Next hits to LCC, LTC/N, LTC/S, and InTech


John, if you really wanted to learn a little more about this topic, you would shut up and get some exercise. No, not a stupid one mile walk. Dude, you really need some serious adventure. Why not make yourself a research subject?

Thank you for your thoughtful advice. However, I am currently working 60 hours a week helping people and saving lives.

JL, maybe you should contact "Undercover Bosses" reality program to get a clue of how bad this place sucks since you took over the reins from Sidney. Spend sometime in the trenches to see what it is really like, since you have definitely forgotten.

Also, awesome job getting rid of Heim. That should have happened a long time ago.

JL, maybe you should contact "Undercover Bosses" reality program to get a clue of how bad this place sucks since you took over the reins from Sidney. Spend sometime in the trenches to see what it is really like, since you have definitely forgotten.

Also, awesome job getting rid of Heim. That should have happened a long time ago.

Don't give John all the credit. The company is in the place that it is because of the greatest fraud of them all... Sydney Turell. ($1B in fines).

JL, maybe you should contact "Undercover Bosses" reality program to get a clue of how bad this place sucks since you took over the reins from Sidney. Spend sometime in the trenches to see what it is really like, since you have definitely forgotten.

Also, awesome job getting rid of Heim. That should have happened a long time ago.

Listen punk, I don't need to spend time in no trenches.

FYI, a Harvard PhD is not paid millions to ... sweat bullets. No, I tend to enjoy my corporate jet rides between television appearances. Come to think of it, my life is a reality show!

Kim Kardashian, open wide!

Listen punk, I don't need to spend time in no trenches.

FYI, a Harvard PhD is not paid millions to ... sweat bullets. No, I tend to enjoy my corporate jet rides between television appearances. Come to think of it, my life is a reality show!

Kim Kardashian, open wide!

Oh the Lilly's are rolling over in their graves now.

On a Wall Street Highway to Hell....

Uh, Medicine, what's up with that? Medicine? We manufacture profits. Pure as it gets.

How is that "billion-dollars-in-savings" going? Let's see, over $200 million in severance payouts means another 1000 will have to be 'reallocated'. Then, there are the thousands of headcount added in Chin-Dia, which means even more reallocations at LCC/LTC. Truly, it is john's Gift That Keeps on Giving!

How is that "billion-dollars-in-savings" going? Let's see, over $200 million in severance payouts means another 1000 will have to be 'reallocated'. Then, there are the thousands of headcount added in Chin-Dia, which means even more reallocations at LCC/LTC. Truly, it is john's Gift That Keeps on Giving!

One could only hope that this self-destructive, exponentially expanding snowball of cutting the proverbial fingers to save the hand, could roll down a hill the size of Mt. Everest and at the very bottom, squarely smash to smithereens the LCC without any creating any innocent victims. Of course, that is one tall order. Not many innocents....

No, nothing ever happened. I did not read any bad news in the INDY STAR or even the Wall Street media outlets. No news is good news. Everyone feels safe and productive.

CEO to CFO: "Brother, have you seen an extra $3 billion in lost revenue layin' around?"
CFO to CEO: "I think I hear Fannie Mae needs a new money man...Feets don't fail me now!"

How is that "billion-dollars-in-savings" going? Let's see, over $200 million in severance payouts means another 1000 will have to be 'reallocated'. Then, there are the thousands of headcount added in Chin-Dia, which means even more reallocations at LCC/LTC. Truly, it is john's Gift That Keeps on Giving!

They saved $594,000,000 at last count in pension pay outs that are no longer going to be paid because the amount is about half of what it would have been. For instance, a 52 year old being reallocated 4 years from retirement saves Lilly about $400 per month in pension.......... So, $400 month x 30 years = $144,000

Since we all know that most reallocated people were over 50, we will be conservative and say just 75% of the 5,500 people, or 4,125 employees lost 1/2 their pension. 4,125 x $144,000 = 594,000,000

This is all being figured on a smaller salary of $55,000 per year......

Screw them. Do you have any idea what a terrible burden it is for real, live, hardworking professional folks to be surrounded by idiot contractors?

One idiot management decision giveth, another taketh away.

Zero gain. But John gets his bonus.

How is that "billion-dollars-in-savings" going? Let's see, over $200 million in severance payouts means another 1000 will have to be 'reallocated'. Then, there are the thousands of headcount added in Chin-Dia, which means even more reallocations at LCC/LTC. Truly, it is john's Gift That Keeps on Giving!

They saved $594,000,000 at last count in pension pay outs that are no longer going to be paid because the amount is about half of what it would have been. For instance, a 52 year old being reallocated 4 years from retirement saves Lilly about $400 per month in pension.......... So, $400 month x 30 years = $144,000

Since we all know that most reallocated people were over 50, we will be conservative and say just 75% of the 5,500 people, or 4,125 employees lost 1/2 their pension. 4,125 x $144,000 = 594,000,000

This is all being figured on a smaller salary of $55,000 per year......