands :)

Celeste from the Midwest

OMG, that means it is $90,000 over 100 years. That would screw with my retirement. How dare AZ not give us more stuff.

Get a freaking life
You get a life. Get a new job too. Ask and you shall receive. You, don't ask. You don't close the sale. You just say "Oh whatever, it's only one sale.". It is people like you that allow people to walk all over you.

You get a life. Get a new job too. Ask and you shall receive. You, don't ask. You don't close the sale. You just say "Oh whatever, it's only one sale.". It is people like you that allow people to walk all over you.
Celeste is the best, you all are the rest. You can sharpen my pencil anytime, if you know what I mean!
Keith from Norteast