Next Layoff

You can and should find a job elsewhere. It may not be tomorrow or next quarter, but this company will find a way to screw you out of money. Severance cost me 12 grand in bonus, however, I found a job paying more and I don't have to deal with Brad Hershman, Rick Painter or anyone else with a bumper sticker.

Tru dat......No one deserves this. Soon as the FDA comes back with their findings it will be interesting who keeps their jobs.

Oh my god! people really don't have much of a life. Original poster, you got let go, get over it. Many good people get let go in this industry. Ask all those reps from Pfizer, Sanofi or Abbott. Who knows if there will another round of lays offs or not, this applies to every pharma company and not just Strativa. We have no control over this.
If I'm wrong and you are still with the company than leave before you get laid off and if you are not with the company, I would spend more time looking for a fucking job and less time on Cafepharma.
Either way shut the fuck up!

I already have a job, I am trying to save the remaining children that are being possessed by the devil at Strativa. It is my goal to help all the quality people find a real job and to help them have a better life. Sometimes people just need to know there are better things out there.

53 days until next layoff, sales are down and Strativa needs to cut salary to make it look like a profit. You can pretend that it is not happening but everyone with half a brain knows it is true. (Adam probably does not realize the issues)

Really?? How could you possibly know when the next layoff is?? Why would they have everyone fly to Dallas, spend all that money and give all those speeches if they knew another layoff was coming?

48 DAYS TO THE NEXT LAYOFF. Will most employees stay or will they follow the smart path the the DM "HOOP" took and leave?

Some of my peers that were layed off said the package was bad and could barely cover a person for 1 month. I am looking currently and cannot wait to get a job to suck the company until they figure out I have two jobs.

34 days to the unemployment line and next Layoff!

Ship is sinking it is time to jump out. My manager has already found another job and is just keeping this until the end of September to get his severance. He told me to do the same.