Next hits to LCC, LTC/N, LTC/S, and InTech


So, who thinks they know what areas will be hit in each of these locations where Lilly told the Indy Star there could potentially be 500+ reductions at EACH site??? I'll bet there's a lot of talk going on in the homes of Lilly employees all over central Indiana after the articles in the Star, IBJ, and the 6:00 news flub.

Just like everything else we have KNOWN since September, 2009, it is to keep each person remaining literally "on their toes" and "scared" and "in the dark regarding job security". Do you really think any of us will ever know which building, which team, which individual??? Many areas pick one or two people from each team with no reason other than their age, to save on the pension payments to the long term employees.

The bottom line is this: 5,500 people is a whole hell of a lot of employees, many of whom will not know their career fate until the last moment. There has been a ton of discussion among management that the severance packages are costing the company too much and they cannot continue with the severance package in 2011. So, consider yourself one of the lucky ones if you were reallocated in 2010 rather than next year.

Agree with number 2.

There is a definite plan, decided a year ago, to begin using the "new and improved" portable office spaces at We Lie Lilly. The "history" of portable office area started in the 1980s! IBM used the portable office areas to make it easier to get people out the door. A portable area enabled security to show up at the requested work station, tap the employee on the shoulder, let them read their termination letter, and immediately escort them out the door. The new and improved portable office area makes it simple because the ex employee then leaves their computer on the table and goes away. Simple. Clean Cut. Effective. The old IBM way has been improved giving each of us a laptop with a GPS chip to locate the targeted employee.

No need to wait for personal belongings to be collected, because there are none on the new and improved desk space. Good luck to all of us!

many of whom will not know their career fate until the last moment.

Really? Accept reality. If you're not retiring this year, consider your career at Lilly over. There's no future here, only a paycheck to pay the bills while you look for opportunities to build a real career. Don't let Lilly control your future by waiting to see what their next move will be. Your best interest is of no concern to them.

There's no future here, only a paycheck to pay the bills while you look for opportunities to build a real career. Don't let Lilly control your future by waiting to see what their next move will be. Your best interest is of no concern to them.

This is a true statement. Unfortunately, it is also true of nearly every other American company. We are all just working for the top tiered executives, the politicians, and the governement workers. The rest of us are worker bees, who will do anything to continue to feed those in charge.

This is the new pardigm in the United States. Export all jobs that can be done elsewhere, and import low paid illegal (or in some cases, legal) immigrants to do the jobs which cannot be done offfshore. We have been sold out by those in charge.

So, who thinks they know what areas will be hit in each of these locations where Lilly told the Indy Star there could potentially be 500+ reductions at EACH site??? I'll bet there's a lot of talk going on in the homes of Lilly employees all over central Indiana after the articles in the Star, IBJ, and the 6:00 news flub.

Actually, if you read the letter that was submitted (link exists in the Indy Star article online) it says the 500+ jobs are aggregate are across the 4 Indy sites- not each site. And this is just for the October/November time frame. That still leaves 12 months for additional cuts.

The letter also indicates that the titles of jobs to be lost are available by request to Kay Jackson who signed the letter.

Really? Accept reality. If you're not retiring this year, consider your career at Lilly over. There's no future here, only a paycheck to pay the bills while you look for opportunities to build a real career. Don't let Lilly control your future by waiting to see what their next move will be. Your best interest is of no concern to them.

It's true. Don't allow yourself to be bought and sold like a slave. Just which side was the Colonel on?

I am beginning to wonder about that. Good luck and don't be afraid to not be a victim.

Want to have some fun? Ask to meet with someone in HR to explain unemployment compensation in Indiana.

Actually, if you read the letter that was submitted (link exists in the Indy Star article online) it says the 500+ jobs are aggregate are across the 4 Indy sites- not each site. And this is just for the October/November time frame. That still leaves 12 months for additional cuts.

The letter also indicates that the titles of jobs to be lost are available by request to Kay Jackson who signed the letter.

