No cell/internet for you!


How cheap, has it really come to this?

They are trying to address the abuse by punishing all of us. Same old shit from AZ. The biggest abusers are the CBDs, International and Wilmington based marketing teams, and managed markets but they are punishing us instead. The most obvious abusers will not be affected at all by this. Unnecessary travel, ridiculous waste of time meetings so they can end up in their vacation spots with their families or hook up with friends for a long weekend all paid for by the company. This shit has been going on for years and yet we are paying the price. Hey Frenchie, if you want to cut costs, have someone complete an audit on these fuckers. You will be shocked at what you uncover.

Once the company stops paying for this, we will become much harder to get ahold of. There was a saying in the Soviet Union, "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work."

Does that $25 per month really make a difference? Surely, there has to some other ways the company is spending frivolously as mentioned above.

Why continue to demoralize the little guy? The guy on the street who is the face of the company, pushing the company agenda?

Does that $25 per month really make a difference? Surely, there has to some other ways the company is spending frivolously as mentioned above.

Why continue to demoralize the little guy? The guy on the street who is the face of the company, pushing the company agenda?

This is all a ruse so they can claim that they did everything they could to avoid laying us off.

Does that $25 per month really make a difference? Surely, there has to some other ways the company is spending frivolously as mentioned above.

Why continue to demoralize the little guy? The guy on the street who is the face of the company, pushing the company agenda?

Why? Because they want a lot of us to quit. If we are all demoralized, then many of us will look for greener pastures, right? Maybe I am giving them too much credit.

Why? Because they want a lot of us to quit. If we are all demoralized, then many of us will look for greener pastures, right? Maybe I am giving them too much credit.

Here is a lob pitch for you Frenchie, order an audit on managed markets and follow it with an investigation of who is approving their travel, business meals, etc. Clean up the obvious and then you can justify coming after our expenses.

managers STILL trying to have their own meetings so they have something to do?? Managers patting themselves on the back for having their own personal internal meeting? nice work, wasting time and money for the sake of your "managerial" ego!

managers STILL trying to have their own meetings so they have something to do?? Managers patting themselves on the back for having their own personal internal meeting? nice work, wasting time and money for the sake of your "managerial" ego!

They have to show their bosses that they are engaged so they plan these worthless meetings and waste our time. If you want to be really engaged then start making sales calls and sell something. When you come work with us, how about helping us sell something? Oh, that is right, that would require product knowledge and sales experience. My bad.

How about district meetings??? Taking us out of the field for 3-4 hours to talk about nothing. Our job is to SELL, stop wasting AZ money and more importantly, OUR TIME. We are paid to sell, or market, or advertise, or whatever it is called that we do. Let us do what we are paid to do!!!

Here is a lob pitch for you Frenchie, order an audit on managed markets and follow it with an investigation of who is approving their travel, business meals, etc. Clean up the obvious and then you can justify coming after our expenses.

Not sure what your issue is w/ MM. Since the change last year, much different than the old boy CYA that it was known to be.

Retiree here. Let me understand this? The company will not pay for internet access or cell phone anymore?

cell is reduced across the board to $75/month. Starting 2016, no more reimbursing for internet. The last one will be real interesting. I wonder how many people will cancel their home internet. Can you imagine if HQ states that having internet is mandatory. They will either have to get 4G laptops or expect everyone to use IPADS all the time which sucks for any real business use.

So sad. My ipad doesn't get a good signal where I live. So i guess i can't work from home! People on rotational assignments fly home every week. What does that cost. Managers do last minute ride days where they have to fly. What does that cost? They send 1 bottle of pills via fedex. What does that cost to pick, pack, and ship? The waste is absurd, but instead of addressing all of that they demotivate everyone by taking away a simple perk.

This is the classic sign that there real problems ahead. Look for major changes in leadership at the home office, regional and district levels. All managers are under the microscope for their leadership skills and this will be fun to watch! Everyone knows we are "fat" look for some serious downsizing to go on. It may not be announced formally, but the herd will be thinned. It will be done in a way so the herd is not spooked, but it WILL happen. They won't care if you leave, so long it is on their terms. This enterprise wide budget analysis is the first act in getting positioned for either a huge purchase (Glaxo is the rumor or perhaps some other major acquisition) or a merger. Either way, you will wake up to it one get ready. Pull up a seat....the show is about to start!

I can handle the phone reduction but am having a hard time with the no internet reimbursement..all the reports are on our Lenovo which we need internet to me that means it is essential to do our jobs which means it should be paid for! I wish they could cut fed ex and shipping us useless items or find something else non-essential to cut before cutting that

So sad. My ipad doesn't get a good signal where I live. So i guess i can't work from home! People on rotational assignments fly home every week. What does that cost. Managers do last minute ride days where they have to fly. What does that cost? They send 1 bottle of pills via fedex. What does that cost to pick, pack, and ship? The waste is absurd, but instead of addressing all of that they demotivate everyone by taking away a simple perk.

AZ management has found yet another way to further demotivate the sales team, I didn't think they had another one in them. "Sales" is what has the ability to raise the tide at AZ, no one else. Is it too much to ask to give us the time, space and resources to make a difference. Guess so. Clearly, I severely underestimated them.

cell is reduced across the board to $75/month. Starting 2016, no more reimbursing for internet. The last one will be real interesting. I wonder how many people will cancel their home internet. Can you imagine if HQ states that having internet is mandatory. They will either have to get 4G laptops or expect everyone to use IPADS all the time which sucks for any real business use.
Well if they are requiring you to use a computer that requires internet then either

A) they pay for it or provide you some way to access or
B) You now get to claim it ALL on your taxes as a business expense.

They could just strike a deal with a cellular carrier and get a really reduced rate on phones and service then distribute them to everyone, that would cut costs dramatically. They could also allow iPads (if they don't already) to have a wifi hotspot then you could log on your computers from home or anywhere.

Hope they don't goto private cars with mileage reimbursement, that would truly suck.