Next Layoff

Bad stock price, poor future, layoff is certain

Now you do realize that the entire market has been bleeding for several months and we are in the middle of a double dip recession, right? The price of PRX has almost exactly followed the Dow. And the company is Par, not Strativa and PRX is having an excellent year.

Yes, there may be more downsizing along the way for Strativa, but it's not going away. The company is now profitable and doing well for the bottom line. And if you have followed Strativa for the last 6 yrs then you know at some point in the next 12 months they will probably expand again.

Now you do realize that the entire market has been bleeding for several months and we are in the middle of a double dip recession, right? The price of PRX has almost exactly followed the Dow. And the company is Par, not Strativa and PRX is having an excellent year.

Yes, there may be more downsizing along the way for Strativa, but it's not going away. The company is now profitable and doing well for the bottom line. And if you have followed Strativa for the last 6 yrs then you know at some point in the next 12 months they will probably expand again.

Strativa hasn't been around for 6 years jerky.....

Actually, yes it has. Megace ES launched in July 2005. While the sales force was called Par, it was still in essence what Strativa is today. Jerky. :)

May I quote your own words...."While the sales force was called Par"........

Yeah good one......Like I said the branded sales side became Strativa in the

math jerky.....And while your at it "Get Brett Weir I said!"

May I quote your own words...."While the sales force was called Par"........

Yeah good one......Like I said the branded sales side became Strativa in the

math jerky.....And while your at it "Get Brett Weir I said!"

Moron, whether you call it Par Branded Sales or Strativa, it's the same sales force that launched in mid 2005. Who cares what it is called?

NEXT LAYOFF will be the end of September (end of third quarter). This will occur because the board does not think this company is viable and can make a profit. Remove people to increase gains. They have done that every quarter.

Final layoff will occur in December to eliminate remaining employees. Your severance will not be very good so make arrangements now to save money to get you to another position.

I heard the third quarter layoffs will encompass about 19 salespeople... in other words, half the sales force...

Moron, whether you call it Par Branded Sales or Strativa, it's the same sales force that launched in mid 2005. Who cares what it is called?

Look jerky....The branded sales team became "Strativa" in 2007.....So Strativa has been around for 4 years, not 6. It was selling under Pars name for 2 years before it. There is a difference. You messed up, now shut your yap and move on liver-lips.....

Look jerky....The branded sales team became "Strativa" in 2007.....So Strativa has been around for 4 years, not 6. It was selling under Pars name for 2 years before it. There is a difference. You messed up, now shut your yap and move on liver-lips.....

"You say tomato, I say tomato, you say potato and I say potato, tamato, tamato, potato, potato, let's call the whole thing off."

Names don't matter. the Branded division has been around for 6 yrs. Jerky.

I heard the third quarter layoffs will encompass about 19 salespeople... in other words, half the sales force...

Everyone at Strativa is looking for other opportunities and praying to be LET GO. For those of you who do not take charge of your own life, you will be in RETAIL within a year. DO NOT allow this company and its so called leadership team to have the satisfaction of terminating your career. RUN! - this company is without a doubt the ARM PIT of the pharma industry.

NEXT LAYOFF will be the end of September (end of third quarter). This will occur because the board does not think this company is viable and can make a profit. Remove people to increase gains. They have done that every quarter.

Final layoff will occur in December to eliminate remaining employees. Your severance will not be very good so make arrangements now to save money to get you to another position.

Mike G here, x-PAR, Computer systems specialist: you mean there are people left at Par to lay off? Hey drop me a line I'll send you my "list of things to do when there are no jobs" and

things not to do, no matter what: never drink the bong water!
Never head towards the light at the end of the tunnel: It is the oncoming train.
Things I can't belive: the buyout thread is still running. I that guy still getting it by the fistfull? WE's all gona get rich on PAR stock. Better off saying PAR is a green company and hitting bama up for $350 mil Maybe you could retool production and make RIBS !!!

I feel bad for you guys you stuck around trying to keep the companies head above water regardless of top managements efforts to tank it further. Try to spend the remaining money on training courses on the companies dime if you can. Good Luck, Obama has a plan for you uit incolves doing construction. I wanted to go golfing with Omaba but they said I could not bring my clubs :(

It is so hard to say goodbye, to yesterday!!!

This company has been crap since a rick took over! Get out before the end of the year otherwise you will be hoping for the Obama plan to take care of your family.