Yes, but in another section of the letter, the wording is not as clear and could be construed as 500+ at each if those sites. Given the large number yet to be canned, this is quite possible.

Want to have some fun? Ask to meet with someone in HR to explain unemployment compensation in Indiana.

How about if we all just meet with someone higher up and let them know it's time to reallocate the HR Reps who are still in baby diapers back to their playpens and cribs! Haven't you had enough when the company says that HR is the next step in job progression for the little babes when the company won't allow career progression for older more experienced and better educated employees?! This company has been guilty of all kinds of discrimination too long. And now the final act: boot the older ones out the door, so they also get no pension. Oh, we'll... Why bother? It's all over anyway. C
But, let's make sure the kiddies in HR share the pain in a very real way - out the door with nothing except the Lilly DOS shirts on their backs. They can continue their good works in the community for free. Let them experience unemployment first hand and fir a good LONG time!! These spoiled brats should have NO hand in determining the future of the people who brought them into the world to start with!!

How about if we all just meet with someone higher up and let them know it's time to reallocate the HR Reps who are still in baby diapers back to their playpens and cribs! Haven't you had enough when the company says that HR is the next step in job progression for the little babes when the company won't allow career progression for older more experienced and better educated employees?! This company has been guilty of all kinds of discrimination too long. And now the final act: boot the older ones out the door, so they also get no pension. Oh, we'll... Why bother? It's all over anyway. C
But, let's make sure the kiddies in HR share the pain in a very real way - out the door with nothing except the Lilly DOS shirts on their backs. They can continue their good works in the community for free. Let them experience unemployment first hand and fir a good LONG time!! These spoiled brats should have NO hand in determining the future of the people who brought them into the world to start with!!

Nicely said. They used a dance of "diversity" to get clueless folks from other countries (and some subcultures of our own) to give us the high hard one.

Next up: IRELAND.

How about if we all just meet with someone higher up and let them know it's time to reallocate the HR Reps who are still in baby diapers back to their playpens and cribs! Haven't you had enough when the company says that HR is the next step in job progression for the little babes when the company won't allow career progression for older more experienced and better educated employees?! This company has been guilty of all kinds of discrimination too long. And now the final act: boot the older ones out the door, so they also get no pension. Oh, we'll... Why bother? It's all over anyway. C
But, let's make sure the kiddies in HR share the pain in a very real way - out the door with nothing except the Lilly DOS shirts on their backs. They can continue their good works in the community for free. Let them experience unemployment first hand and fir a good LONG time!! These spoiled brats should have NO hand in determining the future of the people who brought them into the world to start with!!

Settle down grandpa and take your medicines. Shouldn't you be doing something that better utilizes your experience, like swatting flies on the porch?

Settle down grandpa and take your medicines. Shouldn't you be doing something that better utilizes your experience, like swatting flies on the porch?

I already have one grandparent drugged up on antipsychotics for behavioral control. Imagine that, if someone wants to go for a walk, they will drug you. Give it a few decades, you will see it yourself.

Not funny at all. Don't you have some sales targets to satisfy?

Settle down grandpa and take your medicines. Shouldn't you be doing something that better utilizes your experience, like swatting flies on the porch?

I am not a "grandpa"; just an employee who has seen these disparities far too long. And there are a good number of employees who have been destroyed by the stupid antics of the immature brats who have been given way too much way too soon at both Lilly and in society! Send the baby brat HR reps packing!!!

Actually, if you read the letter that was submitted (link exists in the Indy Star article online) it says the 500+ jobs are aggregate are across the 4 Indy sites- not each site. And this is just for the October/November time frame. That still leaves 12 months for additional cuts.

The letter also indicates that the titles of jobs to be lost are available by request to Kay Jackson who signed the letter.

Ask "Kay Jackson" how Lilly his doing re: the CIA. Any violations? Folks in LTC/N,S, LCC--let the FDA know; show them you care as a parting gift!