Next Layoff

It has been very quiet. Down to the last 30 days of employment! Last time it was quiet they eliminated 50% of the sales force. Will it be 100%, 90%, 80%? How many are gone this time?

Quiet? I don't agree. There is definitely much more communication than right before the layoff. I think you are over analyzing. Not sure how long we have but it isn't days that's for sure.

Will PAR be opening up 7-11's anytime soon?

You have until 1 year before megace es goes off patent. That is the only drug making you money. The year before all who are writing it will continue and they will max profit by letting everyone go. Too much spent on brand side and the experiment failed. Along the way tons of people got hurt and ng and jm got to Hoffman each other.

You have until 1 year before megace es goes off patent. That is the only drug making you money. The year before all who are writing it will continue and they will max profit by letting everyone go. Too much spent on brand side and the experiment failed. Along the way tons of people got hurt and ng and jm got to Hoffman each other.

you've got at least 2.5 years. Par's suit against TWI guarantees it will be 30 months before FDA can approve a generic.

I call bogus. And here's why, the salesforce was cut in half because we made mistakes with Oravig and Zuplenz (pricing, forecasting, etc;). If both drugs had hit their forecasts, we may have been expanding rather than contracting. We could not support a 200 person sales force due to this. Also, if the original poster new anything about the actual branded vs. generic business (as M. Tropiano pointed out) the margins on Strativa's drugs are so much higher than on the generics, it would make no sense to get rid of them and they do not sell themselves). Now, instead of 200 reps, 19 DMs, and 3 RBDs with 4 drugs doing $95 million a year, we have 113 reps, 10 dms, 1 NSD and 2 products doing $90 million a year. Financially it just makes sense.

I'm not in management, I'm just tired of being negative and wasting my energy. This is happening across the whole industry. I would rather just concentrate on doing my job and being part of the solution, not the problem. Call it corny, but the Team Hoyt clip helped me turn the corner. If you can't do the same, go somewhere else and do your best to be happy. Good luck.

You're not in management... oh, OK and I'm in the space program. Go ahead and quote your numbers. Kind of like how PAR Pharma is loosing $1.47 a share and has fallen over 25% this year. Yeah, I can quote numbers too dipshit. Have you noticed that since the layoff you have been loosing reps (and managers) at a faster clip than before the layoff? Does this have anything to do with the company having..... aaaaaaa...... geeeeee..... ummmm... I don't know..... let's see.... a shit target list where a third of the targets aren't even in the same city, a computer that constantly quits just when a doc is signing, lousy help desks that just send you back and forth from one to the other, weekly fire drills showing a clear lack of direction, shit products nobody has ever heard of and have no coverage, unrealistic expectations for budget spend and signitures (that's why reps aren't really getting them), weekly threats and nasty grams from management, weekly ride-alongs, more targets than any person other than Jesus Christ could manage, shit benefits (2 weeks off and a 401k that doesn't match...that's right, get informed dumbass), a storage locker when there is no reason why you couldn't keep your samples and marketing material at home, last minute reports reps need to put together over the weekend (and end up not being used for anything) and management who look like they belong on the showroom floor of a Whirlpool showroom in Northern NJ. Did I miss anything? I'm sure I did. Oh, also, if you think things are the same across the industry then you have been at Strative too long. Go look at your numbers.

I call bogus. And here's why, the salesforce was cut in half because we made mistakes with Oravig and Zuplenz (pricing, forecasting, etc;). If both drugs had hit their forecasts, we may have been expanding rather than contracting. We could not support a 200 person sales force due to this. Also, if the original poster new anything about the actual branded vs. generic business (as M. Tropiano pointed out) the margins on Strativa's drugs are so much higher than on the generics, it would make no sense to get rid of them and they do not sell themselves). Now, instead of 200 reps, 19 DMs, and 3 RBDs with 4 drugs doing $95 million a year, we have 113 reps, 10 dms, 1 NSD and 2 products doing $90 million a year. Financially it just makes sense.

I'm not in management, I'm just tired of being negative and wasting my energy. This is happening across the whole industry. I would rather just concentrate on doing my job and being part of the solution, not the problem. Call it corny, but the Team Hoyt clip helped me turn the corner. If you can't do the same, go somewhere else and do your best to be happy. Good luck.

Are you serious. Do you really think your little analysis makes any sense. The problem is not sales numbers or projections, it's culture. Forget about layoffs. Reps (and managers) are leaving in droves since the layoff. Everything is wrong with this company and it will continue to wind down to nothing as long as the inept management continues to push this absurd culture. Check back in a couple of month, manager man, and you will see I'm right. Numbers or no numbers. Oh... by the way, PAR is losing $1.47 a share and has fallen 25% this year. I can quote numbers too asshole.

I agree about sucking them dry, I started my new pharma job weeks ago. I leave for training Tuesday morning and plan on taking my computer with me and having people from class sign during the day. My manager will never know and I plan on double dipping until I get caught. It is good to have such an inept management team.

we already know its you and your manager is just getting his paperwork ready for the case they have built on your calls. Once you are fired your new company will also be notified. Guess you didnt know that happens in pharma pal... your f"cked

Sorry Adam but my managers territory is too big and does not have the time to keep up with all of us. I am not worried, I will put in my notice when my manager is schedules his field ride with me so Adam your f-cked and I am richer for double dipping. I love that you in upper management are so stupid

heres whats gonna happen wise guy. since we have an idea of which part of the country this is, we will have a random blitz on ridealongs. as soon as YOU put in your 2 weeks. not only will you be gone from here, you will be answering questions from your other job.

good luck pal

heres whats gonna happen wise guy. since we have an idea of which part of the country this is, we will have a random blitz on ridealongs. as soon as YOU put in your 2 weeks. not only will you be gone from here, you will be answering questions from your other job.

good luck pal

No one cares about your stupid ride alongs- please fire me, so I can collect unemployment and receive 1 of many of the cash settlements this company has been paying out for years.. ... Management here has always been like an insecure high school kid. They always think your cheating. Obsessively wondering where u are, whatcha doin, whatcha wearin, and whatya sayin about me.-VOID of leadership (Brad)--- PAR---- its your fault- You should have never let a bunch of Forrest (Worthless) Executives creep in here and waste so much money trying to play in the Big Leagues. -

no will be caught! and there are ways to let your new company know, new manager know, what you were doing/double dipping. This can be done in a completely legal, off the record way. So you see, YOU are F****D!

17 days left until the layoff. I can't wait since my manager is going to be riding with me soon. I will have to take a vacation from my new job that day but the double checks are worth it.